Monday, July 12, 2010

Do you know that cat can also have Gum disease

If your cat shows the following symptoms:

* Swelling or inflammation of the gums that appear red
* Bleeding gums
* Pain while eating
Lack of appetite and subsequent weight loss *
* Excessive salivation
* Development of halitosis
* Foul breath
So they may be affected by feline periodontal disease. It is important that the attitude control chronic gum disease before it develops into a very bad phase.
Periodontal disease in cats and dogs diagnosed problem. Nearly 90% of cats over the age of one year has a certain degree of periodontal disease. If Class I-II periodontal disease, a veterinarian basically a dental prophylaxis (essentially a cleaning under general anesthesia would recommend to do). Grade I even periodontal disease is reversible. It is most similar to human gingivitis. Some things - can be prosecuted ... They may at any food with high protein cat off and drained canned switch. High protein foods is linked to smell error breath. Recommended dental diet cat food will help clean their teeth as they eat T / D (prescription diet), but diet is the ultimate in Medi-Cal is also a dental diet foods and why Science diet.
There are also additives you can help with your water Breathlyzer breath can put in is one of them.
One of the best things to have their teeth brushed. To do this gradually helps to work for brushing teeth. Even if they (do not use toothpaste lick a little) human toothpaste - it will help. Enzymes that help make it binding and to prevent tartar is calcium.
If the disease has evolved to a later date, this feline gingivitis a very painful infection and antibiotics may help reduce the government can tooth extraction is the only long term solution could be.

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