Friday, October 1, 2010

Tips and ideas as how to deal with dog Fractures

Dog injuries can happen at any time,must be prepared for emergency treatment. This can occur at any time. Gaereulhaneun one of the most extensive damage to the broken bones and fractures and is the most common violations of the bridge. Open or closed: one fracture can be divided into two categories. Open wounds, fractures can be seen protruding through the skin and bones, often, where you are exposed. Wound infection, dirt and bacteria responsible for contamination of the open fractures. Injuries can cause damage to the shock, so you can be hit by the shock of the dog signs that need to be careful.
It's going to bite or snap at a natural response to injury is the one. Some relief is smooth and calm voice will help to avoid injury. It is for you to examine the damaged area is recommended that dog a muzzle. Violation if it is open, clean water and clean the dirt from the wound and apply sterile dressing. Dressing, or made of several layers of gauze pad can be used only when not using a clean cloth or towel.
Open fractures should generally apply a splint. Perhaps you could do more damage than good by fixing the wrong place can be. To support a large folded towel under the bridge to transport the dog to the vet as soon as possible place.
If the violation is closed, but you, can only be a temporary shine to a fixed bridge. Bones, Do not try to reset your veterinarian. You all try to take your dog to the vet, while moving the legs stops. Your newspaper or magazine, or even thick cardboard and bubble wrap as an example others can shine. Fragments of cloth or gauze with tape, splints on your legs, but the circulation is not hampered by too closely to ensure that placement. Keep the dog as quiet as possible to prevent further damage. Wed hammock or stretcher with a blanket with a piece of plywood to improvise.
Your dog has a head injury or spinal cord injury, if you travel with the animal before you must consult with your veterinarian. These injuries require specialized treatment will need to travel very well.

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