Cats prefer food to body temperature - the temperature of freshly killed prey. They also make their food cut ¼ inch pieces (especially if they are sick and need to be seduced.) And did you know that 60% of all cats like cold tomato juice? I tried V-8 and it seems not at all attractive. We use this trick to kidney failure cat to lure more liquids to drink.
Cats are either right or left hand, shows a clear preference for one over the other leg.
A healthy cat can reach speeds up to 31 miles per hour, but can not say that the speed of Sprint for one minute.
Cat lick their fur to cool in hot weather. Like dogs, they just sweat through the pads of their feet.
The cat's whiskers are specially adapted to act as an antenna. They are used to navigate to detect movement and the width of an open courtyard. Whiskers are also an indicator of the vote - if the whiskers are back, the cat is angry, so watch out. Some people think that happiness is finding a hair's breadth. I know a woman, a millionaire, a whisker collection!
Each cat ear is controlled by 32 muscles and can rotate through 180 degrees. The people have only six muscles, so it is difficult to wiggle our ears. Cat ears are folded back or face actually checked off guard Sun
A cat's fur has 60,000 hairs per square centimeter on the back and 120,000 hairs per square centimeter on the ground - no wonder that cat owners have their empty vacuum bag every time! Shedding is controlled by hormones and temperature and light - even artificial light. Nervous cats shed further - especially if they filled in a carrier liquid and in the veterinary practice.
Cats are very territorial. A domestic cat area covers 150 hectares. Apparently their mixture acres or eight cats as we see in our backyard every day their laps. Only one of us is - there are many nice cat entertainment order in our garden.
Jump-jump ability: the human equivalent of the cat's ability, the width of a pool would jump.
Smell Power: People have five million smell-sensitive cells in the nose - Cats have € 200,000,000. Of course this means that they can smell if you do not clean the litter box daily and "improper welding" because of this.
Sleep habits: A healthy adult cat spends 15% of its life asleep, 50% in light sleep, and 30% in the time awake. I have noticed that a part of this time with the human sleep-wake time. This upsets the cat. This could be why my cat, Dagney me awake for 2 hours in the morning by biting foot in my mouth. Bleck! Cats at full alertness faster than any other creature.
Drink milk: Most adult cats lack the enzymes necessary to digest milk, so if your cat milk, it should take only a few teaspoon at a time. Yep - definitely too much milk, the cat gas and sometimes diarrhea. to coordinate well, the milk ceremony with your partner, so that no double-dip the cat.
Nutrition: cats spayed and neutered require fewer calories to do as intact cats. A good rule of thumb is ½ -3 / 4 cups per cat per day for a lower quality of food and 03:01 cup per cat per day for the higher quality foods such as IAM, Max Cat and Nutranuggets. Putting on Fat Cats starvation diets can kill them, because the liver breaks down fat too fast, creating a so-called ketosis.
Skin Disease: I have noticed in my naturopathic practice cat with skin diseases such as fish taste. Cats with liver and kidney diseases, such as chicken and Giblet or food with liver and kidney in them. Cat's with cardiovascular diseases such as heart foods. If the state is restored, you stop eating that particular flavor of food.
Hearing is: man can hear sounds up to 20,000 hertz (cycles per second), listening to hear up to 40,000 dogs and cats up to 100,000 Hertz Hertz. Cats can even hear electric currents in wires. Unbelievable is not it?
Psychic: In China, cats have been used successfully as predictors of the earthquake years ago.
Cats are colorblind, but only 1/6th of the light that people see the need.
Cat Number: Cats have five toes on their front paws and four on the back. A polydactyl cat is more than the normal number of toes. Poly means many funds and dactyl fingers (your Latin lesson for the day.) Polydactyl cats are known by various names - "for cats", "thumb Cats", "six fingers Cats" and "Hemingway cats." Hemingway cats were to Ernest Hemingway, his home island with nearly 50 cats, including a six-toed polydactyl given to him by a ship captain and named the cats bred together and the train was polydactyl together. Hemingway's cat colony was more with the local population to breed and the cat out of the normal ratio of polydactyl cats toes was about 50/50. There is a high degree of polydactyl cats in Boston, MA, and Portland, OR. I love cats polydactyl as they seem to be very friendly and tolerant of people of all ages.
Why sterilize your cat? A single pair of cats and their offspring can have as many as 420,000 cats in only seven years to produce.
Cats like to hear her whispers.
The cat has 26 facial expressions. The same parts of the human brain and cats agree with emotion.
Cats have it signed by the following tensions: over-care, lack of diligence, self-mutilation, vocalization, aggression, apathy, loss of appetite, depression. The product is an excellent product Feliway for cats to stress in new situations or environments with multiple cats to relieve where they do not have enough space so they feel comfortable.
Feliway is a synthetic feline pheromones using inappropriate behavior of the urinary marker to monitor and to calm cats in unfamiliar surroundings.
Cat Communication: Cats interpret a smile that shows teeth, such as aggression. This may be one reason why a cat always go to the person who hates cats (they do not laugh to be at the cat or eye contact!)
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