Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sea Turtles and their life span

Turtles appeared on earth more than 200 million years ago, the famous "living fossil." According to the records of the "Guinness Book of World Records, the longest lifespan of 152 years. It's worth the ancient god of longevity in animals. As sea turtles have the longest lifespan, so the coastal towns consider regard them as a long-lived mascot, such as human Songhe mainland as a symbol of long life, coastal sea turtle people also considered a symbol of sustainability. There are eight species of sea turtles, including four made in China, mainly in Shangdong, Fujian, Taiwan, Hainan, Zhejiang and Guangdong province in China. The largest number of green turtles turtles in China.

Sea turtles often have activities in the upper levels of their regular migration routes along the coastal waters. They mature at 20-30 years old. When the breeding season comes, they return to their "homeland". No matter how far it is, can save their place of birth, and there lay eggs. It is likely that they can not live as long as their breeding place of birth is broken.

The largest number of nests is 200 or so, the minimum is over 90. The number of eggs is more, but the incubation survival rate is very low. When the young turtles hatched, before they climbed out of the sand itself, and then hurried toward the ocean. It is full of danger, when the little turtles rise from the sand on the beach, a number of natural enemies to see the young life as a delicacy. To successfully reach the sea are only part of the young turtles, survivors growth and development in the sea, passing a new cycle of reproduction.

This is a very interesting question, "how the turtle to maintain gender balance." Sea turtles live mainly in the sea, not only will they breathe to the lungs, but can the full benefits of some of the special organs for obtaining oxygen directly from seawater. They are fully adapted to marine environment. Sea turtles are large and have large volume of business, their appetite is far greater than the turtle. They eat lots of fish, fish eggs, shrimp, crustaceans and molluscs and algae per day.

Their teeth are hard and durable, they can easily scale the little mollusk. The habits of the turtles, the secret of their longevity is nothing more than a big appetite, slow activity and a hard outer shell to protect.
Sea turtle is a treasure, delicious food and rich nutrients are not only our own sustainability, but also a highly nutritional supplement, people who eat them to live. As such, more and more people killed by eating.

What are your thoughts on keeping Snapping Turtles As Pets

There are a number of turtles around these days, many of them work great and attractive pets for those who want a pet that is unique. Snapping turtle is one of the variations around the tortoise and freshwater turtles can often be found offered for sale as a small boy who is cute and attractive. There are two kinds of snapping turtle, including the common snapper and the alligator snapper.

Anyone who thinks a broken pet turtle will have more to learn about the creatures and to consider carefully whether it is the right choice of pet turtle. As was the case with all turtles, snapping turtles will be well cared to make them healthy and happy. It may take more work than many people expect, with many snapping turtles as pets with rush without really considering what is in keeping these animals as pets.

They may be small when you buy them, animals can be very large. In fact, they can adults in a shell length of more than two meters and more than twelve stones! So, do not expect your hatchling to stay small and cute as long as they can easily become large and will be able to house them in an appropriate environment.

Another thing to remember is that these creatures live for about twenty years in captivity, so if you break one you have a pet turtle for a long time. It is beautiful in terms of having a pet than a long life, but it also means that you have a commitment to caring for your turtle for about two decades if properly cared for.

Animals are generally not recommended as a first turtle for a person without any experience in taking care of these creatures. They are more focused on experience in keeping and caring for the turtles.

There is a reason why animals have names turtle fracture. As they grow, they develop very large jaws and can be very aggressive, that is another reason why they are best suited for more experienced than a family that wants to get a first snail to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle fans home happy!

These are all things you should consider if you are looking at getting a snapper turtle as a pet. Characteristics such as their size as they age, their aggression, their needs and your commitment attention will help you better informed decisions about selecting a snapper.

There are a number of turtles around these days, many of them work great and attractive pets for those who want a pet that is unique. Snapping turtle is one of the variations around the tortoise and freshwater turtles can often be found offered for sale as a small boy who is cute and attractive. There are two kinds of snapping turtle, including the common snapper and the alligator snapper.

Anyone who thinks a broken pet turtle will have more to learn about the creatures and to consider carefully whether it is the right choice of pet turtle. As was the case with all turtles, snapping turtles will be well cared to make them healthy and happy. It may take more work than many people expect, with many snapping turtles as pets with rush without really considering what is in keeping these animals as pets.

They may be small when you buy them, animals can be very large. In fact, they can adults in a shell length of more than two meters and more than twelve stones! So, do not expect your hatchling to stay small and cute as long as they can easily become large and will be able to house them in an appropriate environment.

Another thing to remember is that these creatures live for about twenty years in captivity, so if you break one you have a pet turtle for a long time. It is beautiful in terms of having a pet than a long life, but it also means that you have a commitment to caring for your turtle for about two decades if properly cared for.

Animals are generally not recommended as a first turtle for a person without any experience in taking care of these creatures. They are more focused on experience in keeping and caring for the turtles.

There is a reason why animals have names turtle fracture. As they grow, they develop very large jaws and can be very aggressive, that is another reason why they are best suited for more experienced than a family that wants to get a first snail to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle fans home happy!

These are all things you should consider if you are looking at getting a snapper turtle as a pet. Characteristics such as their size as they age, their aggression, their needs and your commitment attention will help you a smarter decision about whether to select a snapper.

What are your thoughts on Aquatic turtles as pets

Aquatic turtles are often easy to maintain and cheap pets. It is not actually the case in small animals.

Time consuming or not

Aquatic turtles are great pets for people who do not want to talk to the animals for much but want to have a pet. They do not need to train them or spend some time with.


The turtle itself is not very expensive but the cost of the tank and its accessories are going very well with a few hundred dollars.

However, only the original price. The maintenance of pets is not very expensive and should not exceed $ 50 a month.

If you decide to turtle as a pet, invest the money initially to purchase a large tank so you do not need to do that when the turtle grows.


Keeping a pet turtle will not take away your time except for cleaning. It is sometimes an overwhelming task. Turtles do not make a mess around your apartment, but the idea can get pretty messy. To extend the time between cleaning tanks, invest in a good water filter.

To completely clean the tank, you must remove the decorations, filter, pump, basking platform and what ever you can have it. You have to clean everything and separate than to set up the tank again.

Wild animals or not

If you think, if you were to get a wild or farmed-in-captive turtle, never take a wild one. This is not a good choice to separate a wild beast from his home.

Space Requirements

Small pets are considered a good solution for small apartments, but an aquatic turtle will need a fairly large tank when it is an adult, so make sure you have enough space for it.

They are good pets for children?

Probably not. If your child wants a pet to play not to get a turtle. Also remember that a child can not take care of it, so you have to.

The last thing to consider about the child and aquatic turtles as pets - Salmonella. Turtles can be carriers of disease and children are often put their hands in their mouths. If you have a turtle, make sure your children wash their hands each time it is in contact with pets.

Information on The three-toed Box Turtle

The three-toed Box Turtle is a resident of Missouri, but can also be found in Alabama and Texas. Three-toed box turtles are so named because three toes on the hind legs. Unlike other turtles that are ready to bite when they sense danger, these turtles shy and quiet. Three-toed box turtles are small and quiet, with convex hulls grows about three and a half to five inches in length. They do not bite.

These turtles differ from the eastern box turtles in color, with dull and / or muted tones, instead of the usual dark colors. They have brown skin, and their heads and legs often yellow or orange spots. The bottom scale, which is the plastron, is a straw yellow color and fewer dark spots.

This type of box turtle is a good species like turtles, and therefore they are very prominent in the pet trade. They have a lifespan of 100 years, unfortunately, their typical life in captivity, reduced to only 30 to 40 years, all because of poor husbandry. It is strongly recommended that the three-toed box turtle should be kept outside, make sure that the case resembles its natural habitat where some sunlight and some may get partial shade. Their housing should be large enough to give them room to cave. The surface must be covered with leaves and plants as ferns, provide shade. Do not forget a water bowl large enough not only to drink but a pleasant place to enjoy both.

Humidity is a major problem for these species, so the beds (which can newspaper) to 80 percent humidity. To do this, simply spraying the litter in the area to dry. Do not put gravel or sand in the closet because they can be abrasive and may in particular the many injured turtles. Additionally, you should give them a basking temperature of 88 ° C.

This type of box turtle can be kept indoors. In fact, the only kind of box turtle are adaptive and can live in an indoor facility. They should not be placed in a glass aquarium anyway. They must have visual barriers. Instead, place them in a wooden cabinet, and ensure that they
submerged and soaking area.

Turtles belong to this family are omnivorous. Their diet consists of 60 percent or more of animal matter. These include caterpillars, pink mice, crickets, snails, woodlice, shredded chicken, spiders, crawfish, worms and carrion. The remaining 40% of their diet consists of boiled (and, of course, mashed) potatoes, fruit (melons, apples and bananas) and green leafy vegetables like cabbage and lettuce. Feed boy and little turtles once a day, and large turtles three to four times a week. Obesity is also a source of concern among the turtles, so beware that they are not overfed.

Do you know wht could be the possible reason that Eastern Box Turtles Have Hinged Shells?

Eastern box turtles are so named because their ability to "cash in" quite a time of real or perceived threat or attack. They are able to achieve this through a hinge at their lower shell (plastron), allowing the top shell (scale) and lower shell are ideally suited for the East turtle head, legs and tail.

Eastern box turtles are small, terrestrial turtles with shell lengths between 5:56 inches. The East turtles are most popular among box turtles. They are easily recognized by their oval shape, high domed shells, usually dark brown with bright yellow, orange and / or red spots. The plastron is dark areas, especially on the borders of SCUTT. They have brown skin with yellow or red markings.

The Eastern Box Turtles are omnivorous, eating about 50% of animal meats, such as snails, earthworms, insects, snails and carrion, and 50% vegetable material, such as leafy vegetables, fruits, berries and seeds. You need to feed these turtles on a plain, flat stone, instead of serving their food in a bowl or dish. This approach will help the natural vegetation of the beak and claws to reduce turtle, it will gradually and continuously to strengthen them against the rock while feeding. Providing food rich in calcium, which boiled egg shells such as the turtle can chew when she feels the need for more calcium.

The average lifespan for Eastern box turtles is 40 years, but, believe it or not, they can live more than 100 years! Their age can be estimated by counting tree rings on their SCUTT. It is best to count the rings on the plastron, because the lower shell also allows investigation of the wear pattern. However, rains over the age of 20 years is unreliable because box turtles have stopped growing when, and the plastron is usually carried.

Eastern box turtles native to the eastern United States, can live either outside or in a large indoor space. If possible, you should think about creating an outdoor housing with sun, shade, grass and a small pond with water deep enough for swimming. The turtles are happier and healthier in these circumstances. Make sure you provide adequate protection outdoors, raccoons, dogs or other predators to prevent the housing.
Unlike other turtles, eastern box turtles usually do not bite as an expense. However, they will have great difficulty to get free or retreat into their shells. They are able to lock in their shells so strong and complete that even a knife can not get between the carapace and plastron.

Eastern box turtles hibernate from October to April by digging a hole in the loose soil, decaying vegetation, or mud. They usually choose to dig in the forest or along the edges. Sometimes they dig near closed canopy wetlands. Eastern box turtles tend to return to the same place every year to overwinter. When they come out of hibernation in April they begin feeding and looking for mates

Monday, May 30, 2011

Learn the importance of Saving Sea Turtles

The earth is a blue planet, the ocean is the life of the survival of humanity homes. Turtle is the messenger of land and the right friends. Save the turtles to save the planet itself, the love it is the love of humanity itself. We join hands for Sea Turtle Conservation in and our contribution.
Nowadays, more and more turtles listed as endangered species. All species of sea turtles are reduced to varying degrees. Especially big turtle and leatherback turtles, which are most at risk of extinction.
Faced with this situation, we need to save the turtle. What is the importance of savings and protect them? In fact, anyone remember the importance of protecting and saving, just that some people do not understand the importance of protecting and saving them. Or to seek personal gains, they're still hunting for the precious turtle. It is really heartbreaking. So now allow me the importance of saving sea turtles to introduce to you.
First, life on earth not just to survive. Under certain conditions specified environment, they are linked together and live together. The existing protected animals on the planet all have an equal right to life, as our people. The person will be very sad if there is a shortage of animals. If some species have become extinct, may have a chain effect, and even the humanity is gone.
Secondly, the sea turtle is the world's total biological resources. Many countries have some of the turtles. Many countries have ranked them in protected animals. So there is great significance of saving them.
Third, to save the turtles is to save mankind. The destruction of the environment, the survival of humanity and the turtle faces a different threat. The killing of the turtles has even led to a new pest, the loss is that we are not irreparable. Therefore it is necessary to protect them so they are not a source of a plague. And make our turtles are man's best friend.
Fourth, the future of metropolitan development must rely on the next generation to keep creating. So we want to make clear that caring for animals is a kind of human being, saving animals is everyone's responsibility.
In short, to save the turtles and save endangered animals, is not just a matter for government, a matter of professional workers, but also everyone's business. Each of us needs to protect wildlife.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Do you agree with me that Information on Turtles are important to understand them as pets

 Turtles are reptiles, and more specifically, they belong to the order called Testudines and super-order Chelonia. This is why the turtle enthusiasts often affectionately refer to their pets as Chelonians. Turtles are also commonly called terrapins in the UK, although it does not indicate any technical differences from the turtle.

There are about 300 different species of turtle in the world today, although the number may shrink over them-Sea Turtles especially entering endangered species list. Turtles such as Red Eared sliders and other breeds commonly kept as pets, however, are very numerous and in no danger of being colored.

Like other reptiles, turtles are cold blooded, meaning their body temperature adjusts to match the temperature of their surrounding environment. Therefore, they need to bask in the sun to warm up their bodies and also why those who live in northern climates, dig into the mud and hibernate when winter comes.

The chief characteristics of turtles is their carapace (bony shell) as a channel for their ribs, fused together, which protect it from predators. The lower shell that covers the underside (belly) is called the plastron. In most turtle species is the outermost part of the tank is covered by scales (SCUTT) that a portion of their outer skin. Turtles are certainly not hard SCUTT: soft-shelled turtle and leatherback turtle turtle with a leathery skin on their shelves instead.

Land-dwelling tortoises are pretty heavy, large, domed shell. However, soft-shelled turtles and invertebrates have shells easier to keep from sinking into the ponds and the ocean and to enable them to swim faster and with greater flexibility.

Turtles can pull their legs, tail and head safely inside their shells when they are in danger. Turtles have two ways to sign their necks inside their shells: they contract their neck under their back, while others contract their neck to the side. But they do, it is quite amazing to see.

Turtles' noses are placed over their heads so they can breathe while mostly submerged in water only its nose above the surface. Not put a turtle in the water, however. It is an entirely land-based anaimal and drown in deep water.

Land turtles have flat feet with claw fingers, while water and semi-aquatic turtles have webbed feet. Turtle is so thoroughly designed for life in the open sea, they have flippers for legs.

Turtles have no teeth, but with sharp beaks that they use to catch prey. Carnivorous species usually razor-sharp ridges for slicing their prey. Plant-eating turtle ridges with serrated knife to cut through rough vegetation.

Turtles 'shells are usually colored black, brown or olive green. Some kinds of turtles' shells have yellow, orange, red, gray or markings such as stripes, spots or blotches. The Eastern Painted Turtle is one of the more beautifully colored species: It is an olive green or black shell with red markings around the edges and a yellow plastron.

The largest living turtle is the Leatherback Sea Turtle can reach lengths of 6 feet 6 inches and weighs up to £ 2 thousandth The largest chelonian Archelon Ischyros ever existed, and stretched 15 feet from nose to tail.

Common bacteria Infection found inTurtles

Slow moving and hard shell turtles make fun pets, but with a bit of a problem. Tortoises and turtles often suffer from bacterial infections that cause disease. The good thing is that with proper nutrition housing, and sanitation of the infection can be avoided for the most part. Familiarity with a wide variety of bacterial infections that your turtle or tortoise will collapse, is an important part of keeping your friends slowly moving a good feeling.

Eye infections and conjunctivitis

Eye infection usually occurs on the surface of the cornea, but can also develop on the eyelids of creating irritation and inflammation. It begins as a small white spot and as the infection progresses may spread across the surface and create an ulcer on the eye. Eye infections are caused either by contaminated water (such as aquatic or semi-aquatic turtles) or low humidity (turtle). Treatment usually consists of local antibiotic eye drops.


It is a bacterial infection of the cloaca that results in an inflamed cloacal opening and a smelly discharge. These are often associated with parasitic infections, or sone cloaca-like calculus. The stone should be removed and parasitic infections are treated (if any) before the irrigation of cloacal area. The irritation threshold is a dilute Betadine or chlorhexidine solution. The final phase of treatment is the application of a topical antibiotic ointment for the cloaca opening.

Necrotic stomatitis

Commonly known as foot rot, necrotic stoma tits often caused by the bacterium Pseudomonas or Aeromonas. Mild cases can be treated by swabbing the affected area with diluted Betadine. However, a more advanced cases should be treated with antibiotics. Turtle disorders such as poor jaw alignment or mouth injury, allowing them to mouth rot.


Turtles and tortoises suffering pneumonia in one of two forms, acute and chronic. Chronic pneumonia can appear suddenly and death in just a matter of hours if not treated quickly. Symptoms include shortness of breath, coughing and disorientation. Chronic pneumonia caused turtle with chronic respiratory problems and runny nose. Treatment of both acute and chronic pneumonia involves the injection of antibiotics.

Ear abscesses

Ear abscesses are a common problem that most of the turtles face. Symptoms include swelling of the eardrum and drainage of pus in the back of the throat. It is difficult to identify something ear abscesses formed, so that treatment is usually when they are in an advanced stage. In most cases, swell should be surgically opened and drained.

Buying Turtles As Pets involves a lot of Planning and efforts

The purchase of a turtle as a pet requires a little thought and planning, like buying any other pet. There are several important considerations to go, because this type of turtle you want, what their needs and if you are able to provide for that.

Many people think that having turtles as pets does not require much work or care. In fact, the purchase of the turtle and take home as a pet takes a lot of commitment and care.

The average life expectancy for the sea turtle is around fifty years and is one of the main things to consider when you want to buy a turtle. Especially if you buy a turtle as a pet for a child. Although turtles are easier to maintain than some kind of pet, they still need love and attention and the environment and nutrition to be able to have a healthy life.

Depending on the type of turtle you choose as your pet, you need to do the right amount of research to know what kind of environment they need to live and what they need to feed.

Most pets have similar needs as far as food is concerned, which is actually a variety of fresh vegetables, lettuce is one of the most popular choices. (Avoid iceberg lettuce, however, as this can cause diarrhea.) There are different kinds of turtles you can look at the property, including turtles, semi-aquatic and fully terrestrial.

They are all similar in many ways, but each one has specific needs and you should talk to an expert in the pet store to buy one. You must choose a turtle that is best suited to your own home life and your ability to provide a good life. Some pets do not require much in the way of lighting and heating conditions as others, then you should make sure that you know quite well the different kinds of turtles when you want to buy one and get the home of your next pet.

You can have a good relationship with your pet turtle, and many people take the time to get to know all about their turtle find it possible to create a link to them and rewarding.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Insight on Marine turtles

The Ningaloo region is identified as having large ranges for the life cycle of sea turtles nest. Three main types of sea turtles nest on the Ningaloo coast:

o Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas)

o loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta)

o turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata)

The young turtles drift and feed in the open ocean. If they sign a certain size, land turtles settle near the coast.

Sea turtles grow slowly and take between 30 and 50 years to reach sexual maturity. They lived for years in one place before they are ready for the long spawning migration up to 3000 km from feeding areas to nesting beaches.

During the breeding season, to see between November and February, you can visit the green, loggerhead and hawksbill turtles (three of seven species of sea turtles) come ashore to lay their eggs or fry to see rushing back to the sea

After reaching sexual maturity, the life cycle of sea turtles breed for several decades, but there may be intervals between breeding years.

When breeding, nesting females return to the same region, probably near where they were born.

Courtship and mating takes place in shallow waters near the nesting beach. Females often mate with more than one male and after mating, the men return to their feeding grounds.

When you have finished laying eggs, the female turtle climbs from the sea above the high water line, usually about an hour before, until about two hours after high tide at night.

In preparation for nesting, the female turtle away loose sand with four flippers to form a body pit. They dug an egg chamber vertical pear shaped with the hind flippers. Often the sand is not suitable for nesting, especially when it is too dry, and the turtle moves to another site. For most turtles, digging the nest takes about 45 minutes. It then takes another 10 to 20 minutes was the sequence of leathery eggs. Each clutch contains about 100 eggs white, spherical, "ping-pong ball size.

After laying, the turtle fills the egg chamber with sand using the hind flippers, and then fills the body pit using all four of its games. Nests can be covered to a depth of over a meter of sand blown over during the incubation of eggs. The turtle finally crawls back into the sea, in water about one to two hours after leaving. Green turtles may take longer to resolve.

On the beach, liquid depends on the view of the turtle. This is a concentrated salt solution that helps eliminate excess salt taken by the turtle sea water drinkable. This solution also washes his eyes free of sand.

A female turtle usually lays six clutches of green eggs every two weeks. Between the efforts of nesting females collected near nesting beaches. They returned on the same beach to lay successive clutches in the life cycle of sea turtles.

Incubation and the sex of their offspring depending on the temperature of the sand. Hot black sand produces mostly female and eggs hatch in seven to eight weeks. Eggs laid in cool, white sand resulting mainly males and the eggs to hatch more.

After hatching, the baby a few days to dig their way through the sand to the surface.
Leaving the nest, usually at night the head waiter to the ocean. Boy is easily disoriented and attracted by the bright light, such as street lights and the house - which contributes to many newborn deaths.

Most babies, the ocean, although crabs and sea birds on the beach attack. During the early hours in the water, these young turtles face heavy predation by sharks and other fish.
In February and early March, the turtles nest and venturing into the sea

Then the life cycle of turtles to the next generation.

This page has not only lots of information on sea turtles, take a look at my other related topics, including:

o sea turtles at Coral Bay, Ningaloo Reef

o green turtles

Loggerhead turtles o

Hawksbill turtles o

Monday, May 23, 2011

Learn how to take care of Baby Bearded Dragon Lizard

The bearded dragon lizard, an Australian resident, is one of the most popular choice when choosing a reptile as a pet. Largely because of his gentle and friendly character, this charming pet reptile shop and gracing homes in an ever faster pace.
The determination of the bearded dragon lizard as part of the family requires planning and care. Below are some guidelines that can be used in caring for baby bearded dragon with the newest member of your family.
1. Baby bearded dragons need a lot of food or for their rapid growth. Between the first 3-6 weeks, feed your baby dragon about 2-3 times a day. Cricket, vegetables and greens can be used while watering or twice a day is made. The rule of thumb is that the food you feed them is about half as large as the distance between his eyes. This is to ensure that your dragon will not suffer from terminal indigestion.
2. Regularly check for parasites. Although they are parasite-free purchase, sober in captivity, there is always the risk of parasite infestation once your baby dragon is exposed to the elements, especially the bugs, worms and crickets he will be fed.
3. Provide enough space for your dragon to grow in. The recommended size is a 10 gallon tank for a newly hatched dragon, while a 20 liters tank is needed in the next six months due to a rapid growth in your baby dragon. If your bearded dragon reaches adulthood, the size should be changed to a 50 liters tank to have enough space for sunbathing, exercise and growth.
4. Clean the house regularly baby dragon. Because bearded dragons are messy creatures, their house twice a day cleaning. It is a risk to health of a baby dragon as their surroundings are not kept clean, because of their young age makes them more susceptible to fleas and diseases. The highest mortality rate of the bearded dragon will take place during their first month.
5. Provide temperature control in the tank of your baby dragon. This can be done using a temperature gradient. There should be a place hot enough for the baby dragon to bask and lie on it and there should be a place humid enough to meet the needs of the water dragon. Baby bearded dragons need water, as well as drink and air to support their growth in the first months of life. Lack of moisture in the air can actually cause your baby dragon to cast.
6. Provide UV light. The light given off by a need to emulate the sun, because it helps in digestion of your baby dragon. Working in a way such as photosynthesis, UV light stimulates a healthy digestion in your dragon. This is especially important for baby dragons as they are in danger of indigestion due to your young age and reduced ability to absorb food in large sizes.
7. It is recommended to use paper towels as substrate baby dragon. Hair is clean, easy to replace when dirty and inedible.
8. Dealing with your day-to-day dragon. It will build their trust in people and develop their relationship with you. But make sure you are careful when using it and not take their tails. They do not like it and he flounder, which is harmful to your baby dragon. You can choose to scoop them up in their hands.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Are you aware of the fact that The pond experience appears to be the new trend in turtle care.

Experience pond seems to be the new trend in the care of a turtle. It consists mainly of having a pond area and a nesting place. The concept is quite unique in that it divides the pond section with ample space for swimming pool and then provides a deeper part of egg burial or simply sitting under the heat lamp.
The design is such that it consists of a large bathtub that is molded onto a large piece of plastic. It is usually marked with a turtle or a tortoise shell tray. The placement of these products are usually on the floor or on a counter type setting.
As he sits on the ground and can be put into a corner in an apartment or living room, it provides more of a turtle pen grip and feel to it.
This trend is called "experience pond." There are some problems, but there are lakes that experience and they are:
- Small children should be cautious when using containers. They can fall into the worst creatures and touch tub and take seriously debilitating diseases such as salmonella. -Tank is very big and not transparent (see-through) so it requires the top to try to be helpful. This means that it is necessary to set the floor for optimal viewing, or must take counter space. -Cleaning Units require the total evacuation of the tank so he can clean like a room.
Turtle, red ear slider turtles or aquatic turtles need a large tank for swimming, so that the location of the pond works well for that, however, that the turtle swims minimum warm-up and do not need a complex system, but simply need a pool to swim in an area for basking and get thermalized.
An alternative to the pond environment is an aquarium with a wading pool, a pool or moderate. Often a structure is constructed as a glass partition or climbing media so that the turtle has a place to climb and bask, then get off and swim. These systems have their limitations and usually ends with mixed results.
The system is the most favorable area for basking associated with swimming. This concept is similar to the pond, accept that it uses an aquarium glass wall with silicone instead of the tank completely molded.
The problem arises for cleaning the pool can be a big minus to own reptiles, too. The water must be cleaned almost daily in some cases and allows the maintenance of an enterprise workforce.
Like cleaning the pond environment requires a complete evacuation of product.
A final alternative is to have separate pool and removable. Most use a clay pot, or even a Tupperware container to facilitate container pools. Problem with this solution is that they are ugly and do not pet animals when it comes to climbing in and out of the pool.
Some manufacturers have developed a pool with steps to climb and descend into the pool. It helps with the animal inside and outside the water. In addition, some are even designed with serrated surface of the rock they seem so real and uniform aesthetic environments reptiles.
The pool size is ideal for most animals are around 3 gallons or more. shallow pools are usually smaller animals such as frogs and salamanders.
A final word of note: Some animals are not smart enough to leave the water and can drown if the water is too deep. hermit crabs and frogs may even be that way. Make sure you understand the behavior of your pet before doing so in a pool environment. Talk to a local store pet or your veterinarian for heating and soaking their behavior.

Gather some information on Turtle Conservation

The turtle is an entity that has wide appeal. This seemingly peaceful and graceful in water, slow and clumsy on land charming. It is always a treat for divers when they encounter a turtle around rocks or swimming in open water. The sad reality for wildlife conservation is that many turtle species are struggling to survive in the wild as their homes are disturbed by human activity. The better known in the wild and Green Turtle species are endangered, and many lesser known species critically endangered. Some, like the black softshell turtle, which is already extinct in the wild.
Goa turtles
An example of the wildlife conservation work done to counter this is a turtle conservation program in Goa, where wildlife conservation activists Turtle Protection Center reported that 35 turtle nests dropped to just seven in the past decade.
Nest sites with which the turtles are particularly vulnerable because newborn turtles to withstand short but challenging route from nest to sea, and because the site is suitable for nest even declining in number. So focus on conservation of animal species work is to protect these nesting sites. Only about one out of thousands of newborn turtles will grow to become adults, which means that the next generation is diminishing in size.
Tourism violated
Goa is an excellent example of an area where tourism is having a negative impact on populations of sea turtles. As the area develops to increase the capacity for the tourist industry, natural turtle's area is reduced. Furthermore, with the increase of visitors to the area, suffers turtle beach excitement that used to be peaceful enough for them to settle.
Part of the wildlife conservation efforts in Goa involves guarding the nest where the pregnant turtle and their children are most vulnerable. If this kind of work appeals to you, you might be interested to hear that you can participate in wildlife conservation work of this type as part of a sabbatical for adults ride.
Light pollution
Light pollution is traditionally concerns for nocturnal animals, but it may be critical to the life of the turtles, too. The timing of the hatches often coincides with a month, because the newborns instinctively head toward the light to reach the sea. As a result, newborn baby turtles get confused by streetlights and houses, causing them to head away from the lake when they climb over the relative safety of the water. On a gap year for adults Wildlife conservation projects, you will participate in campaigns to educate reach about ways to minimize the effects of artificial light in the turtle.
The litter created by careless tourists and approachable is often confused with tortoises as food. Plastics are especially dangerous because it can not be digested and apparently the preferred food for the tortoise: the jellyfish. This means that the turtles are often found starved to death with a plastic coating the stomach. Wildlife conservation schemes typically involve the collection of garbage from the area of ​​beach near the turtle nesting sites.
On sabbatical for adult trip of this kind in Goa, makes you enjoy the beauty of the local environment while helping the efforts of a conservation project to preserve it.

Gather some knowledge on Turtle Habitat

If you want to keep your turtle happy and healthy, you have to invest time and energy to build a perfect turtle habitat.
Things you need to build a turtle habitat
o Aquarium Thermometer
o Aquarium heating
o UVA and UVB wavelengths mounted full spectrum light
o aged water or dechlorinated
o logs or large stones
o £ rock / sand / gravel
o aquarium filter
O Aquarium / turtle tank
Instructions on how to build the perfect turtle habitat
# 1
Do your background research on your natural habitat turtle carefully and try to simulate the native habitat.
# 2
Always give your turtle enough room to swim and sunbathe. A 40-gallon tank is the smallest size you should choose the idea and never more public, more turtles than it can hold. The above size is good for two turtles.
# 3
Water must be clean, fresh, aerated and free of bacteria. This prevents the shell and skin abscess in the ear and turtles, all results of poor water sanitation.
# 4
An under gravel filter should be placed in the bottom of the tank, covered with a one-inch layer of pond stone, sand and gravel.
# 5
Then the turtle tank filled with dechlorinated water (up to half a tank).
# 6
A basking for your turtle in the tank made of logs and boulders, which should rise from the surface of the water. It should not be more than one third of the total tank area.
Warnings and tips
o Your turtle tank clean, fresh, healthy water. Filtering the water for a day or two about your pet turtle to the tank.
o The use of the turtle tank, scrub and rinse the whole tank with a scrubber light, hot water and non-iodized salt. This causes the water spotless.
o If your turtle immediately in the new water in the tank, he may suffer from thermal shock. slowly getting used to him.
o basking area for your turtle, you should be well guarded and safe. If a lid to be so tight that your tortoise is not in itself to escape from captivity.
o The filter in the tank should be adequate ventilation.
o Do not make the basking area is very steep or otherwise unusable, if your turtle will not be able to climb it. The floating log must be sturdy and heavy enough. This prevents flipping over.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Tips and ideas on how to manage a good Tortoise diet

One of the most unique and exciting aspects of compliance with the turtles is to develop and manage a proper diet for your pet turtle. Unlike most domestic animals such as dogs, cats and fish, turtles eat a wide variety of food and as such should be given a varied diet. Turtles are omnivores, meaning they eat both meat and vegetables. Turtles can try to find something that fits in their mouth (including gravel) food! 
A turtle diet will vary depending on the type of turtle you have. The most popular pet tortoises are turtles, which include Red eared.Water turtles are more active than the other terrestrial turtle, so they tend to eat more meat. Turtles will also continue to eat meat as they get older, whereas terrestrial turtles eat less food and less than their age. In this article I will provide some dietary guidelines for a typical water turtle food. 
The type of food in the diet of your turtle can be divided into three groups: Commercial bought reptile food, vegetables and meat.The commercial food purchased from a pet is a good staple for your turtle, but it's not just enough for a balanced diet. 
As a rule of thumb: 
Purchased commercial reptile Food: 25% Greens: 50% Meat: 25% 
Purchased commercial reptile Food is expensive now, but it's just an increase of 25% of a balanced diet. They usually come in the form of "turtle sticks" or small food sticks float on water. They are extremely easy to use, because all the remaining pieces can be easily creates a backup from the water to prevent them rotting in the tank. 
Vegetables should be half of a good diet turtle. There are many vegetables that can be given to the turtle, and some should be avoided. A simple way to save money by keeping the turtles are always reserved vegetables from your own kitchen to feed your turtle. If you plan well, should you be able to make the most of the vegetables to give your turtle the leftovers from your meal. 
Meat is an important part of a good diet turtle. When turtles are very young, they eat less meat (up to 50% or more) than when they reach adult size. While you will be able to feed your turtle some foods from your diet, you'll also need some live food for your turtle to offer. A very exciting part of keeping the turtles is to provide live food and watching your turtle hunting. Exercise is good for turtles, but often live food is oily, and they should be given only occasionally. 
Among the most rewarding aspects of keeping pet turtles was to develop the right combination of vegetables and meat to feed on a regular basis. There are many possibilities, and turtle diet part 2, I will outline some of the best food to feed around the house. 
Unfortunately many pets die in captivity, because owners have not learned the simple basics of turtle care. Keeping turtles is not difficult as the owner know the basic needs of the turtle health and happiness.

Difference in care of turtle and tortoise

Although the care of turtles have much in common, there are important differences that must be considered before becoming owner of the animal from one species. Both family members Testudines need an environment that allows sunlight for thermoregulation. It is important for all animals, but specific requirements vary between species. In addition, the turtles will benefit from a healthy vegetarian diet. But there are specific requirements for chelonians. Turtles can generally be divided into three main categories: aquatic turtles, semi-aquatic turtles and tortoises. 
Aquatic turtles need two elements in their environment. The first is an amount of water they can completely submerged. The second is a well-lit and dry for several days of swimming, which serves to regulate their body temperature. The majority of their time and energy went completely underwater. In fact, aquatic turtles should be completely submerged for many to swallow and digest their food. Changes in diet to animals "as they mature young adult turtles in the turtle. At the beginning of their lives they eat insects and worms as well as a healthy vegetarian diet. In adults, they are particularly darker as leafy vegetables. 
semi-aquatic turtles also split their time between wet and dry environments. The main differences between turtles and semi-aquatic turtles are semi-aquatic mammals do not need to be completely submerged in water and they spend more time in a dry environment. They need a source of clean fresh water to drink.Omnivorous animals throughout their lives, so their diet should always include worms and insects, with vegetables. 
Turtles do not need an aquatic environment. In fact, turtles require a specific level of humidity, because they prefer very dry, desert environment. Turtles also generally require larger environment for the proper use of energy and growth. Tortoises are herbivores for the rest of their lives.

Friday, May 20, 2011

What are your thoughts is it possible to teach Tricks to our pet turtle?

A lot of people think that turtles are not smart enough to learn the tricks and turtles are pets that are more for show than anything else. The truth is that even though their brains are slightly more primitive than say a dog, it is still possible to teach them your skills and tricks, but I say this knowing that it would not be a straightforward trip for an owner who wants to invest time and effort to teach their new skills turtle.
In fact, there are three things that I think you'll have to make it easier to learn your turtle new things, and they are ...
1) age turtle
Young turtles are much easier to learn the tricks turtle than older and more mature with them. Unfortunately this is a case of not being able to teach old turtle new tricks, because the adults get stuck in. .. yep you guessed it, their old ways. Younger aged one year old tortoise is ideal to start training, and if your patient and make it a common thing you will notice progress.
2) The species of turtle
Some species of tortoise are smarter than others, and trying to train them become easier. A turtle, for example, are harder to train than a box turtle as Box turtles turtles are pretty smart. Most turtles can learn new things, but some are just a little more slowly than others.
3) How good of a bond you have with your pet
To really help your progress turtles, you should have a good bond with them. If your turtle is uncomfortable or afraid of you it's hard to even get them to come out from their shells around you. If your turtle bites you when you try to handle it, it is also a clear sign that it does not trust you in cases like this you have to take time to build trust between you and your turtle, and only then you can take things further by teaching them tricks Turtle.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Here are few spy Gadgets available to public

Throughout the years, many beautiful pieces of spy technology that wowed the crowds and left them wondering, "What if it was possible?" In many cases, this equipment has become a reality and is available in stores and online to any customer willing to buy. Some types of "spy technologies" used in our daily lives.
Top gadgets available
There are five main spy movie gadgets available to the public for purchase. These include:
1. Microchips 2. Flashlights with extra features 3. Incredible watches 4. Remote monitoring equipment 5. Mobile Phones
Microchips are becoming less and less. As a result, they are in almost all parts of equipment in the area. In spy movies, would microchips serve as a "homing beacon" or Global Positioning System (GPS) to follow the hero. Will normally be embedded in a jacket or other garment. Although these "spy technologies" is not a standard chipping people, many shelters offer this service. GPS systems are available in most mobile devices to track where your friends or children currently find themselves.
Flashlights with extra features
The movie had the hero a flashlight, which had many functions. Currently available to consumers are also flashlights that work as a two-way radio in case of an emergency. Other common elements found on a torch include laser pointers, UV light, laser sights, sirens, mobile device chargers and flashing lights for emergencies.
Incredible Watches
Watches spy movies would always flashy, and multifunctional. Current watches offer audio recording and playback video using the Micro-card expansion of storage space. Other features include handguns, a USB drive, a cell phone and a screen to play the recordings. The greater the wrong, the more features it offers.
Remote Monitoring Equipment
Spy films often show a very guarded a villain from some type of device. Remote monitoring equipment currently serves many purposes in modern society. Webcams and surveillance equipment at home can help you in your home to see from a remote location. This is also an advantage for businesses, banks, labs or other area needs monitoring. There's even a whole industry dedicated to hidden cameras.
Mobile Phones
Mobile devices are used by most of us daily. We live in a fast moving, a must-answer-now society. Mobile communication enables us to stay connected at all times and have a great impact on all communities. Former spy technology portrayed in movies such shoe-phones, small two-way buttons and instant messaging and satellite phones. While advanced at that time, then mobile phones have developed the technology for so many more options. Mobile phones offer games, cameras, text messaging, video recording, video chat, internet, email access and many other transfer of the shoe phone.
The spy gadgets used in several films over the years has exceeded our wildest dreams. The equipment in the future have been pre day. Who knows, transmission, we are impressed with the film currently available to consumers in the near future.

Have you heard about leatherback turtle

The leatherback turtle is the largest living reptile in the world and heaviest turtle family. Grows to 2 meters and weighing nearly 900 kilograms where both male and female turtles were parents, teaching is the only sea turtle without a hard bony shell.
The life leatherback turtles is about 45 years, sometimes interrupted by fishing lines and nets. The largest, near Wales Treasury, short of a huge crocodile fourth dimension is the world's largest reptile measuring over three meters and weighing about 900 kilograms.
Leatherback turtles are known to exist since turtles evolved 110 million years ago.
With a pale white and pink spots on the top of the head, the black adult leatherback turtles are larger than other sea turtles. Their front flippers lack claws and scales and their back flippers are paddle shaped. The absence of a bony carapace (but covered with thick leather skin with a very small bony plates) distinguishes the work of skin of other sea turtles.
The back cover of the Leatherback turtle turtle with shades of dark gray to black spots and scattered white spots, while the underside is pale.
Leatherback turtles are known as pelagic animals coastal search. They love to migrate and is one of the most diverse species of sea turtles found in all parts of the world. From New Zealand, around the Cape of Good Hope in icy Norway and Alaska, leatherbacks have a global presence.
Subpopulation of leatherback sea turtles known to exist in Malaysia, the Pacific and Atlantic coasts, Africa, Caribbean, Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador, and in many other unknown places.
Leatherback sea turtle can grow in deep water (open ocean), but are located in waters off the coast near the country near the feeding place. Scientists tracked a leatherback in search of food for almost 13,000 miles in 647 days from Indonesia to the U.S.. They can survive in cold water with temperatures as low as 4.5 degrees C (40.1 ° F).
Unfortunately, there is a dramatic decline in population of leatherback sea turtles in the last three decades. Plants that female population is reportedly about 26,000 to 43,000 of the world as only about one in a thousand leatherback turtles survive to adulthood. Although the loss of the home nest eggs and illegal logging is the cause of premature death for some, many leatherback sea turtles also die under plastic waste and the looks of their favorite jellyfish.
Exploitation of marine turtles nesting in Asia have also contributed to the decline of the leatherback turtle sea turtle population. Their eggs, considered a delicacy in Malaysia and an aphrodisiac in parts of the Caribbean, has also contributed to their extinction. Significant reductions were also reported in Mexico and Costa Rica.
Harming or killing the leatherback turtles is now illegal. They are listed on International Trade in Endangered Species of wild fauna and flora.