C-vitamin til hunde er altid en polemik, men de fleste mennesker, der hævder, at C-vitamin kan være skadelige for din hund bare ikke forstå alle de faktiske omstændigheder. Det er et vandopløseligt vitamin og som kontroversen med vitamin B12, er det næsten umuligt at være giftige for din hund. I modsætning til fedtopløselige vitaminer lagres i leveren fedt oplagring celler og deres hund, er C-vitamin lagres kun i spormængder i deres krop. Faktisk bør den udskiftes dagligt i din hunds kost eller via kosttilskud. Og eventuel overskydende C-vitamin udskilles af hunden i deres urin, hvilket gør det umuligt at kan være giftige. C-vitamin er heller ikke cheleted eller bundet til et protein i din hund og som følge heraf, gennem deres organisationer at gå eller destrueret inden for 3 til 4 timer, en anden grund til de eksperter, der tyder på, at det kan være giftige for din hund fejl. Der er andre kritikere, der tyder på, at C-vitamin ikke udfyldes, fordi det naturligvis er syntetiseret i raske hunde. Hvis det var tilfældet, hvorfor så supplere C-vitamin hjælper dit kæledyr med hip dyspepsi, urinvejsinfektioner, halten, bristede skiver, og virusinfektioner, for blot at nævne nogle få. Der er flere prominente dyrlæger, der har gjort en omfattende forskning om C-vitamin til hunde som Dr. Wendell Belfield, DVM, hvilket tyder på, at forskellige sygdomme og lidelser hos hunde er forårsaget af en mangel på vitamin C. Funktioner af vitamin C: Der er flere funktioner, som C-vitamin udfører i din hund, men dens primære funktion er at bindende. C-vitamin er vigtigt for din hund at binde sammen bindevæv, muskler, sener og ledbånd. Det betyder ikke, alt som det bidrager til at binde din hund's brusk, blodkar, hud og deres knogler. Det er også en master's rolle som en detoxifier og er meget effektiv i at hjælpe dine kæledyr immunsystem til at bekæmpe bakterier og virus, der kan forårsage nogle meget alvorlige sygdomme hos din hund. Det stimulerer også produktionen af interferon, som er afgørende for produktionen af røde blodlegemer og adrenalin. Interferoner er en lille gruppe af proteiner kaldet cytokiner, der produceres af hvide blodlegemer dit kæledyr, fibroblaster og T-celler og er en del af immunsystemet hos din hund. De er dybest set den katalysator i immunsystemet, som reagerer på virusinfektioner. Deres navn, interferon stammer fra deres engagement i produktionen af nye viruspartikler. De også påvirker immunsystemet på andre måder. De øge aktiviteten af lymfocytter, mens hæmme andre immunceller bliver stimuleret, alle er en del af et meget sofistikeret immunsystem af din hund. Men det har C-vitamin til at stimulere aktiv. Denne proces beskytter din hund fra både toksiner og stress, der kan aktivere forskellige typer af angreb på deres immunsystem. Typer af C-vitamin: Der findes forskellige typer af C-vitamin, men de tre vigtigste typer af arter, der normalt er ascorbinsyre, dehydroascorbinsyre, og natriumascorbat. Ligesom kontrovers over fordelene ved vitamin C, er der kontroverser om, hvad der er mest effektive i dyr. Der er sider, der mener, at askorbinsyre er den bedste form, fordi det hydrolyserer eller blander let med vand og dermed er langt lettere absorberes i tarmvæggen af dit kæledyr. På grund af dette, er det meget lettere at engagere sig i urinen af en hund, når den forlader kroppen. Dehydroascorbinsyre er den oxiderede form af ascorbinsyre og aktive import til cellerne i din hund og genererer den oxidative potentiale i disse celler. Det menes, at denne form er lettere at overføre gennem kroppen. Imidlertid har Dr. Wendell Belfield anbefalet flere år med kun natriumascorbat til både hunde og katte, da det er langt mindre sure og har næsten ingen smag. Uden den stærke smag, er det nemmere at give dit kæledyr og den lavere form af sure syre, vil ikke forstyrre fordøjelsessystemet og diarré. Den eneste reelle bivirkninger produceret af C-vitamin, midlertidig diarré og en mere gullig tone i urinen i isolerede tilfælde. Fordele ved C-vitamin: Der er mange fordele ved C-vitamin til hunde, men de mest talte med hofte dysplasi. Høje niveauer af C-vitamin har vist sig effektive i flere undersøgelser med hunde med denne tilstand svarer til en mild form for skørbug, der skyldes en mangel på vitamin C. Dette vitamin kan aldrig helbrede ældre hund symptomer, men i flere tilfælde har kureret en ung hund. Ældre hunde vil gavne enormt vigtigt, da det bidrager til at lindre smerter og hjælper også til at øge bevægelse i hofterne. Urinvejsinfektioner er også bistået med brugen af dette vitamin, blot fordi det udskilles af nyrerne helt uændret, med det resultat, at forsurer urinen for din hund. Denne øgede surhedsgrad gør det meget vanskeligt for bakterier at overleve. Næsten alle bakterier, der forårsager infektioner overleve og formere sig i den lave syreindhold. Det er nøjagtig den samme grund blærebetændelse blære infektioner hos mennesker er så meget hjulpet af tranebærsaft, meget højt i vitamin C. Der er også flere eksperter, der tyder på, at C-vitamin forårsager blæresten hos hunde og katte, men virkeligheden er det stik modsatte og faktisk at løse dem. At fastholde en stærk syre opløser sten i urinen, er det ikke oprettet. En mangel på C-vitamin forsinker helingsprocessen og en hindring for kirtel, kredsløbssygdomme og immun processer i din hund. Det kan også føre til tandkødsbetændelse, som igen kan medføre et tab af tænder, blødende gummer og dårlig ånde. Dette vitamin hjælper også med hudproblemer genereret af forskellige allergier, samt hjælpe til at bremse aldringsprocessen hos hunde.
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Vitamin C for dogs are always a controversy, but most people who claim that vitamin C may be harmful to your dog just can not understand all the facts. It is a water soluble vitamin and as the controversy with vitamin B12, it is almost impossible to be toxic to your dog.
Unlike fat soluble vitamins stored in liver fat storage cells and their dog, vitamin C is stored only in trace amounts in their bodies. Actually it should be replaced daily in your dog's diet or through supplements. And any excess vitamin C is excreted by the dog in their urine, making it impossible to can be toxic.
Vitamin C is also not cheleted or bound to a protein in your dog and as a result, through their organizations to go or destroyed within 3 to 4 hours, another reason for the experts who suggest that it may be toxic for your dog failures.
There are other critics who suggest that vitamin C is not completed because it is naturally synthesized in healthy dogs. If this were the case, why supplementing Vitamin C helps your pets with hip dyspepsia, urinary tract infections, lameness, ruptured discs, and viral infections, to name just a few.
There are several prominent veterinary surgeon who has done extensive research on vitamin C for dogs like Dr. Wendell Belfield, DVM, suggesting that different diseases and ailments in dogs is caused by a deficiency of vitamin C.
Functions of vitamin C:
There are several features that vitamin C performs in your dog, but its primary function is binding. Vitamin C is important for your dog to tie together connective tissue, muscles, tendons and ligaments. That does not mean everything as it helps to tie up your dog's cartilage, blood vessels, skin and their bones.
It is also a master's role as a detoxifier and is very effective in helping your pet's immune system to fight bacteria and viruses that can cause some very serious diseases in your dog. It also stimulates production of interferon, which is essential for the production of red blood cells and adrenaline.
Interferons are a small group of proteins called cytokines produced by white blood cells, your pet, fibroblasts and T cells and is part of the immune system of your dog. They are basically the catalyst of the immune system that responds to viral infections. Your name, interferon derived from their involvement in the production of new virus particles.
They also affect the immune system in other ways. They increase the activity of lymphocytes, whereas inhibiting other immune cells are stimulated, all part of a very sophisticated immune system of your dog. But it has Vitamin C to stimulate active.
This process protects your dog from both toxins and stress that can activate different types of attacks on their immune system.
Types of Vitamin C:
There are different types of vitamin C, but the three main types of species that usually are ascorbic acid, dehydroascorbic acid and sodium ascorbate. Like the controversy over the benefits of vitamin C, there are controversies about what is most effective in animals.
There are sides who believe that ascorbic acid is the best kind because it hydrolyzes or mixes easily with water and thus are much easier absorbed in the intestinal wall of your pet. Because of this, it is much easier to engage in the urine of a dog when it leaves the body.
Dehydroascorbic acid is the oxidized form of ascorbic acid and active import into the cells of your dog and generates the oxidative potential of these cells. It is believed that this form is easier to transfer through the body.
However, Dr. Wendell Belfield recommended several years with only sodium ascorbate for both dogs and cats as it is much less acidic and has almost no taste. Without the strong flavor, it is easier to give your pet and the lower form of acidic acid, it will not upset the digestive system and diarrhea.
The only real side effects produced by vitamin C, temporary diarrhea and a more yellowish tone in the urine in isolated cases.
Benefits of Vitamin C:
There are many benefits of vitamin C for dogs, but most spoke with hip dysplasia. High levels of vitamin C has proven effective in several studies in dogs with this condition is equivalent to a mild form of scurvy caused by a deficiency of vitamin C.
This vitamin can never heal older dog symptoms, but in several cases have cured a young dog. Older dogs will benefit enormously important because it helps to relieve pain and also helps to increase movement in the hips.
Urinary tract infections are also assisted with the use of this vitamin simply because it is excreted by the kidneys completely unchanged, with the result that acidifies the urine to your dog. This increased acidity makes it very difficult for bacteria to survive. Almost all bacteria that cause infections survive and multiply in the low acidity.
This is exactly the same reason cystitis bladder infections in humans is much helped by cranberry juice, very high in vitamin C.
There are also several experts suggest that vitamin C causes bladder stones in dogs and cats, but the reality is quite the opposite and actually solve them. Maintaining a strong acid dissolves stones in the urine, it is not created.
A lack of vitamin C delays the healing process and an obstacle to the gland, circulatory and immune processes in your dog. It can also lead to gingivitis, which in turn can lead to loss of teeth, bleeding gums and bad breath.
This vitamin also helps with skin problems generated by various allergies, and help to slow the aging process in dogs.
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Danish to English translation
Vitamin C for dogs are always a controversy, but most people who claim that vitamin C may be harmful to your dog just can not understand all the facts. It is a water soluble vitamin and as the controversy with vitamin B12, it is almost impossible to be toxic to your dog.
Unlike fat soluble vitamins stored in liver fat storage cells and their dog, vitamin C is stored only in trace amounts in their bodies. Actually it should be replaced daily in your dog's diet or through supplements. And any excess vitamin C is excreted by the dog in their urine, making it impossible to can be toxic.
Vitamin C is also not cheleted or bound to a protein in your dog and as a result, through their organizations to go or destroyed within 3 to 4 hours, another reason for the experts who suggest that it may be toxic for your dog failures.
There are other critics who suggest that vitamin C is not completed because it is naturally synthesized in healthy dogs. If this were the case, why supplementing Vitamin C helps your pets with hip dyspepsia, urinary tract infections, lameness, ruptured discs, and viral infections, to name just a few.
There are several prominent veterinary surgeon who has done extensive research on vitamin C for dogs like Dr. Wendell Belfield, DVM, suggesting that different diseases and ailments in dogs is caused by a deficiency of vitamin C.
Functions of vitamin C:
There are several features that vitamin C performs in your dog, but its primary function is binding. Vitamin C is important for your dog to tie together connective tissue, muscles, tendons and ligaments. That does not mean everything as it helps to tie up your dog's cartilage, blood vessels, skin and their bones.
It is also a master's role as a detoxifier and is very effective in helping your pet's immune system to fight bacteria and viruses that can cause some very serious diseases in your dog. It also stimulates production of interferon, which is essential for the production of red blood cells and adrenaline.
Interferons are a small group of proteins called cytokines produced by white blood cells, your pet, fibroblasts and T cells and is part of the immune system of your dog. They are basically the catalyst of the immune system that responds to viral infections. Your name, interferon derived from their involvement in the production of new virus particles.
They also affect the immune system in other ways. They increase the activity of lymphocytes, whereas inhibiting other immune cells are stimulated, all part of a very sophisticated immune system of your dog. But it has Vitamin C to stimulate active.
This process protects your dog from both toxins and stress that can activate different types of attacks on their immune system.
Types of Vitamin C:
There are different types of vitamin C, but the three main types of species that usually are ascorbic acid, dehydroascorbic acid and sodium ascorbate. Like the controversy over the benefits of vitamin C, there are controversies about what is most effective in animals.
There are sides who believe that ascorbic acid is the best kind because it hydrolyzes or mixes easily with water and thus are much easier absorbed in the intestinal wall of your pet. Because of this, it is much easier to engage in the urine of a dog when it leaves the body.
Dehydroascorbic acid is the oxidized form of ascorbic acid and active import into the cells of your dog and generates the oxidative potential of these cells. It is believed that this form is easier to transfer through the body.
However, Dr. Wendell Belfield recommended several years with only sodium ascorbate for both dogs and cats as it is much less acidic and has almost no taste. Without the strong flavor, it is easier to give your pet and the lower form of acidic acid, it will not upset the digestive system and diarrhea.
The only real side effects produced by vitamin C, temporary diarrhea and a more yellowish tone in the urine in isolated cases.
Benefits of Vitamin C:
There are many benefits of vitamin C for dogs, but most spoke with hip dysplasia. High levels of vitamin C has proven effective in several studies in dogs with this condition is equivalent to a mild form of scurvy caused by a deficiency of vitamin C.
This vitamin can never heal older dog symptoms, but in several cases have cured a young dog. Older dogs will benefit enormously important because it helps to relieve pain and also helps to increase movement in the hips.
Urinary tract infections are also assisted with the use of this vitamin simply because it is excreted by the kidneys completely unchanged, with the result that acidifies the urine to your dog. This increased acidity makes it very difficult for bacteria to survive. Almost all bacteria that cause infections survive and multiply in the low acidity.
This is exactly the same reason cystitis bladder infections in humans is much helped by cranberry juice, very high in vitamin C.
There are also several experts suggest that vitamin C causes bladder stones in dogs and cats, but the reality is quite the opposite and actually solve them. Maintaining a strong acid dissolves stones in the urine, it is not created.
A lack of vitamin C delays the healing process and an obstacle to the gland, circulatory and immune processes in your dog. It can also lead to gingivitis, which in turn can lead to loss of teeth, bleeding gums and bad breath.
This vitamin also helps with skin problems generated by various allergies, and help to slow the aging process in dogs.
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