Sunday, August 8, 2010

How can you train your dog/Puppy to swim

Most but not all dogs can swim. The best time for a dog in a pool to encourage when they are young and have little or no negative experiences with water.
The experience of swimming in a pool must be a positive experience with positive associations be. In some dogs, they take it away. In other countries, it takes time and patience. Unlike the ocean, a lake or pond, a swimming pool with walls and your dog sense they are caught.
Never force or dispose of your dog in the pool. It is always better when the dog thinks getting into the pool their ideas!
Six steps to success:
· Step 1 Leash your dog to calm down. Talking with a cheerful and confident tone of voice, casually guide them to the pool. Not drag! If they bar, sports and try again later.
· Step 2 Without pulling on the leash, encouraged him into the pool, including your voice. Every time they step forward, reward them with praise and treats. They should associate with you walk to the pool, good things like getting praised and received treats happen! Consider this goal for the day. This is a positive experience with positive associations.
· Step 3 At this point it is only intended to get him on the edge of the pool. Stand on the edge of the pool, petting him and continue to praise and treats. Put your foot in the pool, your dog is on your side. Continue to communicate with your dog in a normal voice. Use plenty of praise and treats. Consider it your goal for the day. This is a positive experience with positive associations.
· Step 4 Repeat steps 1 and 2. Step into the pool, running in the first two steps. Now, call your dog to follow while gently pulling on the leash. Every step they should be rewarded with praise and treats. He / she must come forward, however, they may seek to retire. Only when he emerges, must be rewarded with praise and a treat! You can help them by their feet in the water before the first step. Reward him with lots of praise and treats. Consider it your goal for the day. This is a positive experience with positive associations.
· Step 5 If your dog to get through the steps 1-3, now, to swim in the pool called them by name, the command "tell swim!" While gently pulling on the line. The moment their entire body immediately show you how to turn around and find the ladder to get out. You're it! Reward your dog with lots of praise and treats. Consider it your goal for the day! This is a positive experience with positive associations.
· Step 6 Repeat steps 1-4 often enough that your dog wants to get loose leash. Try to call them without a leash! They must be the right way. Use high praise. Instead of food in the water treats, rewarded with a tennis ball or squeaky toy. Teach your dog to get into the pool was a positive experience, with many positive associations.
Bottom line: Use this highly motivating treats. The amount of the reward should be worth it. Also make sure your dog knows where the stairs or steps on the board is so they leave the pool without panicking.

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