Saturday, December 10, 2011

Proper diet for your Parrot

Feed your parrot a proper parrot diet is one of the fundamental keys to ensure that he lives a long and healthy life. Parrots are really no different than people in this respect - a man who lives on a diet consisting mainly of junk food is not very likely, heather, and it is unlikely that life is old age. There are other important things you must do for your parrot healthy, which interact with him and take care of him, etc. .. but if you feed him the wrong diet, which might not bother! A good parrot diet is important.
Unfortunately, although all bird experts agree that what you feed your parrot is absolutely necessary, they disagree about what the diet should consist of. This is because there is not enough research has been done on the food that parrots eat in the wild. That said, there is an agreement that simply feeding a parrot a diet of seeds, there is not enough. This is due to the fact that the germ of many nutrients that parrots need (such as calcium and vitamins), and they also contain too much fat. Most experts agree that the bird seed, which must not exceed 10% of the diet of a parrot.
In an attempt to remedy a seed only diet to loose, parrot pellets was developed. These pills contain a good balance of grains, minerals, vegetables, fruits, seeds, and vitamins, but the big problem with them is that parrots really quickly tired of eating the same food again and again. For this reason, the consensus among experts that this parrot pellet food is not good for more than 60% of the diet of a parrot.
In my opinion, is the perfect parrot diet of 40% - 50% pellets and 50% - 60% fresh vegetables and fruit. This type of diet provides three important benefits for your parrot:

* It will be all the nutrients needed him healthy.
* He will truly enjoy the taste and variety.
* It will mentally stimulate him to eat larger pieces of food, he will have to grab them with its claws.
The following vegetables are ideal for your parrot - green beans, cucumbers, peppers, carrots, eggplant, cauliflower and corn.
The following fruits (make sure all seeds or seeds removed, as some are toxic to parrots) are ideal for your parrot - melon, papaya, kiwi, pineapple, mango, grapes, peaches, apples, cherries and oranges.
Now you know what to feed your parrot, here is a list of things you should not feed him because they are very toxic to parrots - caffeine, mushrooms, alcohol, chocolate, cocoa, guacamole, and all foods containing lots of salt, dyes, fats and preservatives in foods.
Although you should be aware of the toxic foods listed above, do not panic about accidentally feed your parrot something that is not good for him. This is because the parrots are usually smart enough to avoid eating something that is really harmful to them.
One final point is that you actually need to monitor the amount of food your parrot eats. Just because you give your parrot proper parrot diet, but that does not mean he will eat - if he does not like the taste of food, he will not eat, how hungry he is! Unchecked, it can quickly result in a parrot suffering from malnutrition, which is one of the main causes of the parrot problems. Yes, you should carefully monitor their food intake.

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