Sunday, November 27, 2011

Cool stuff on Parrot Instincts

I have a lot of talks last month with people about parrot behavior. Why do they do what they do? In its most basic sense, it comes down to one thing - Instinct. Okay, so what is it? Technically, the natural behavior patterns and responses to stimuli (including reflexes). Sounds kind of boring is not it? But that's why parrots do certain things.

Whether parrots in the rainforest, the plains, or your living room, they have the same instincts. Parrot instinct is hard-wired behavior that we must learn to work with and not against. Working with parrots and understand their instincts will help you get the mutual trust needed for a good relationship with your parrot development.

Instinctive behavior is not the same as learned behavior. Eg parrots some calls to communicate, but they learn to scream for attention. Parrots are master manipulators when it comes to compulsive behavior, they react to your actions and feelings and can easily see how "to press your buttons" but I'm going to stick with the basics in this article.

Prey vs Predator

The important thing to remember when interacting with parrots is that they prey. Dogs and cats are predators. Parrots are always looking for something that could eat. This victim mentality is to have them live. Predators are fast, faster parrots need to live.

That is why their eyes are on the side of the head and neck can rotate, so they can see almost 360 degrees around them. It's the same reason that fast movements usually too scared or put them on their guard. (Would a hawk, who come for lunch!)

Here are some common behaviors and instincts underlying parrots:

Fight or flight

You've probably heard about the fight or flight, it is never true for parrots. I'm sure they prefer to flee from danger, but can and will get ugly as they fly away is not an option. When parrots sense danger first reaction is to get away. Alex, my African Grey is a good example on this one. I call it "flying first ask questions later" behavior. If something scares him, he is off and flying. When cornered, he will actually growl or come in a striking pose.

April, Umbrella Cockatoo I, has a slightly different strategy. Fly them as threatened, but she does it, while screaming at the top of her lungs to the other members of her herd to warn. As she stretched, her first reaction is "push out" all her feathers and fully open its wings and tail. This is to make her look much bigger and scarier. So she would rock back and hisses loudly. Ok, it works. Do not mess with her now.

As wary of predators is why parrots prefer high places. A curtain rod or the top of the cage, among others, to favorite places. This way they are better able to spot potential predators. If you had to worry about the fact that someone's lunch you want to see them come out of the way first.


Parrots need to communicate with an audience. The herd in our house, or other birds, people or a little of both. Parrots are social animals and rely on each other to survive. A bird can warn hundreds danger. And the mass movement of a flock of birds in flight confuses predators, etc.

In our house, parrots needs attention from their human flock. If they do not get it, they will find ways to get it, there are not very pleasant for us humans. Parrots get lonely, self-destructive and may develop behavioral problems if not given enough attention. They must be spoken, played with and communicate with other members of their "flock".

Parrots are very "tuned" to their flock. It is true that if you are a high energy, are in a bad mood or are sick and not feeling well, your interaction with your companion parrot in different ways depending on what they "sense." Some say they are almost physically.

Here is an overview of Senegal Parrot

Senegal Parrot - three variants

Senegal parrot (Poicephalus senegalus) is classified as a Poicephalus parrot. The parrot is generally green in color with a red, orange or yellow belly. There are three subspecies of this bird, but the only difference between them is the color of their stomachs. If it's a red belly, it is the fresh senegalus Teri. If it has an orange belly, it is senegalus mesotypus. If it has a yellow belly, it is senegalus senegalus. All three subspecies can be raised and sold as pets, and can be given the same kind of parrot care.

Senegal Parrot - Natural Habitat

The open forest and savannah are home to select Senegal parrot. A nice sort, this parrot chatters constantly, and makes a wide variety of whistles and screams. If they are alone in their natural habitat, the bird has an average lifespan of 30-40 years. When detained, they are known to live as long as 50 years. Despite the different colors in their stomach or "vests" are the three subspecies of the same characteristics. They have the same needs and same qualities and can be shown the same kind of parrot care. All rooms have a height of about nine inches and they weigh about 140 grams.

The Senegal Parrot as a pet

If you are looking for a lightweight friend for a pet, consider Senegal parrot. Senegal parrot is an excellent pet. It does not matter whether you are a beginner or an experienced a pet owner, Senegal parrot settle and feel at home. Some owners also have this bird to be "bulletproof." This is because this bird is not easily frightened. Actually, they always seem to be up to the challenge of a new experience! If you're worried about parrot care, fret not because this bird is comparatively easy to groom.

This bird is P in the personality, or parrot, if you wish. This bird is the perfect feathered companion. Senegal parrot is in the nature of love. Like most pet parrot loves to constantly cuddled and kissed. It also keeps his head and tummy rubbed often. This bird is naturally curious. It is not a loving animal. As long as you provide with tons of toys to play, as the parrot would not mind being left in their cages. Talking is not his strong point. It can mimic a few words, but that's about it. It mimics the sound of the word.

Senegal Parrot - Parrot Care

There is not much fuss involved in the care of a parrot of this species of parrot. The bird is the basic food, water and spacious cage, but that's about it. Remember that you need to get parrot exposed to a social environment, while still young to prevent aggression later. It helps to introduce the bird to different people, situations and environments to avoid one person bird. This is a dangerous situation because the bird can become aggressive and jealous.

Love your pet, and it will love you back, maybe even more. Given the time, effort and proper parrot care, you will have a happy Senegal parrot owner.

Information on Parrots

Many parrots in the world tea have become popular as pets. Someone new owners, Sina special parrot, it should be beautiful. Two other new owners, all the parrots of the world is beautiful, with flashing red, blue, green and yellow.
Most of the parrots of the world come from a warm climate, such as West Africa, India, Southeast Asia, Australia, South and Central America.
Parrot Families
All the parrots of the world belong to the order Psittaciformes. To the Finns two different families: Cacatuidas and Psittacidae. Cockatoo Belong in the first family, the lords of the second comprises all true parrots in the world.
Each family of the dead parrot subfamily within IT, and subspecies within Attn. Macaws, for example, belong to the family Psittacidae. Macaws are among a family group. Among the macaws, Finns at least 17 members:
* Hyacinth
* Mayor Macaw
Lear's Macaw *
Spix's Macaw *
* Blue and Yellow Macaw, Blue and Gold Macaw or
* Caninde Macaw
* Military Macaw
* Buffon's Macaw
* Scarlet Macaw
* Green-winged Macaw
* Red-fronted Macaw
* Yellow-collared Macaw
Chestnut-fronted Macaw *, or Severe Macaw
* Red-bellied Macaw
* Illiger's Macaw
* Blue-headed Macaw
* Red-shoulder Macaw
Most Popular
People differ in opinions of the more well-liked parrots. Some look at the trendy parrots. Others respond to the most common form in the pet stores. Some speak of the most popular in this country or the attention, but of all the parrots of the world, the five most popular it is often described.
First parrot: the common parakeet, budgerigar two exact, from Australia, and is often chosen as a pet for children or beginners who care two birds, and popped two of its low price. Colorful little "Budgies" are hardy, require little space, less maintenance and are much larger birds enn. They are highly intelligent, and content to whistle or sing quietly, someone can learn a few passwords. The name "Budgerigar" comes from the Australian Aboriginal name for the parrot. It means "good food", but "Budgie" owners would be deprived of two hearsay. Among the many parrots of the world, this is probably the least expensive of us both the first and maintenance costs.
Second Cockatiels: Another Australian species, are known for Advanced Dessa sized parrots whistling and singing. While you can speak two data, many people with regard to Birdsville place whistle, mimic random sounds like a ringing cell phone. Disadvantages to ice a cockatiel uses a powdery substance tva keep sina wings water-proof, so owners often find their fingers dusty after handling the bird.
Third Sun Conures: Among the parrots of the world, Sun Conures are one of the brightest. Their Plumage ice red, orange, yellow, blue and green. Sun Conures are known to be justified, but beware! Dessa parrots often Screech and Scream instead of talking. Their 12-inch length means that you need a smaller cage than larger parrots, but you and your family May require earplugs. If you train your two Sunni Sina lower voice, his speech while you enjoy Antics, like Dessa Usually playful parrots.
Parrot fourth Latvian Latvian Parrot, Parrot Pacific Latvian special is one of the smallest known parrots in the world - about 4 inches in length! They are also one of the most pernicious of all parrots and spicy in the world. Dessa small parrots learn to talk in one voice with respect to sound like a robot. This little voice, Sina size, and the fact that they do not scream, make them ideal for those who need a quiet companion.
5th African Greys: African Grey Parrots are probably the must-intelligent of the parrots of the world, and indeed, of all birds. It's not as colorful as parrots someone. They are mostly gray, as its name implied. They do two to one bright red or maroon tail depending on the subspecies have. Two African Greys excel mime, is sometimes learn as much as 1-2000 words. They learn other sounds, too, and can quickly learn to imitate a jet engine when you walk through an airport with them. Among the many parrots of the world, demanding she Dessa May. As your toddler get bored Dessa birds and want the two owners care for entertainment. If you are looking for an intellectual, faithful and affectionate parrot, the African Grey is probably a good choice.
How many parrots are there?
All customs, parrots of the world's number more than 350 different species and subspecies! Tva because of habitat loss, climate change, hunting and trade in live birds as pets, someone who parrots extinction. Others are as endangered or are on the "endangered species" list.
Life expectancy
People who purchase a parrot, a purchase commitment, attention is likely to continue for two dess lives and beyond. Most parrot owners are 20 years or more, and Parrot itself takes usually two to have a life expectancy of more than 50 years. Some live to nearly 100 years old. Added to the attention of a long life, many Parrots of the World up, two bond with one person. If Attn person breaks the tape in a certain way, May the Parrot die.

Insight on Safe Parrot toys

You are the proud owner of a parrot and you are looking for a toy for your pet. The offer of parrot toys on the market is huge, so how can you know which parrot toy is safe for your pet? Because you should be aware that some of them are dangerous for pets as they may damage them. Therefore, an important parrot care issue is the toy.

The first aspect you should consider when purchasing a parrot toy is toy size and size of pets. Basically the parrot toy should fit the size of your parrot. Why is that? Well, because a big size parrot is strong and easy to carry a small toy into pieces that can easily be ingested by your pet. Therefore try to avoid small parrot toys if your pet is great. You should know that there is currently a huge array of big parrot toys made of thick plastic, perfect for a big strong beaked parrot.

Things are not easy with small parrots wither. A small parrot can be afraid of a big toy so try to fit the size of the toy for a pet. If you can not see which parrot toy is good for your pet, check the label or ask for further information.

Another important aspect is the kind of parrot toys. You should avoid buying parrot toys which are made of small pieces of parrot delete them and consequently digest them. Remember that a parrot is a strong beak therefore any piece that bite-size parrot should not be toys.

A parrot toy is usually hanging on some chains. The chains, which may represent a potential hazard to health and life of your pet. How is this possible? Well, chains come in two types: those chains with welded links (which is safe for your parrot) and the chains with closed links (not sure). Parrot may try to open connections not weld and its beak will leave this room. The parrot may get hurt while trying to free themselves. Because of this, carefully examine the chains are attached to your toy parrot.

But the chains are not only dangerous toys parrot. Parrot toys made of wood can also be dangerous. Therefore, the tree is another important aspect to consider. Parrots are birds that love to chew wood. They do this to find the bug hidden in the bark tree in the forest. So parrot will always start to chew toys made of wood. Some types of wood are not good for parrots, so you should check the internet for a list of parrot-safe timber.

Parrots are also birds who enjoy and care products. Their instinct tells them to constantly pick or even chew their feathers. This is not a healthy habit for your pet. So you should buy a chew rope which is a useful parrot toy as it allows your pet to use his habit every day without causing any real problems. But pay attention to deterioration of the toy when it is being torn and worn out. Replace it with a new toy that clumps may cause accidents to your pet. Your parrot could catch its feet in clumps and can be injured while struggling to escape.

Finally, there is only one rule to apply for parrot care issues: when shopping for a parrot toy use common sense rules. If you look at parrot toy and it does not seem safe, do not buy it. Do not buy any parrot toys which can get ingested or which can get a foot or a beak caught inside them. And always examine the parrot toys carefully before putting them in the cage of your pet.

And if your parrot ignoring its new, shiny toys, do not worry. It is not hate it, it's just cautious. Parrots do not like change, like most pets. And a new toy represents an unexpected change to their homes. Therefore, the toy is placed under strict observation to ensure that it is not a potential enemy. After two or three weeks detect intruder (toys) parrot will gain confidence in his new toy and start playing it!

Gather Information on Parrot Adoption

Two years ago you just could not resist the two colorful parrots in the pet shop window. What a mistake! Now a new home for your parrots, and thinking about selling it. If you put a short ad in the local newspaper, how does it read?

First Virginia parrots for sale

Second Quaker parrots for sale

There are many ways to advertise, even in so few words like that, but do you really need to "sell" your parrots? You can find a better home through parrot adoption?

What parrot adoption?

Parrot adoption is like baby adoption. Those who have parrots they can not care for offer them to those who want a parrot. The adoptive parrot owners can not afford the initial outlay, or they would simply provide a good home for a parrot to be transmitted.

Parrot adoption does not always mean "free" parrots. The term is also used for inexpensive parrots purchased from former owners.

Interested Finding Homes

Parrot adoption requires good homes, of course, but how can you find them? One way to begin is to put an ad in the newspaper, as you would if you were selling. You can write "parrots for adoption" or "Quaker parrots for adoption to good home" or "to adopt a parrot."

If you are not successful with ads, then try contacting a foundation parrot parrot rescue or adoption organization. They may be able to put you in contact with someone who wants to parrots like you. They can have someone on their waiting list.

Evaluating Prospective Homes

"But it's just a parrot!" You squawk. Not really. It is a creature that lived many years. During these years, it is necessary to health, safety, love and happiness. Want to try your best to give them, by asking some questions of prospective owners - get to know them a bit. You want to try also to make sure that your parrot will not have to move quickly. For proper parrot adoption, begin with these questions.

First I want to make a parrot? A wrong answer is: "My son is begging for one, and I think it's cool to be talking pet."

Secondly Has anyone ever smoke in your home? Smoking can kill a parrot very quickly and you will rest assured that your move to smoke-free homes.

Third What other pets Do not you? Parrots have natural predators, and will not be safe or healthy if they share a home with one of them.

4th You can afford to take the parrot to a veterinarian when needed? Your parrots have a long life, and must occasionally visit a veterinarian.

Grade 5 For other important questions you should contact a parrot adoption group and get advice.

Delivering an adopted parrot

Once you have found a good parrot adoption homes, you will want to do your best to make the transition smoother. Take your parrot in a cage (this is his house, and you do not need it.) His toys, perches and food, which he was accustomed. Take some time to get the parrot settled before you leave him. Available to visit now and then during the first week, if prompted.

The Other Side of Parrot Adoption

Downside of parrot adoption is the adoptive family. Parrot adoption can be preferable to buy a baby parrot from parrot breeders or pet stores.

Your parrot is far cheaper in most cases. It will probably have a cage and accessories, as well, which will save money and time for you. Parrot adoption can skip the infant and young stages, and your bird will probably have a vocabulary with the knowledge of how to add it. In some cases, an adopted parrot knows a few tricks. It is accustomed to human handling and - hopefully - enjoy it.

The lack of Parrot Adoption

The upside outweighs the downside of parrot adoption, but there are things you should know.

How to simulate the first act? Parrot adoption is often initiated by an owner who does not want to deal with behavioral problems. The Parrot can be aggressive: biting and screaming. Will want to observe the parrot in his home before agreed to use it.

Second Is the parrot ever been injured or beaten with anything? You will get lots of work to solve this problem and get the parrot to bond with you.

Third Is the parrot healthy - and you can talk to his vet? If the parrot has never been taken to a vet that can be hidden health concerns. If he was taken to the vet can tell you about potential problems. Any upcoming parrot adoption should include consideration of health information.

Completion Parrot Adoption

When you adopt a parrot, you adopt a long term commitment. It is your responsibility to take care of the bird throughout its life. It gives you love, and expect the same from you. Before you enter into parrot adoption, think it good. After fully enjoy your parrot

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Cool information on Parrot care

If you're in the market for a parrot, so read this article will help you prepare for your new adopted friend. Parrot. But the time spent is well worth the effort when you see your happy, healthy parrot.

Parrots are the most popular pet birds in recent times. And if you've seen one in action you can understand the beauty of birds, and the allure is its owner. The exotic birds come in many different colors with differnt personalities and temperament. And their beauty is not enough, they also praise brillance and intelligence to their presence.

With more than 350 species of parrots and each species requires a second care. A parrot diet is completely different, like their species. Parrot each require a unique and different diets ..

Some things to consider when thinking about becoming a parrot owner is:

Parrot Behavior: The Parrot behavior is of great importance because it is very important if you have a happy parrot or not .. If the parrot does not get proper food parrot, then as an owner, you want your parrot is behaving in a way that seems strange and unusual.

Parrot Diet / Food Parrot: parrot diet is very important because if their food is wrong, then you have serious behavioral problems at hand. A parrot diet should consist of certain foods below, parrot seed, fresh fruits and vegetables, fresh water and a healthy dose Parrot Ice.

Parrot Cages: A parrot in a cage is important because he needs enough space to not feel closed in. And the parrot cage room affects his mental state. Cage must be large enough so that the parrot can fly around. There should also be a place for parrot parrot toys without feeling as if it gets crowded in parrot cage Check regularly to ensure that there is any damage by gnawing the parrot cage is.

Parrot Training: Parrot traing is important because parrots love to spend time with their owners. And because they are very intelligent, they are bored easily, so training helps them stay active and give them something extra to do .. As a general rule, a parrot owner fails to stress the Parrot education. And parrot should always be rewarded when he was doing something right. You can reward your parrot with treats such as fruit, vegetables or scratching your head.

When you are considering parrot ownership Make sure you have weighed both the pros and cons of parrot ownership. Although they require more attention and time, they are beautiful birds wil fill your life with joy and laughter. These are natural entertainer and keep both you and your family entertained for 15-60 years. The joy of owning a parrot is worth the time spent in providing adequate care parrot

Basic information on Parrots

Parrots are bred for hundreds of years and it is not hard to see why with their beautiful plumage, the ability to mimic sounds, but also because their ability to speak and perform tricks.

There was and still is a strong association of pirates and parrots. This substance is derived from the parrots are easy to find on many ships as we continue to explore the world and find new countries. Parrots are often found in these tropical newly discovered land, and the explorers soon realized that parrots can be tamed and even learned to talk and do tricks, and would accompany them back on the return trip aboard the ship and so the association began with parrots and ships, and soon grew to parrots and pirates and ships.

Moving a few hundred years and we are still fascinated by parrots. Scientific studies have actually shown that some parrots intelligence same as a small child of about 4-6 years old and so it's no surprise to discover that parrots can learn to do tricks.

Teaching parrot tricks for a parrot has the advantage that actually improves the comfort of the bird, and to reinforce positive behavior in the parrot not to mention that it is comfortable for both parrot and owner.

The guidelines are some suggestions you should follow if you want the best training to go with your parrot to learn a new trick. You must: -

Keep training impactive and not let go too long and let your parrot will get bored or tired because it would be counter productive.

You must be comfortable learning environment for your parrot to distract Fri

A factor often overlooked is that you must wait to start training if you are both ready and not to make any kind of education that you are rushed to the time or stressed over something, because parrots are naturally intuitive and will be able to detect signs of impatience or stress again that would be counterproductive.

You want to start with a basic trick for your parrot to learn and master, so you want your parrot to learn to "Step Up" This is a basic trick that your parrot on a topic of your choice Step your command. To begin, use your fingers if you have a small parrot and your forearm when a larger bird, and you should contact your parrot and says in a firm voice the words step up. You have to seduce them and then reward them with a piece of their favorite foods to help with training. Once mastered this trick will be invaluable in many situations because it will help provide direction for your parrot.

Another trick that is often taught is the "flip" trick. Your parrot on perch and give them a piece of food and slowly while you do this then the parrot on your head all turn to eat. Different parrots have a different willingness to perform this trick, but they should all be able to learn with some training.

There are many other tricks you can teach your parrot after they have learned these basics and you can even create your own tricks for you and your feathered friend to perform. Some people think, talk or imitate sounds tricks, but in my opinion I would not classify them as tricks. Parrot tricks are more physical actions that you train your parrot to perform, and there should be no limit to the complexity of the tricks you teach your parrot to be, after all, they like to be stimulated and learning new tricks a big way both entertaining and occupying them. Do not forget some basic guidelines that I have mentioned above and you will undoubtedly enjoy the full hour of training and entertainment with your parrot.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Gather some information on Parrot Breeders

A parrot breeder is a person who decided she parrots breed will play a major role in life that parrot. Parrot Breeders and adoptive parents, because they actually shaping the personality characteristic of this bird.

Reputation is of utmost to find a parrot breeder, because they are usually more about the history of the parrot have. Yes, it's okay for a parrot from a pet store or a rescue group, but they rarely have a background on the personality of the bird.

The level where the parrot is able to socialize and maintain a healthy emotional balance is the only bird breeder. And it is this fact that a potential buyer should ask for the race, how the bird was allowed to socialize with others.

The skills for a healthy and happy parrot increase depends on the method for breeding of the parrot breeder. Parrots will react differently in different ways inverable eat. But it is the parrot breeder to ensure that the baby parrots are properly weaned. The breeder will know that the baby parrots nutritious and safe product must be fresh, hot food and soft food pellets or seeds before they are sold. And the parrot's health depends on how parrot breeder took his young protege.

Another very important part of the life of a young bird is swimming. A parrot breeder will be the one to introduce this concept to the bird at a young age to be. The best age to introduce bathing would be if the bird is in the early stages of the growing feather.

Most bird owners prefer their birds wings clipped because they are afraid that the birds begin to fly around the family home and start breaking things. But even if the owners would prefer that the parrot breeder to ensure that the baby birds learn to fly. Baby birds need to know how to fly, land and maneuver themselves during the flight process.

In deciding whether to buy a parrot, a potential buyer to be aware of things like, parrot breeders, enjoy the pleasures of breeding birds. Some bird breeders do it because they have a passion for birds and love to be part of a bird-critical young life. But while some have a passion for this job, others are only in bird breeding business fast money. And potential owners should be looking to protect against bird breeders that are just for a quick buck. And that is why it is illegal to birds in some way, because the ship is not safe for the bird but the bird breeder makes himself / herself a quick buck.

Before the bird is purchased, the new owner question the breeder bird to a clear understanding of the history of the bird have. Bird breeder should be willing to potential owners to show their aviaries. When buying a bird, it's a must for a contract is made, so that a complaint if something goes wrong. A reputable breeder bird he / she will be available for purchase in case the owner or support issues. And do not forget that most parrots live to be anywhere from 60 to 100 years old, is a potential buyer the best interest for the time to take the parrot breeder ask questions because it is a very long engagement.

Parrot Breeders generally tend to know more about parrots than pet owners, so when purchasing a parrot, a parrot breeder first consider owning. You're almost guaranteed you a more happy, healthy and well adjusted parrot that will last a lifetime have.

Here are some tips to identify an ill parrot

It is important to keep a watchful guard, an attempt to your bird every day, healthy behavior knows, so you will be able to tell when something is wrong to do. Parrots are masters at hiding illness, they do so they just picked up from predators. Therefore it is very difficult to say when a bird is sick until he was very ill and often too late to be saved.
An attentive owner will be able to see early signs of disease:
Excessive Sleep: A parrot who is ill feeling may sleep too much, especially during the day. Sleeping on the floor of the cage is an important symptom. Watch out for any strange changes in sleep patterns.
Sleeping on two legs: a normal, healthy parrot is sleeping with one leg pulled into the stomach.
Fluffy-up Appearance: A fluffy-up parrot can try to maintain its high body and fight disease. Or it may just be too cold in the room.
Loss of appetite: You should know what food and how much your bird eats every day. If you find that your parrot does not eat or eat less than normal, it may mean that the parrot is sick.
Change in attitude: If your parrot seems lethargic and not behaving normally, or are very weak or strange it is good to see a vet.
Lameness: If your parrot can not use his feet or head, he saw something wrong.
Wheezing or breathing with difficulty: it may be a sign of respiratory illness or overheating.
Discharge: If you notice runniness or discharge in the eyes, nostrils, and then the parrot guy is sick.
Change in droppings: your parrot droppings should consist of a solid green part, white urate and a clear liquid. If the droppings are discolored, and there is no change in diet, there's a problem. If a pungent odor or droppings seem far more fluid than usual, so it's good to see a vet.
Debris around the face or feathers: Give poor care or vomiting, possible signs of illness.
Heaving tail: A bird sits on the perch and groaning, a bobbing tail. This is often a sign of respiratory disease.
Messy guy: If the guy is crunchy and moist with droppings are a problem.

Here rare some cool ideas if you feed birds in winter

You do not have to binoculars, an anorak and a dodgy hat to appreciate the beauty of birds carry.

A simple bird feeder in your yard will attract many different breeds as Robin, Greenfinch, Blue Tit, finches and more. You will have regular visits to your feathered friends if you give them the right bird food for winter.

Water is a necessity for birds that people tend to forget about winter. With the cold weather we are all easily accessible water, but cold winters could mean dry winters and freezes the water course. So make sure there is a fresh, ice free, bowl of water in the garden every day for them to drink and bathe in. Never feed milk because they can not digest. But cheese (grated if possible) is good for birds and new species to attract wildlife to your garden.

Choosing the right bird has been your first job. Not all birds will use perches on the stand, some will prefer to pick up on individual cases, seeds and animal hanging feeders. The more attention you pay to your visitors, the more you'll discover their habits and the preferred feeding areas.

If you are a bird, so I suggest a sturdy one that will not wobble. Birds tend to fly at the first sign of an unstable tripod. Place your table away from fences and walls, the birds will not thank you as an intruder Pounce cat while they eat. Their survival instinct warns them to avoid any risk of movement and they will be in doubt to return.

Besides the food.

Because insects are not available for the birds in winter, seeds, their main food.

There are a lot of mixed bird seed on the market in bulk milk. I tend to do something with unnatural colors to avoid lumps in them as they are usually dog ​​treat that can not be eaten unless softened by soaking. A good mix should millet, sunflower and corn flakes. I would also like the obvious choice of feeding peanuts, because they are high in fat, but not feed them salted peanuts, it can kill them. If a small bird can swallow whole peanuts, I used them to crush them before.

Black sunflower seeds are great all year round as well and they have a higher fat content than striped sunflower seeds. It is advisable to put a seed rich in curiosity and sunflower feeders, they will be expensive, and you will lose a lot of weather and other animals, if you just spread on the ground. The curious seeds contain more oil than the average seeds are high in calories, perfect for winter feed. Because they are not a cheap selection of seeds, you can always mix it with others. You will find the number of Goldfinches in your garden seeds increases with curiosity.

Wet dog and cat food is a good replacement for earthworms in the cold weather and kitchen waste can be used if they contain fat and carbohydrates that will not be found in bird seed. But do not feed cooking fat has hardened on the Sunday roast, because the bacteria and salt that are not suitable for birds contain. Instead, use lard or beef suet. It is strongly recommended by the RSPB suet fat balls not to leave nylon mesh so that birds can get themselves trapped. Instead, put them in hanging feeders and keep them away from the earth, as you may attract unwanted animals.

Tips and ideas on how ro decorate your pets cage

A decorative cage can be especially gifted with couples in their weddings. The cages of birds are easily available and very beautiful, small and should not need much space. So many wedding gifts bird houses are in demand by a majority of people.

Most of the decorative items can be bought up the charm of a marriage hall. Unique wedding did elements can be used or some couples can love a simpler theme. These decorative bird cages of various kinds are out there in the market and the most clever or exploited include white, small wedding bird cages circles, as well as white, large oval wedding bird cages.

Spot a cage that can make you easy to follow and simple steps. A circle and white bird in the cage can be made and painted to give it a fresh look. You can buy all your artistic and decorative supplies at a craft store and they are very affordable. Craft stores are also useful in providing a step-by-step instructions to decorate these types of cages. Because these types of cages will make a popular gift, the direction is not hard to find. Other directions are also available on the Internet. Paint can be selected according to the used wedding theme. The painted cage so bathed in the brilliance of the color of the wedding event is then allowed to dry.

You can add a colored ribbon and tape can be wrapped around the wires of the cage and silver ribbon, or a color that matches your wedding event can be wrapped around the bottom of the cage. Fragrant flowers should be added to the top of the cage. And for the finishing touch, a pair of colorful petals be hot-glued on top of the cage of birds and crystal on the table as well, can be added around the cage.

Receptions, a light hanging cages in the center of attention. When choosing the size of decorative cage, it is best to be familiar with what kind of bird, as the host, so you can buy the right size cage. Birds enjoy flying and individuals do not want to stop the natural right of a bird to fly, and therefore it is best if you buy a bigger cage to allow for an adequate amount of space for birds to stretch its wings. The room should be large enough to let them do their work naturally.

Bird Cages Australia is an Australian specialist in online business. They have extensive experience in their field and are highly regarded by delivering quality products at affordable prices, buy buy directly from suppliers and sell online. Bird cages Australia will focus on providing quality bird cages in public.

Insight on Bird feeding

If the economy continues to worsen, families are having to find recreation and entertainment that they can still afford and still enjoy. As a result, more and more families rediscovery feeding birds or bird as a good cheap hobby.

Birding or bird watching, which is one of the most popular past times in the country, is poised to become even more popular. Feeding birds has always been a hobby that many people without much money you received. Walk to the park on a sunny day and you can see locals sitting on benches in the park and dropping breadcrumbs for visiting birds. If you have a home, you can do the same in your backyard.

Bird feeding is a fun activity the whole family can enjoy together - adults and children. No special expensive equipment to buy, do not have too much money traveling to distant places to spend, and you build your schedule around the timing of specific events. Birds are pretty much operating on a kind of activity almost every moment of the day so you have time to enjoy your past time.

The key to attracting birds to your garden is to provide them with food. You can also aim to attract certain species of birds by placing their favorite food is your backyard feeders. If your garden birds to find food that eventually they will find your garden turns into a virtual aviary is.

And, if your tree or suitable nesting areas nearby, you can even find some in your backyard around the new food source they discovered. You may be looking at some bird families are so much fun attending one of the last romantic or action movies in the theaters.

Finding foods that provide the birds are not expensive. In fact, you need some of the recipes themselves. And, you do not have all the food that birds eat, you just supplement. It just takes a little food to attract them to your garden or yard.

Introducing your child to feed birds in teaching them how we are all connected to nature and teaches them respect. Bird feeding is an activity that brings families closer together. If history is a guide, your children will look back in time with them as one of the best times of their lives.

Does parrots enjoy playing with toys?

You will know you need a lot of toys to entertain your parrot a parrot or several parrots to keep. If you are thinking about getting a parrot then prepare a staff of Santa's elves to rent, because you will need them. Most parrots love to destroy toys. It is a healthy, necessary and required behavior. After food, water, and your attention, the toys are probably the next most important thing in the world of your parrot. Toy is not an optional accessory for your parrot, it is important. Toys provide mental stimulation, physical stimulation, and keep your parrot beak trimmed.

Parrots spend many hours searching and searching for food in the wild. It entertains and stimulates. In your home, the toys that the necessary resources for your parrot to entertain themselves. Toys also provide mental stimulation it takes for your parrot. Some experts say the emotional level of the parrot is like a 2 year old child. They also say their intelligence is comparable to a 3-year-old children. So stimulating toys as necessary for your parrot when a 2 or 3 years old son.

There is also a less tangible reason for offering toys for your parrot. Toys are needed to cut your mouth parrot. Bill is always growing, like nails. Your parrot beaks are overgrown with nothing to chew. This requires a trip to the vet, toweling and filing of the bill. It is stressful for the bird and can be avoided by providing toys for your parrot to chew and destroy.

2 - What kind of toys?

There are different types of toys. This is the general category and what toys fall into several categories. Some are designed to keep your parrot mental exercise, such as Toys puzzles to offer. Some are designed to keep your parrot exercise, such as Exercise Toys, Toys and greedy business. Finally, some designed to give your parrot a healthy mouth and healthy feather, like chew toys and brushing.

    * Puzzles Toys - they are usually puzzles with treats inside. They encourage the parrot to solve puzzles to earn the treat. Some simple lids on the boxes and some are complex and require Parrot tighten nuts on bolts to a treatment for owners to open.
    * Exercise Toys - usually rings or ladders that your parrot to climb, hang, or swing to encourage.
    * Grasping Toys - These are "hand" held toys and other toys that encourage your parrot to hold while playing with them. This will give your parrot to his "hands" to perform.
    * Chew Toy - They are fragmented. They keep your parrot beak trimming.
    * Shine Toys - they are usually hanging toys that encourage your parrot to regulate. The theory is that if your bird areas of pre toy is then encouraged to self-brushing. Preening is required for your parrot to maintain healthy feathers.

3 - Important Toy Safety Information Issues

There are several things to avoid when buying or making toys. These include safety consume your parrot toys and other physical security concerns. Some materials to prevent its toxic ink, staples, rubber, foam, soft plastic and costume jewelry. These items are potentially dangerous objects as you record them parrot. There are also items that are a physical danger. These items include key chain ring, frayed rope, and a tight cage. Keychain ring can possibly get caught up in parrot beak or their nails. These frayed ropes are potentially hazardous if your parrot's feet entangled in the frayed ends. Finally, a tight cage dangerous if your parrot is not in the room to its wings.

Leather strips are often used to tie toy parts. If you use your own strips of leather or make sure they are not dyed, tanned or dressed in any way. If one do not hesitate to use. Glue is often used to glue together parts of toys, such as popsicle sticks. Make sure you have a non-toxic glue-like Kid Safe glue when you glue and use as little as possible.

Adhesives should be avoided in making toys, unless necessary. A "Kid-Safe" adhesive that is non-toxic to be used as needed and to use as little as possible.

A final consideration about the safety of toys mixed with food or treats. Some toys with treats in them or attached to them. This is unacceptable and this type of toy is a favorite toy parrot. However, the herb food and dangerous toys should be avoided. This happens when some people make toys like the color of the toy. Color, non-toxic and food Fri If it tastes like food or a treat after your parrot can consume. If you want to use a wood block dye staining nonflavored same reason. Some people will recommend coloring or unsweetened Kool-Aid color to your logs.

Here is some cool information on Parrots as pets

Parrots make a wonderful companion because they are smart, beautiful and colorful. They are great pets to have because they are entertaining and honest. Many first time owners make a mistake in buying their pet on impulse. When choosing a parrot for a pet, to avoid impulse purchases. A responsible owner should have sufficient knowledge about parrots before you.

Parrots have a longer life compared to other pets, some of them live up to 80 years. Choosing a parrot as a pet is a lifelong commitment, which is why it is important that your decision in getting a light should not be made. Having a parrot's responsibility, so it is not good when you make your decision on getting a parrot on a whim.

There are many things that a responsible owner should understand and consider before a pet parrot. The first consideration is the owners their time and attention to their pets. Parrots can not be left alone in a cage for a long time, because they might get bored, depressed and anxious.

The next consideration that the owners should be aware of is that parrots require much space. They need a cage, where they can stretch their wings, and a place where they can play.

Considering another is that Parrots are loud, their sound sometimes can not be tolerated by most people. Before you parrot make sure your neighbors to consider, you can use their noise, but do not bear neighbors. Always remember that shouting and talking parrots as they are part of his natural vocal so they should not be punished for.

Parrots can not live on seeds and pellets alone. Most parrots die of malnutrition because some owners do not feed them healthy and nutritious food. Surprisingly, Parrots should have the same nutritional needs of people.

Parrots are wonderful pets because they are, many days and satisfying years of love, affection, companionship and entertainment. So it's no wonder why many people prefer them to any other pet. If you opt to become an owner, then you are armed with enough information to make sure to properly raise your parrot.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tips and Ideas as how to get your parrot home safely

Shipping a parrot is a worrying time, but if you research the facts come to realize that it is not necessary, because with a good preparation, it is a very safe process. The shipping from abroad is slightly more problematic and can lead to problems with the health of your parrot and possibly death. The key with foreign shipping to deal with reputable and experienced aviculturist, and ensure that it complies with laws at the time. In this article we consider some of the factors involved in the delivery of your birds in a country, something that may be necessary if local farmers are not the kind you want.

Fly is a common mode of transport for birds, and it's not really stressful for them, even when they are young. Airlines are well prepared to pets in specific temperature and pressure controlled parts of the transport plane. Farmers on the other hand, places the bird in a special container designed for convenient transport.

The breeder will ensure that parrots a sufficient supply of food for the journey, and if a water is not wet food should be adopted to ensure that the birds are sufficiently hydrated. This is all fine and dandy as long as the parrot is weaned, but if the bird is not weaned, and there is a delay in shipping as a young bird could be in real trouble. For this reason it is advisable to only ship fully weaned birds.

Most parrots are sent young birds, and instead make it harder for the bird really easy when you consider that every hour they experience new things, spent a flight will be another experience. You'll often see a young bird just notices that it was shipped and embrace his new surroundings on arrival without a care in the world! In the worst case, a few days to acclimatise.

But as a precaution it is always advisable to your new parrot to the vet immediately. As much as to check for adverse effects of the flight is to verify that no virus or bacteria from breeding their surroundings. This is especially important if you have other birds, and your parrot has passed the first bill of health did not interfere with others in a shared aviary, or even shared room.

So you can see there is no reason to worry about sending a young bird, as long as the sender of the process is effectively controlled.

Are you awre of the fact that why Are Some Parrots Red?

Red has long been known as the color of love. It also means love and passion, but also danger. People associate the color red with love, valentines, danger, desire, speed, force, violence, anger, emergency exit signs, stop signs, and blood. His usual attributes are strength, power, power, control and management. Stimulation, warmth, excitement, good health, physical energy, love, sex, passion, courage and protection is also associated with this strong color. But especially parrot? Red is a different story.
The red in parrots
When it comes to color in parrots, the most common are green. But did you know that there is no pigment or tint of green parrots? feathers? According to experts, although parrots green dots? The only pigments in parrots feathers are red and yellow.
Red parrots parrot preferences increasingly popular because they radiate mystical beauty. But did you know that some parrots are red because their feather structure and chemistry of melanin?
Studies show that some parrots are red because of the Tyndall effect. During the Tyndall effect, the light scatters, reflecting feather structure. This process also leads to the illusion of a variety of colors.
Another reason why some parrots are red, because certain types of pigments in the feathers of this bird called psittacine or carotenoids have? Those carrots and yellow squash gives the respective colors. These are usually affected by certain environmental factors and elements, such as food intake or diet.
Experts explain that the red parrots occurs because the colors of nutrients from the food they take, have intensified. Although food don? T usually affect a parrot? S color, it is very important in the process because good nutrition will lead to good health in the glow of a parrot? S springs.
When the parrot's feather is -? Generally birds? - The most characteristic features, ongoing studies of the color of the parrots fed throughout the world. Most of these studies have found that a parrot? S color can be different things, such confidence and other behavioral contexts mean.
The most popular red parrot in pet stores today trades, Red-breasted Senegal. Although it is a moderate speaking ability, many parrot lovers these red parrot buy because they are playful and independent Always climbing, chewing and playing with their toys, topped Senegal is among the favorite choice of parrot pets because they have friendly nature and their ability to learn and perform tricks. Because they create a very low noise level, this red parrot as a pet bird is particularly suitable for those who live in apartments. Although a friendly character, must be handled and red parrot trained regularly and keep them tamed.

Have you heard before about double yellow head parrot

Have you thought about owning a parrot as a pet? So why not start now owns a double yellow head parrot or what is commonly known as the yellow head Amazon. Popularly known as a pet in a household, they are known as beautiful with their markings and greenish colored feathers. But usually the most prominent ones that stand out are the yellow dye with red spots on both wings. They can be found at the following locations in Mexico, Belize, Honduras and Guatemala. Usually live in mangrove swamps, tropical rain forests and subtropical forests. Still others prefer savannas and areas where trees are most frequent. However, it is sad to note that the double yellow line parrots are on the endangered species list, we have, caused by continued deforestation of our wildlife and forests. Even the illegal poaching and sale of these parrots have contributed to the slowly decreasing in number.

Because of the ability of the double yellow line parrot to speak and intelligence as well known, is the relatively high value. On the one hand, when compared with African gray parrots, are popular with the excellence of their speech, there are a number of double yellow head parrots, which are unable to speak. Although most of them can be great speakers, and is very smart and very playful. These parrots enjoy being the center of attraction and sometimes screaming to be noticed. Now, when properly supervised they can learn to talk and turning their sound for voice. They want to be free and fly around in every way possible. They also tolerance in the cage door, but the breeder should allow time for them to fly to stretch their wings and exercise. Double yellow line parrots have the ability to cope with their environment and follow the instructions, but if not properly trained, can damage things around. This is why breeders chew toys for fun and playing.

Double yellow line parrots grow to normal length and measuring up to six inches. But they are very petite women than men. They even look fat and hook beak which can readily understand and lock nuts, to be able to break them. They use it for climbing and surveying areas around them. They have two toes on their back for them and to use your hands and keep their food to eat.

Classes of berries, nuts, seeds and buds are their favorite food groups, even the corn crop, as they are known to raid the apartment. In a home set-up, love, double yellow line parrots fruits and vegetables. You can also use them nuts, berries and pellets for them to enjoy. Make their food is a must, and give them foods high in minerals and vitamins.

To live up to 80 years in life, would eventually double yellow line parrots grow with your family, so it requires commitment and accountability of security for your pet at your side. Enjoy every moment!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Insight on different types of parrots

There are 330 different species of parrots, and even if they have a lot of features in common with each other, understanding the differences between the different species of parrots can easily help you decide what kind or type of bird can be most suitable for you.

The main types of parrots are classified as follows:
o Amazon
o Cockatoos
o Grey Parrots
o Macaws
o Conures
o parakeets
o Lovebirds
o Cockatiels
o parakeets

Amazon parrots
o medium to fairly large and medium sized birds
o mostly green in color with patches of red, yellow and blue on their wings, tail and head
o have a very high voice and speaks regularly in the company of strangers
o older male Amazon (over 3 years) can be aggressive, especially HAWK-headed parrots

o Most are large compared to Amazons
o very intelligent and extremely sensitive and nervous birds
o have erectile tops that can be raised and lowered at will
o look cute and cuddly
o adults can inflict very painful bite if not properly trained
o requires constant attention and can be difficult for most people to care

African gray parrots and Timneh
o generally medium to large enterprises PET parrots
o Two types of gray parrots, Timneh African Gray and Gray (Gray and Congo)
o very sensitive, but very intelligent birds
o Timneh Grays have great potential for the variety of sounds imitating the human voice
o silent in the presence of foreigners
o hand-reared parrots are very sensitive to picking
o can be very high, rarely a noise

o considered the largest parrots
o less like Hahn and yellow-collared is loud, but makes a very good pets
o active, curious and often mischievous
o talkative and able to learn to speak
o powerful beak that can damage furniture and nuts crash
oh great, it may require more barn space instead of a cage
oh not so well suited for the home with young children

o from South Africa
o relatively small, but generally active and confident
o bright orange and yellow Sun Conure, Patagonian Conures and Blue-crowned his loud, piercing voice
o very curious, but entertaining
o The ability to speak, but have squeaky voices in the use of human speech
o happy to sleep in peace boxes placed in the cage
o known as 'rap' birds, because they tend to bite very lightly

o "Parakeet" is loosely used for a wide variety of small birds like parrot cover
o the majority coming from Australia or Asia
o They are green-green color, the ground-feeders spend most of their time on the floor of the cage
o Unlike most parrots, they are not noisy at all
o active and very social creatures that live in large herds and aviaries
o very independent and does not link very well with the human
o very well on the course, but a poor mimics of human speech

Latvian parrot
o The smallest of all parrots, the size of a sparrow
o usually green in color and fairly easy to keep in cages
o have a lot of time flying around (outside their cages)
O bond well with people
o voices can be hard sometimes, but they are not noisy birds

Eclectus parrots
o medium to large enterprises PET parrots
o Males and females have different plumage
o Males have bright-green leaves with red and blue spots on their flanks and the wings, while females with bright red spots of purple or blue on the flanks and wings
o The body feathers are very fine, with beautiful colors
o Eat a diet of fruits, flowers, buds and seeds which
o not have to adjust both inside and companion birds
o adults can be both noisy and aggressive
o prone to self-picking behavior

o Small and active, short-tailed parrots from Africa
o The best kept in pairs, because they usually do not link with people like most parrots do
o have shrill voices and can make a call volume
o not copy human speech
o often in companion bird aviaries instead

Cockatiels & Budgies
o The most common parrot like birds and both come from Australia
o The natural color is light green budgerigar with fine scale-like pattern of black and white markings on, but today, they come in many different colors as a result of selective breeding in captivity for generations
o budgies is not hard to entertain, but requires a lot of time with his keeper, if kept alone
o The ability to speak many words and phrases to learn in small, squeaky voices
o very active and noisy birds
o cockatiel birds are larger, and they make good pets
o The natural color of cockatiels are gray with white on the wings and yellow-orange spots on the head
o be able to learn to speak, but with a high, loud voices
o very active and noisy birds
o can be trained to obey orders, requirements and

I hope these simple tips on different species of parrots and some of their unique differences useful.

Did you know the fact that Quaker Parrots Love to take Bath

Yes, and your Quaker parrot to bathe regularly clean and healthy. Without regular baths, a Quaker parrot to build oil and dust that even a Quaker is powerful brushing can not remove, which can lead to illness.

Ideally, you should choose a location for your Quaker parrot bath, which is ok to get wet, like the kitchen table. It takes up to six meters a splash area and put a towel down on most of the water to catch. Fill a large bowl (I use a baking dish), ideally 1-2 inches long. It should not be higher than, or is it too deep for the bird, a lower and it will not be enough water.

When the bath is set, let your Quaker parrot check it out. If he is not accustomed to taking a bath, it may take several minutes for him to find out what this new thing is over. Give him time and did not feel put under pressure. If he seems interested in the water, dip your hand in there to show that it is ok. Eventually he will realize what it is all about, and will begin to swim. Always use fresh clean water for bathing and drinking water.

Some products 'bird bath' are ready to help contain splashes, but I would not recommend it because they limit the range and can discourage swimming. The amount of spraying will vary depending on the bird. Some splash a bit, others throughout the square and the weatherman is a live report on the location to do.

(Of course there is always an exception. Try it and see if your Quaker happy to take a bath or not.)

What could be some possible reasons that people want to have parrot as a pet

When choosing a pet, the sky is the limit. And if this election is a pet bird, the sky is truly the limit. Most people have a variety of reasons to pick their kind of pet. And more than a few animals have them! But there are some common reasons why people like birds and parrots as pets.
Please note that some of these reasons may be valid reasons for not choosing a bird or parrot as a pet. And some are absolutely the wrong reason to choose a bird or parrot as a pet. But here is the most frequent reasons (in random order) that people have a bird or parrot as a pet of their choice to choose.

First They 'talk' - Without doubt, it is the most popular reason that most people have a bird or parrot as a pet you want. You do not see a lot of dogs and cats to speak, but many birds and parrots have the ability to "talk". Remember that not all parrots "speak". Even some of the best speeches species such as the African Grey not learn to "speak".
Second They are unique - Dogs and cats are common pets, at least in the U.S.. According to the AVMA (American Medical Association veterinarian) in 2007, 37.2% of households (43,021,000) dogs, has 32.4% of households (37.46 million), cats, and only 3.9% of households (4,453,000) are birds .
Third They are beautiful - Birds and parrots are among the most colorful and beautiful animals in the world. Although not everyone prefers a bird for a pet, almost everyone agrees that they are incredibly beautiful with all their colors and feathers.
4th They can "tricks" - I know I know, dogs and cats (and other animals) can also do tricks. But you have some of the tricks, birds and parrots do? And they do not even have arms!
5th They are intelligent - "Bird Brain" spent a term used to inferior intelligence and some people still think it is right to be mentioned with the help of Dr. Irene Pepper Berg and Alex (among others) this is documented. it invalid. It is very difficult to compare the intelligence of different animals (eg birds vs dogs), but most animal trainers on these days agree that most birds are very intelligent.
6th They make the time, space or money for a cat / dog - This is a big misunderstanding, but a common reason why some people have a bird or parrot as a pet you want. The reality is that some species take longer and cost more to maintain than a dog or cat. Do not fall for this fallacy if you are considering a bird or parrot as a pet.
7th They are cute and socially - Who does not have a "aaawwwwwww" moment when you see a big Cockatoo nesting up to the owner to get his head rubbed? Yes, they are very social, so they can be very affectionate, if fed and treated properly. But be warned that if not properly treated and properly kept, they could just as on-hug and un-social and a trained fighting pit bull. The fact is that they are very social and is absolutely necessary social interaction, and far beyond what your typical dog, and certainly would take more than the typical cat would require.
8th They have an indoor / domestic pet - Unlike dogs that need walking, birds do not have to be walked or let out to "do their business. It is almost true, but the reality is that your pet bird or parrot should be enough time to get out of the cage (although it is technically not 'run') and the opportunity for many to move. Yes, parrots and birds need exercise too! This may or may not include walks outside with a harness or belt.
9th Their apartment rules do not allow cats or dogs - When is a pet not a pet? If you live in an apartment. Most apartments do not allow rules to be "pets" are just dogs or cats in their definition of "pet". While birds tend to fall into the "not really a pet" category with fish, and most apartments, look the other way when it comes to pets. So often people who can not get a bird or dog in their apartment, choosing a pet bird or parrot. This can sometimes work, but it can be a very bad decision depends on the type of bird to be. Some birds can be very hard and are not suitable for an apartment, unless you are very very friendly neighbors.
10th Keeping up with Jones - This is a common American expression to compare yourself to your neighbors about material things. The equivalent British slogan is "keep up appearances." Anyway, it's that desire to have what someone else has, and this includes a pet bird or parrot. Most people get their first desire to have a pet bird if they see another one. What they see is not all the work that goes into the proper presentation and parrot care. It is not easy, it's actually often very demanding, but it is always worth it.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

An insight on Jardine parrots

The Jardine parrot refers to Red fronted parrot found in the central regions of Africa. The parrot was named after the Englishman Sir William Jardine. His son returned to England from the Congo in Central Africa in the 1840s and Sir William Jardine called kind Pionus gulielmi "and published it in 1849. The species is actually composed of three sub-types, and they can be distinguished from each other with a slightly different shades of red on the bends of their wings, thighs and head.

These birds grow between 10-12 inches long and is predominantly green in color. They have a short thick tail consists mostly black feathers and black feathers on the back, wings, neck and head. As previously mentioned, they also have red colors appear as the bird ages into adulthood. The male and female are identical in appearance, so the sex of a DNA test was performed to identify.

The Jardine parrot is very versatile as it is considered a pet and they are increasingly popular among parrot owners. Because of their size, they would be considered a medium sized parrot, or on the smaller side of the media, so they require less space than many other medium and large birds. They are also a very good temperament and is quiet compared to other parrots of similar size and larger, so they are able to be held by people living in smaller spaces like an apartment, where noise and the neighbors would normally be a problem . They are still engaging and intelligent and loves to play and of course they still need to be addressed with the daily interaction and a variety of parrot toys. They are good talkers and can be quite a good way to develop vocabulary and imitating sounds and flute tune completely. Many owners say that their Jardine parrot they have done for the entertainment and the intelligence of a great bird to get the necessary space and without the noise usually associated with a large bird.

With respect to its availability as a pet they freely bred in captivity, and although the trade, import and export of wild caught Jardine is illegal, you can pick from a breeder or pet parrot for about $ 750 to $ 1000.

With all the positive qualities I have mentioned about the Jardine parrot, they are a good choice to do as a pet, so long as you are able to give and your heart is already set to another particular species.

Monday, November 7, 2011

What do you think To wing clip or not to wing clip a parrot?

Wing to Wing clip or no clip, it is the question.

This is a question most pet bird owners will marvel at one time or another. There is so much written about this topic, you probably feel that it gets done to death, I have not read any articles written by breeders on this topic, and I felt an article from a breeders point of view can help a different perspective to give Cut wings in relation to the African gray parrots, Amazon parrots, macaws, cockatoos and Conures.

It seems to me that there are different types of potential buyer. There is the person who already had some experience in keeping a parrot as a pet and want to buy another, and there is the absolute beginners who have never had a bird, and no experience what it means to be a bird living in a home environment. It is usually the last to include some research and read various articles written about that this is harmful to a baby bird health and welfare of clips. They are led to believe that the bird does not develop properly if it is cut, it will suffer mentally and can plucking or develop another phobic behavior. A pair is also under the misconception that wing clipping is a permanent condition, and the feathers will never grow. This is not the case if the bird is properly truncated. But I have seen some cases where the birds are so badly shaved, the feather follicles permanently damaged and it is my recommendation that blade for cutting needs, always a reliable breeder or avian veterinarian to do this before you contact. Maybe we should follow this article, by showing people of different safe methods wing clipping.

People have also led to believe that they will be able to train the baby bird to obey you on command and behave like a dog. This is rather misleading. Birds are not dogs. For this article let's assume that your bird can be trained to your commands to obey How long does it take the train the bird, and what are you doing in the intervening period when he flies to the top of the door and the kids go in and frightened him and he flies to the window and breaks his neck or suffer permanent brain damage, or slam the door and falls, breaks his leg or worse. I am sure that all breeders their own examples of these situations as me.

Then there are households with children! Took the kids, yes, I agree, but they will remember him on their shoulders when they answer the door and what do you do when their friends come around and they do not realize that they close their doors. I feel that these problems be addressed and not just by saying they should not be a good bird as a pet then. But by giving them the choice of a temporary solution until all are trained to think bird and the bird is comfortable with his surroundings and the members of his new flock. If a new bird is fully flighted and he flies out, no error, he is gone. He does not know where he is, he does not know who these people are, and nothing is known about him that he just wants to keep flying.

When a baby bird first goes to a new home is obviously very different from the safe environment, which he left with the breeder, who always keep their birds well-being at the top of their list of priorities, and they would not be subjected to any dangers. The new house is lovely all the bird much attention, but they must remember to close all windows and drawn curtains, so he did not fly into windows. Are all doors closed. What happens with these fully flighted bird in the summer when everyone is outside, he must stay in his cage. As he does when the kids play in the event that they leave doors or windows open a bird that has been cut in these circumstances is part of the family and can go wherever you go. If he is on your shoulder do not have to remember to back him in the cage to the door he can go with your answer. In short, it is better to cut a bird is a missing, lost or maimed bird.

Mowing is not permanent, and if done properly confine the birds ability to fly, and when the bird molts, the new owner in a position to make an informed decision to cut him and he can handle a full-flighted bird. As with everything, nothing is black and white and never say a wing clip or alternatively you should always wing clip is too dogmatic an attitude to have. Unfortunately we have a situation now where there is so much publicity, if not wing clipping birds, as many veterinarians refuse to bird wings clip. This leads to people either find someone who may or may not be experienced for the bird to clip them, and in one case, particularly where these unfortunate attitude has led to the loss of an African gray parrot flew from its cage by its owner entered the open dies. The owner had taken him to the vet to get his wings clipped, but he refused to do it and said it was harmful to his health and wellbeing. Where are the poor bird now. Possibly with a person who cares if he is lucky if he can not possibly have been victims of crows, rooks and hawks. But he no longer trusted the loving home he knows and his family who loves him. Last summer there were hundreds of reports of lost birds, I wonder if they would all be lost if their flight was a bit limited.

I think as long as we birds as part of our lives, we have a duty to protect them against risk, and if that means that we are their ability to fly in order to limit this is something we could do. Remember, this is not a permanent condition, and if it is cut feather molt and grow new you can start training your bird, and when he fully regains his flight will cut probably not necessary. I hope somehow to show that there is a viewpoint and a different approach to the subject of wing clipping. I would however like to point out that this article does not cut the wings of a baby lawyer should be fully aware of the flight. It is also not an advocate clipping clippings will.

Did you know the fact that Yellow Parrots are in very high demand in todays time

The Yellow Parrots prefers subtropical or tropical habitats for Honduras, Mexico, Belize and Guatemala, who lives in the rainforest, wetlands and other land with many trees. Unfortunately, deforestation, endangered the bird's natural habitat.

Their attractive colors and markings is partly what gives them their popularity. They have a bright yellow head, green body and a small red spot on each wing. Although they say less than the African gray parrot, they are still a very popular pet bird. A lot of training and attention should be paid to these birds to encourage talking. It would be easy for them attention when they are intelligent, fun, playful and very active. Also because the Yellow Headed Amazon parrots are noisy, will coach speak cutting their tendency to scream.

Yellow parrots are very active and loves to fly. If you want your yellow bird flying you have a very large open space. It is advisable to have a closed aviary, but not many people have so much space. So if you clip their wings and allow them to roam around your house for the performance they must be okay to use most of their time in a cage. They also offer cool toys, so they can keep themselves entertained.

Although Amazons are prone to accidents, they can still easily be trained to be more careful. But because of their size and curious nature, she will always in some kind of problems.

Male Yellow Amazon parrots are slightly bigger than the female Amazons. They use their short, hooked beak, which is quite strong, breaking the shells of hard nuts and seeds. They also use their beaks to climb, explore and understand objects.

In the jungle, the Amazon parrot diet includes leaf buds, flowers, berries, nuts and fruits. You should also know that it is very important to ensure that the yellow parrot diet is balanced and full of nutrients.

How long they survive the first thing you need to understand before buying these types. They can live for 80 years, which means they have a long term commitment. You may want to find a parrot with a shorter life if you do not want a long engagement.

Tips and Ideas on how to train your Parrot at home

Training parrots has many advantages, such as teaching in a few simple commands to handle your parrot easier and strengthen the bond with your parrot. It's not just entertainment as a parrot can talk and do tricks. Of course the success of the training process parrots mean much praise and attention along with favorite treats.

Keep it positive

It is very important to its success. There are three principles for parrot training:

First If your parrot does something right -> give him a treat
Second If he does something not feel right -> ignore
Third Never punish your parrot

Training parrots processing your goal is simple, if your parrot is behaving properly, give him a treat like a favorite food treat or a play session and ignore the bad things. Also, even a simple praise or a toy is precious motivation for some birds. Do not forget to ignore the bird when the bird is somewhat undesirable. A negative reaction is so attentive, if your parrot needs your attention, he will accept it as a reward. He may think that negative attention is better than no attention. It is much better decision and ignore the unwanted behavior will soon cease. This pod is what your approach to training and retention process is positive:

• Train your bird only when you feel relaxed, since the training requires patience!
• Choose a time when your bird is alert and not distracted by preening, eating, or household activities.
• Heart rate training as a few minutes at a time divided into several times a day is more effective.
• Select a particular favorite reward
• If your bird does something well, do not give a treat every time, otherwise your bird will do if you have a treat handy.
• End each session on a positive way, providing a treat for a good test of a successful attempt and move on to something else.
• Training should be fun for your bird.

Very Basic Training Parrots: Step Up and Step Down

Choose one or two things to teach your parrot. They can train your parrot to move your wrist or finger or a perch that you hold in your hand on command, and he comes back. These are simple but essential skills. Intensification of command is generally easy to train, because it is a natural movement of a bird (resignation is a bit difficult to teach).

If you teach your bird to step up and step down on command will handle it much easier and you will be able to what limits set for your bird. You can then return the bird back to play gym or cage or easy to remove him from the fields of home, there are bird-proof. Even if you have a baby bird too early to begin to step up and step down commands are still a good idea. It allows you to specify a number of positive reinforcement, and it is a good basis for training your parrots in several skills in the future.