Monday, June 7, 2010

Common questions on My first guinea pig

My first guinea pig, go to the Breeder?

Consider this fact, more people are asking "where should I get my first guinea pig" than any other issue. Will give you a quick but effective answer to this important problem.

First, you get a pig from a breeder, pet shop, restoration or another, it means little unless you know the first thing to look These from all sources. Obviously, you want a happy healthy guinea pig small. Needless to say that the animal must be free from disease and fleas, ticks and other conditions dishonorable.

However, you also consider this issue. Guinea pigs are herd animals. Enjoy the company of others. If you are in a group, you can find animals that are ashamed of you not familiar with people and a bit 'stuck! So I do not think these restrictions are important, compared to aggressive behavior or adverse effects.

Aggression in the guinea pig may show his teeth bared, hissing, and growing to challenge you. Consider trying less aggressive animals, if you want a loving pet. Just because your candidate so, but otherwise a clean and healthy environment, you should not ignore him or her.

Now here is a list of things to consider when choosing a place to get a guinea pig.

Unlike dogs and cats, breeders, breeders of pigs is not regulated by law. The absence of regulation creates a unique problem areas. It 'important that the breeder police themselves, thus ensuring the farmer weeks Weeds business.

One source lists for farmers who voluntarily register to control the American Breeder's Association. As a body, that have certain rules to be adopted in breeding guinea pigs and if the farmer belongs to this group means that, at least, connected to a community of farmers that share. Start your search.

You can usually find these breeders in the search bar in your city or province. Farmers will often be more than happy to provide brochures and information that rock and suggestions. They can also be a good source of information on topical issues with certain breeds.

Want to May next year to attract farmer in the debate on improving their guinea pigs. Ask if they are residents or local veterinarian. Most breeders will tell the name of the veterinarian. It would be useless to call the vet, as most will be too busy, do not want to offend their practice or simply not interested in the answers to your questions. However, if you buy an expensive race, certainly know the opinion of a veterinarian in the health and care of the animals.

If the farmer does not vet the name, think a bit. ' They care about animals, or process goods, if one is sick or dies, simply dispose of them, and not to provide assistance.

You can also tell a lot about the breeder, when it comes to small creatures. breeder I admire them and hold them gently guinea pigs, as they say to you. All their adult animals in the long term, or they just farm animals.

This may not seem a big deal, but honestly, the large organizations, to buy hundreds of pigs at the time, and usually buy from these breeders. The volume and quality can not always be their main directions and forms of guinea pigs in a state of identity that a small buyer, you may consider small farmers.

Ask the breeder if they are careful where they sell their pigs. Research Laboratories to buy a guinea pig, and children are often given to pigs, which are considered and, finally, to housing. Breeder that fussy where their animals go to one that also boasts itself with its proposals. Ask them, do not sell the lab is not it? Finally, ask the breeder what they usually feed their pigs. Guinea pigs need a steady diet of fresh vegetables and food pellets and hay. Hay provides the necessary vitamins C. a good breeder will tell you that your feed animals plenty of fresh vegetables and warns you of vitamin C needs.

There is nothing wrong with buying a pig from a breeder, if you put one that the practice of good agricultural practices, loves his pigs, and is aware and useful when you "round ball.

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