Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Learn and know the difference between of ringworm disease

Distinction of Ringworm Disease between Humans and Animals

Moth disease has the same effect on humans and animals. The main feature is an itchy patch or from a wound, forming a circular form associated with redness and a scale that sometimes shit with pus. The symptoms experienced by both people and animals. The spread of the disease is herpes is a skin to skin contact made by the person or animal infected from a source. The man, sending the infection can be acquired from contaminated objects such as hairbrushes, shoes, socks, slippers, clothes, towels, and pillows. On the other hand, animals have the most ground, dishes, accessories used as ornaments on them and their home where they usually stay mini. If these items are contaminated, two of them are infected through direct contact with a person or an infected animal.

Herpes disease in humans

In humans, infection starts from a fungus called dermatophyte producing microorganism. People will feel irritation and redness in affected areas. Scratching has created a minor tear that produces a skin patch or an injury. The patch seems to be scaly and ring-shaped, as in all parts of the body. The condition worsened when it was triggered by a warm atmosphere and moisture. It supports the growth of dermatophytes to continue to expand in this situation. Herpes is a disease seen in all parts of the body such as the feet (athletes foot), face (tinea of the face), shaving, face, neck (tinea barbae), scalp (tinea capitis), groin (tinea cruris ), manus (tinea Manus), nails (tinea concerned) and all parts of the body (tinea corporis). The disease may resolve by itself for three months without drugs, but it is more likely to win because he is a contagious disease. May harm others and that people in the absence of treatment.

herpes disease in cats

Cats are usually pets can see in any household chores. Unlike humans, Microsporum Canis or also known as M Canis is the fungus that causes infections in cats. It affects young kittens that are a little lower than the cats and also to those who have a weak immune system and malnutrition cats. They get sick of equipment and accessories used on it apart from direct contact with an infected cat companion, other animals or people. Some clues that you can see the cats that they are the pain of herpes is the bald head and feet caused by inflammation, scaling and itching. These two are the common part that gets infected cats.

herpes disease in dogs

The dog is called the best friend of a man. He is the beloved pet, and most people have their guard, best friend and the baby. This is true for people who use dogs for their own safety and security. The dog also protects against possible thieves all night while their masters sleep. On the other hand, others not divert their attention from children to pets like dogs as their children. Dogs have many uses for humans and other animals, but when the disease strikes the moth, they can be very protective and a pretty baby may have. Herpes in the dogs or canine herpes is caused by both dermatophyte and Microsporum Canis. Symptoms are similar to that of cats and humans often spreads to the feet, nipples and face

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