Red mosquito larvae, a protein-rich foods. About 60 percent of their dry matter is protein. This compares with tubifex worms. Fish fed with live or frozen bloodworms tend to grow quickly. Blood worms are an excellent conditioning food for cooking fish for breeding.
Frozen bloodworms
Frozen bloodworms are readily available and relatively inexpensive form of fish feed. It is easy to supplement your dry fish with frozen red mosquito larvae and fish usually loves them.
Small fish
I regularly feed frozen blood worms as small as 2 cm of fish (less than one inch) long Neon Tetras, White Cloud Mountain Minnows. They have no trouble eating the food and grow rapidly.
Although I had no problems with bloodworms myself, it is only reasonable fixed some other people had.
A boy lost some fish bloodworms, were thawed and allowed to warm up, he was well aware of how to care for frozen foods. But he did not find out until later what had happened with bloodworms before. This is not only limited to red mosquito larvae, but applies to all frozen food or fed to animals or humans. Frozen foods should be kept frozen until used and should not be refrozen.
About Feeding
Also this problem is not limited to bloodworm, but it is possible to continue with most types of food. Because many fish such as bloodworms, people sometimes give them too much and dangerous degrade water quality. In this connection. Help bloodworms as an almost only food, instead of as part of a varied diet
Although the bloodworm is an excellent eating, they are not the only food fed. Fish and most animals require a variety of foods. Like I do not recommend that fish fed only on chips, I would not recommend that blood worms are the only food fed. Turtles are often fed with red mosquito larvae, they love them. But bloodworms are relatively low in calcium and other nutrients are given to your turtle.
Indigestible parts
Dr. Jim Greenwood B.V.Sc. Canterbury Veterinary Clinic Canterbury, Victoria has suggested that larger species bloodworm imported and sold frozen should not be given to discus, tetras and some rainbows, as Chitinous parts of the blood worms can block their digestive system. Other people have probably seen the same problems as the cause. I fed bloodworms imported all kinds of fish, which he calls and has no problems, but apparently Dr. Greenwood and some other people. Perhaps the people who have these problems harbored a greater proportion of bloodworm and other foods for their less fish than me.
Unsanitary conditions
In some countries where bloodworms are produced for export, is the water they live in very unhealthy, and some people think that frozen blood worms are not safe. All the bloodworm in Australia are sterilized by gamma radiation. I assume that countries like the U.S. is also an effective method of sterilization used.
Frozen bloodworms
Frozen bloodworms are readily available and relatively inexpensive form of fish feed. It is easy to supplement your dry fish with frozen red mosquito larvae and fish usually loves them.
Small fish
I regularly feed frozen blood worms as small as 2 cm of fish (less than one inch) long Neon Tetras, White Cloud Mountain Minnows. They have no trouble eating the food and grow rapidly.
Although I had no problems with bloodworms myself, it is only reasonable fixed some other people had.
A boy lost some fish bloodworms, were thawed and allowed to warm up, he was well aware of how to care for frozen foods. But he did not find out until later what had happened with bloodworms before. This is not only limited to red mosquito larvae, but applies to all frozen food or fed to animals or humans. Frozen foods should be kept frozen until used and should not be refrozen.
About Feeding
Also this problem is not limited to bloodworm, but it is possible to continue with most types of food. Because many fish such as bloodworms, people sometimes give them too much and dangerous degrade water quality. In this connection. Help bloodworms as an almost only food, instead of as part of a varied diet
Although the bloodworm is an excellent eating, they are not the only food fed. Fish and most animals require a variety of foods. Like I do not recommend that fish fed only on chips, I would not recommend that blood worms are the only food fed. Turtles are often fed with red mosquito larvae, they love them. But bloodworms are relatively low in calcium and other nutrients are given to your turtle.
Indigestible parts
Dr. Jim Greenwood B.V.Sc. Canterbury Veterinary Clinic Canterbury, Victoria has suggested that larger species bloodworm imported and sold frozen should not be given to discus, tetras and some rainbows, as Chitinous parts of the blood worms can block their digestive system. Other people have probably seen the same problems as the cause. I fed bloodworms imported all kinds of fish, which he calls and has no problems, but apparently Dr. Greenwood and some other people. Perhaps the people who have these problems harbored a greater proportion of bloodworm and other foods for their less fish than me.
Unsanitary conditions
In some countries where bloodworms are produced for export, is the water they live in very unhealthy, and some people think that frozen blood worms are not safe. All the bloodworm in Australia are sterilized by gamma radiation. I assume that countries like the U.S. is also an effective method of sterilization used.
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