Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Insight on Mount Rainier National Park

Mount Rainier National Park is famous for its fish, so do not be disappointed if you do not catch fish, or if the fish are small! Only anglers are doing well and then only in a limited number of times during the season. Rivers and streams are open from late May or early June to late October, and most lakes are ice-free in July and October.
Several species are listed under the Endangered Species Act are present in the park flows. Native resident trout are also found in park streams. Therefore, we recommend barbless hooks and lures to use, and release the fish unharmed. No fishing license is required in the park. But if you plan to stay in the home, use a licensed wilderness.
Native versus non-native fish
No prior park lakes support a fish population stocks in the early 1900s. Stopped stocking the NPS in 1973 as a result of the negative effects of non-native fish had on natural aquatic ecosystems, including impacts on local populations of amphibians. But at least 27 lakes still contain reproducing populations of introduced fish, including eastern brook trout, rainbow and cutthroat stocks. Chinook salmon such as Coho and was historically present in park waters. However, fish passage is now blocked by dams on the Cowlitz, Nisqually, Puyallup and White Rivers. His truck fish around some of these dams. Carbon River is the only major drainage in the park, blocking fish passage without dikes.
Motorized boating is prohibited in the park. Non-motorized boating is allowed on all lakes except Lake Frozen, Reflection Lakes, Ghost Lake, Shadow Lake, and Lake Tipsoo.
Park fishing regulations are generally consistent with those of the surrounding water in Washington State. Park-specific regulations and closures are included in the information below. Bull trout and Chinook salmon, both the federally-listed endangered species is prohibited in the park.
Fishing season
According to the Washington State fishing regulations, lakes and ponds throughout the year, while streams and beaver ponds are open late May or early June to late October. Check the Washington State fishing regulations for exact dates and more detailed information.
Closed Waters
The following areas are closed to fishing:
* Klickitat Creek above White River Entrance water supply intake * Ipsut Creek over Ipsut Creek Campground water supply intake * Laughingwater Ohanapecosh Creek above the water intake * Edith Creek basin above the water intake of paradise * Frozen lake * Reflection Lakes * Shadow Lake * Lake Tipsoo
Ohanapecosh River and its tributaries are open for fly fishing only. Use of bait or lures (except birds) are not allowed.
To protect sensitive vegetation and soil, is off-trail travel prohibited in Paradise, Sunrise, and Tipsoo lakes.
Boundaries of the park's lakes
No limits
Restrictions on all other park waters
Daily catch: Six pounds of fish plus one fish, not to exceed 12 fish. Team: 1 day to limit Minimum: none
No license or permit required by the park, except as required by Washington State fishing regulations.
Ohanapecosh River and its tributaries are open for fly fishing only. The use of bait or lures (except birds) are not allowed.
Prohibited activities
To protect the park for the enjoyment of others, the following activities is strictly prohibited:
• Fishing for Trout Dolly Varden or bull • Fishing for Chinook and coastal cutthroat • Cleaning of fish in park waters • Possession or use of live or dead bait fish, amphibians, non-preserved fish eggs or roe • Sleep shelf or placing a substance (fish, eggs, food, medicine, etc.) in the waters with the purpose of attracting or feeding the fish • Fishing with nets, seines, traps, drugs or explosives, or otherwise than by hook and line fishing rod or line being closely monitored • Digging for bait • Placement of waste of any kind in the park waters
At night Fishing
Anglers nights in the backcountry must have a wilderness camping permit. These permits can be obtained at a ranger station or wilderness information center. Looking for information on wilderness camping and to information.
Checklist of fish
Fish are not native to park lakes, but at least 27 lakes still contain a reproduction of populations of fish, including eastern brook trout, rainbow and cutthroat stocks. A checklist of common flounder, salmon and trout can be found in the park include the following:
Bull Trout Dolly Varden Eastern brook trout Cutthroat Trout Rainbow trout or Steelhead Kokanee salmon (Mowich Lake only) Young salmon Coho Salmon Chinook salmon Mountain Whitefish Sculpin

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