Although lice are common in both cats and dogs with them, is a misconception that cats can be affected by lice, and when, can be very contagious in some cases.
What are lice?
There are more than 3,400 different species of insects in the world, and divided into two major groups, sucking lice and biting or chewing lice. It is the name given to Anoplura sucking lice and make a much smaller group than chewing or biting forms, there are only 460 different species. In chewing or biting the team, there are as many as 3,000 different species, they are referred to as a group Mallophaga.
Dogs are a form of attack by this insect, but the vast majority of all cases of head lice in cats, biting or chewing form do the most damage. The real name for the type of lice that your cat will have designated as Felicola canis.
Lice can be seen with the naked eye at first glance seem almost like dandruff or very small grains of rice. However, rice or rose is not moving, but very annoying insects do. It is flat and oval, and unlike other insects, have no wings. For this reason, it is highly host specific to the attack and would not let your cat. In fact, in almost all cases will live throughout the life in your cat's body and have a purpose in your cat bite and survive.
When infected by the cat's body, you start the eggs, commonly referred to as nits today. This breed of lice are very particular about where they lay their eggs, because they focus specifically on the ashes of the cat. throughout their life cycle is only twenty-one day, but if not dealt with once they have begun to infect your cat, this cycle will continue and can be very contagious.
The vast majority of cases transferred to one of two ways: through direct contact with another cat, or a type of treatment tool. Since there are no wings and fly, contact with another cat with a very direct, and will have the actual physical contact. However, since every cat owner knows, cats rubbing against each other, and if you rub the infected cat will be very easy to spread. Grooming comb or any other form of grooming tool is also a frequent cause of spread of infection.
Lice in cats can be transmitted to humans, but is extremely rare. Although head lice can spread easily from person to person, it is a misconception that cats are easily transmitted by lice. The main reason is again very simple, have a specific target computer, in this case cats, humans.
Lice cats do not show many symptoms, and therefore it is very easy to recognize and subsequent recognition. Lice on your cat will be very easy to spot after they have hatched, and the process of life has begun. The first character you see the lice themselves, and is easily confused with dandruff. However, if you look close, it seems very different than dandruff. We maintain an oval shape and the size of a grain of rice is small. However, there is a big difference, lying on the move.
Once found, if you used a magnifying glass just to read, you will see much clearer. This will certainly appear as oval and have three characteristics: they are flat, have no wings, and swing.
However, if you spot the following symptoms begin to appear on your cat if the insects start to hurt them. Their hair begins to dry, and after a very short time is very dirty look. If it is greater, your cat will also start to lose their hair, usually in small patches. Dermatitis, which is a general term for skin allergies may also begin to develop. An allergy is usually due to a hyper-sensitive reaction of the body of your cat by lice.
All of this is the basis for the next symptom to happen, itching. This would not be a common form of itching. The itching is so severe that your cat is too started spinning as they try to get rid of this intense itching. In some cases, the itching is so dramatic that your cat is stressed and can claw itself in an effort to relieve the itching. This can be very dangerous, especially if the areas where the skin is exposed to attack.
pale gums; There may be another symptom that can occur. This will only happen if your cat is infected with a species of sucking lice and suck their blood, but this is extremely rare in cats.
Lice cats have some very effective treatments, but in most cases this is not a condition to try home remedies because they can be very difficult to kill. In fact, in most cases it takes several treatments. For this reason, once you establish that lice that your cat is infected, you should seek professional help.
Your veterinarian will usually prescribe a medicated shampoo, such as pyrethrin. Pyrethrin is a natural product based on extracts of the chrysanthemum planting is very effective in killing lice, including the nits. There are some countries where you can buy over the counter, but in most cases be prescribed. Once medicated shampoo, rinse your cat and let them dry completely before the next step.
It is extremely important to wear gloves during this whole process just to be safe. Once your cat has been completely dried, the pyrethrin sprays or powders next year. This will help one of the lice that may have survived the medicated shampoo kill. Some veterinarians also prescribe a medicine gel worm to use for your cat to act as a mediator and peace.
But even with these two processes in some cases it will kill all the nits and should repeat the process in about ten to fourteen days. If the second procedure does not work and your cat continues to show signs of lice, two percent lime treatments may be needed. However, this should be done by your vet in most countries.
In more serious cases of lice in cats in which none of these treatments are effective, there is another option. Your veterinarian will shave your cat and remove the lice one by one.
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