Saturday, September 10, 2011

Here are some tips to keep in mind before selecting your pet bird

When choosing what kind of new pet birds best fits your mood and needs there are some things you should consider before taking that all important purchase.

During my 10 years experience, I've just dealt with a pet bird, so unfortunately some of my knowledge is limited to just.

First you must decide what kind of bird you want and whether it is appropriate for your situation, then make sure you set up a home for your new feathered friends before you take home.

Below is a brief, but hopefully informed list of the most popular small pet animals and the ups and downs of their care:


Of the parrot family and is native to Australia budgie is often called "parrot" or "long-tailed parrot, the budgerigar is no doubt that the most popular pet birds in the Western world and for good reason, small enough to handle, easy tam, cheap, a surprising array of different colors, can be stored in a separate, very friendly (if tame), a chatterbox, minimum required for supporting a healthy, easy to grow (if you like), usually mixes well other small birds (budgies and other species). Good in a cage or aviary.

But budgies can cause nasty wounds inflict when they bite during treatment (rarely a problem if they are tame, but they can draw blood if their mouths sink in), they may instead destructive (they love to chew) and budgerigars can be very territorial and elderly (especially if they are to other birds).

In the wild parakeets live in large herds, and so have many of the interactions in order to save them from the bored. Hence they should be busy with lots of toys and attention, or alternatively, held another of their kind, so they can communicate with each other.


Another Australian bird that is often called "Tiel" for short, these small parrots are also very popular as pets because of their peace, nature and unique character. Slightly larger than the parrot, so that more space (bigger cage for example), cockatiel lives in large groups in the wild again as interactions and toys should be.

They can hide themselves or in a pairs or small groups, and easy to maintain. Well as a cage or aviary birds, and because of their quiet nature is good cockatiel usually mixed with other small birds of different species (cockatiels are often held in the same aviary of budgies and finches are rarely a problem). They can learn to other sounds of patience and determination to imitate, and are easy to tame.

But they can also cause a rather nasty bites if they choose (perhaps a worse injury than the parrot because of their large mouths, but usually not a problem if tame). Moderate if you want your cockatiel who need them breed on their own as an elderly couple with no other birds. The birds can also be very destructive because of their desire to chew on almost anything, but they are easy to scare (so no sudden loud noises or sudden bright light please!).


Slightly smaller than the budgerigars and cockatiels, and not part of the parrot family, the most popular forms of Finch was again very popular for good reason: very easy to keep, benign, small and compact, very active, cute, prolific breeders, usually low cost, small space needed for good health (the perfect pet bird for apartments, flats and small areas of life).

There are many types of Finch available in the pet bird market, but the most popular are: Zebra Finch, Society Finch (Bengalese Finch), Gouldian Finch, Finch Java (Java Sparrow), Java, the largest of the four just mentioned (a little smaller than the budgie).

All this can be placed in a cage and aviary also usually mix well with other species (I hold together budgies, cockatiels, zebra finches, Bengalese finches, and a large outdoor aviary with Javanese and very rarely a problem).

Regarding the initial cost of the little zebra finches characters are usually the least expensive (from 3 to 8 pieces, often with a good deal for a couple), the following is the society finches (from 5 to 10 each, again with a better deal for a couple), then Javanese (8 to 15 each, buy two for a better price), and Gouldian finches When it comes to the top (the cheapest I saw that about 20 per unit to 60 - sometimes more - but a deal on a typically configured). The reason for the higher price gouldians is due to their excellent pigment and rarity, a desirable bird that people often pay generously.

Finches but not always immediate treatment and should be kept in groups of two or more.
Not least because of their size bites are probably not worth a great deal.


There are many different types of birds are available but the price is usually higher if not so often.

Several other types of parakeets are still quite popular - in the neck ring parakeet, budgerigar (Bourke, turquoisine, elegant, Alexandrine), Kakariki (parakeet New Zealand), Rosella, love birds only a few.

However, the concern for any small pet birds is basically the same.

Always remember to shop around for the best deal and if you buy your new bird or birds from a breeder or hobbyist than a pet.

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