Monday, September 6, 2010

Have you thought about a cat as a pet have to society?

Have you thought about a cat as a pet have to society?
Cat owners are the advantages of a cat companion fills the idle hours with an animal that is quiet, he loves to play softly, and adapts to any environment. Most people keep their cats at home, so no conflict neighbor. Are you ready for the property cat?
Three advantages in choosing a cat for the company are:

1st Easy care
2nd Easy Power
3rd Easy cleaning
As you know, the domestic cat shares a bond with people. How we care for each other contributes to good health through the healing power and love to receive. We all have the word "love heals all heard". Our pets bring love, food, pleasure and fun, so we develop a strong bond and unconditional love for their services to our individual needs.
Examples are heat recovery in combination with the cat stroking action helps to relieve symptoms of arthritis in his hands. And if you're afraid or nervous to stroke your pet is calming and relaxing, which allows us to heal ourselves. What about humor and laughter, as we see them perform their antics and some silly stunts?
It was discovered that we hang in a position to keep infectious diseases in cats to a minimum maintenance of cats in the house, but our cats we take care of their needs. It seems that if we are nothing of their nutritional needs and types of food we eat, potentially causing illnesses.
These factors may contribute to poor health:

1st poor diet by dry the wrong foods
2nd Feeding the wrong food or feed lot
3rd too much or lack of vaccinations
4th Lack of knowledge about how to keep a healthy cat
5th not recognize the symptoms early in the disease
The truth about the cat has always been that it is a predator. One of his primary task was and is the rodent population to keep it low, to protect crops of wheat. Keep the rodent population also contributes to the definition of certain diseases to eliminate humans.
The cat is a carnivore is a meat eater. He needs meat to maintain its nutritional needs. And if you keep your protein needs your cat remains healthy for a long time.
The cats of today are not all cats that live in the jungle, mountains and forests connected with each other. The cat now has his memories of prehistory. His instinct to be survived and continues to be a hunting machine. But the cat count on us to be in exchange for accepting us, their parents for food and healthcare companies.

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