Saturday, August 7, 2010

what do you think is your dog acting out?

It does not depend on you crazy when your pet destroys your most valuable assets, you do not change their behavior until you see the version of history. Of course, your baseball cap chewed cost you 50 dollars, but your pet feeling "you" on the hat and it is almost impossible for him to pass.
In this article I will give you some tips on how best to respond to your dog's behavior aggression anxiety or motor can respond more effectively. So the big question is why dogs reproduce? Like humans, dogs trying to act if they are neglected, misunderstood and poor.
If you are the same as your dog may act out of spite, then every action is filtered through this belief, though dogs are not the feelings of anger. If every time your dog act you say it is bad, not that he has many options in terms of behavior, like children, dogs are motivated to act in a certain way to get our the attention.
Many times it seems dogs can not tell the difference between positive and negative attention, and if their behavior becomes reaction they repeated again and again. Therefore, the negative attention is usually interpreted by dogs as a confrontation or rough play. You can have a major problem in some of your actions dogs, but it is important to be aware that the dog does not know if he has these issues.
While see your pee-stained carpet increases your blood pressure through the roof, dogs point of view, he was only doing what comes naturally for him, then you should be mad. Some of the most common complaints that people see their dogs too, points chewing, jumping and using the bathroom at home, although the behavior can make you really mad, it might be a good sign that your dog is just trying to get with the family. Another behavior that may be of interest to you is your aggressive dogs are a big red flag. The only reason a dog to bite is if it is properly trained to defend his territory.

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