Friday, April 22, 2011

Here is the list of some Funny Pet Names For Fish

Kids love the idea of ​​pet fish, and let them choose funny pet names for fish can be a good way to get some family bonding and having fun together doing. Your children will enjoy being a part of naming the fish and will be fun to do. So how do you go about the perfect funny pet names for fish to find? You can start making a list of the funniest word you know, and let the kids come in and think of stupid words they laugh. Then you consider the kind of fish it is and what colors, etc.
Then think of a theme that you want to use for naming your funny fish. Will play on words and name it something stupid that rhyme? Or would you prefer to think of funny pet names for fish that is related to a family favorite cartoon movie or fish? If you sit down and let your imagination run wild, you'll be surprised what you can come up for funny pet names for fish.
If you need some help getting started in the naming process, here are some funny pet names for fish that are popular and you can consider about your pet fish:
o lie o Fetch o Doogie o Mr. Bubbles o Fluffy o Lollipop O Princess o Scooter o doodles o Jaws o Cricket o Flapjack o Tiny Tim o Perky O Pinky o Aquarius o Bubble o Cheeky o dribbling o Fizz o ET o Gumball o Jellybean o pipsqueak o wobbles o Abracadabra o Biggles o Gremlin o Ladybug o Mischief o Larry o Curly o Ma o Einstein o Moochie o Tarzan o Sherbert o Dickens o Santa Uma o o Zerzer o Zorro o Babe o Buster o Bub o Cujo o Cal o Carlo o Arthur o Apollo o Peace o Fin o Fin Flicker o Finny o Finegan o Flick o Funny Fins
If you still need a little help after going through the list of funny pet names for fish, you can always make a name based off of what each person in your family wants. A nice idea is to take a hat and write down everything a name that they want to name the fish. A common name in the hat, and you shake them. Then take the names from the hat one by one and put them on the table.
After each name is on the table, everyone can go around making a funny name that each of the names in a hat covers. You may end up with the longest, dumbest name you've ever heard of for your fish, and everyone in the family will be happy to have a role in naming the latest addition to the family had. Because fish do not need to know their names, should be trained like other pets, your possibilities are truly endless with long, stupid or crazy, you want your pet do funny names for fish.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Herre is some information on Cichlids

The cichlids have a very colorful appearance, making them one of the most popular fish to own. Their concern is not that hard, but they have conditions that must be met for them to be healthy.
Most cichlids from Africa, but they are also found in Central and South America. They come in many different waters, including rivers, lakes and ponds. There are many different types of cichlids and many different colors.
Cichlids in your tank, you need places for them to hide, such as large pieces of driftwood or rock caves. If you are a large species of cichlids, it is best not to plant in their tank because they tend to dig substrate materials. Other species such as angelfish and discus prefer a planted aquarium.
Most cichlids as water temperature in the mid seventies. Discus species prefer warmer temperatures. The main staple of the diet in your cichlid is a large flake, but you also feed many different kinds of live and frozen foods. It is good variety in their diet. If you have a large cichlid, it can even be fed earthworms and crickets.
Cichlids are very territorial, making them aggressive. You must protect against this aggression. If you are a mating, the male usually ride the female after mating. There must be for her to hide or otherwise be killed. Because they are so aggressive, you should only keep them with other large fish that can defend against them.
If you carefully choose the fish, cichlids can be kept in an aquarium. Dwarfcichlids work very well too. They may be held together lightly with schooling fish such as carp salmon. If you hold together cichlids in a tank, but make sure there is enough room for them to claim their own territory.
Large cichlids should only be kept with fish of similar size and temperament as himself. Do not keep large with a small cichlid fish, because they probably make them a meal.
If you decide to breed cichlids, you should realize that there are two different types of breeders. Substrate brooders lay eggs in the open air on a surface or hidden in a cavity. They will fan the eggs to increase oxygen and after they hatch, fish will look after the young until they are eating on their own and Freestyle. So parents are still protecting the young from predators. Parents are very aggressive at this time.
The second type of breeder is a mouth brooding. The eggs and larvae in the mouth. They keep in their mouth until the boy stabbing his Freestyle. Most mouthbrooders stop taking care of young people where they are free swimming, but others continue to care for them by letting them go back in their mouths when danger threatens.
Cichlids are really fun fish to own. There are many different types of cichlids and some of the colors are really beautiful. Before cichlids, try just to do as much research as you can about them.

Gather some knowledge on Dottyback Fish

Dottyback It is a small colorful reef fish that is very shy by nature and are never far from their favorite cave. Although they found on coral reefs, many divers do not know these colorful fish they are so shy. Given the sheer size and unfamiliar sounds produced by diver diving these fish are rarely seen by divers. For that photographing these fish divers must be very patient and focused. These fish are a common site in a reef aquarium.
This fish comes from coral reefs worldwide, and there are about 100 different species are divided into four subgroups with 16 genera. Many of these fish are difficult to collect and can be found in remote areas. Depending on where you live can be quite rare and very expensive. Most of these fish will grow to about 8 inches, while the larger species up to 12cm.
In aquariums, these fish tend to start is very shy, but warm to you eventually. They are always ready and at their favorite cave while trying to keep a watchful eye on what you could ever do in space. I would often sit in front of my tank contains a royal Dottyback watch and enjoy it slides to the front of the tank to get a good look at me, so it will flee back into the cavity or a moment of certainty to the builds courage to dart to the front again, hoping that I feed him.
These fish can be very aggressive and popularly held in aquaria with terns, Tangs, Wrasse, Clown Fish and Fish Hawk. Most problems with aggression in smaller tanks as indicated rather than the fish will tend to their own business to interfere. Their slender build, it is important not to fish with larger predatory fish house, because they often end up getting eaten. They spend hours on the rocks, so you can not even treat as a long time in a crowded tank is missing. These fish tend to dart around the aquarium and a piece may jump from the tank as they are afraid. Larger species of Dottyback should not be taken with shrimp, because they often eat.
Under a reef Dottybacks will spend much time defending their territory and search for small benthic invertebrates and zooplankton to eat. In an aquarium it is important to give these fish a varied diet of high quality food, over time they tend to be dull in color, which can be very disappointing. Frozen plankton, brine shrimp, Mysis shrimp, blood worms, pellets and flakes are all popular choices.
Dottybacks is a small, delicious, colorful fish that are highly desirable as prey for predators, so defenses have evolved into a very shy, and some are also designed to color and behavior of other, less attractive prey fish mimic which spiked as the Angel Fish. Dottybacks Some are even seen in a fish tank cleaning staff in picking on the page larger fish such as angelfish. Because of their risk of food for larger fish Dottybacks sleep in holes in the night and feed during the day.
These fish can in the first place very territorial against other Dottybacks. In an aquarium it is advisable that only one house Dottyback per tank, as most of the time, they'll lead fight to the death of all but one. Trying to these fish as a few rarely successful because of their aggression and should only be used in very large home aquariums. It is very difficult to choose sex of some species of these fish and they are capable of changing sex from male to female and female to male. If you want a pair, it is best to try to get two very young fish and they grow together as possible. Females will generally be smaller, less aggressive, with a bigger belly. Dottybacks will fight other Dottybacks of other species, but are much more worried about the rivals of the same species.
These fish can be grown in aquariums, but this should only be performed by the most experienced aquarist who is willing to except the challenge, even then luck must be on your side. Finding a pair, you must obtain large and one small fish in the hope that they are or want to switch to becoming a man and a woman. You can also grow more and hopes that the latter two are males and females, do others have to be removed or be slain. You will notice that the man will get a much faster and much larger than the female. If they do breed the male will dance a breeding ground outside his cave to perform in order to seduce the female. Once they have bred the male will look after the eggs, which will appear as a ball that contains hundreds of eggs. This ball of eggs would be constantly stimulated and controlled by the territorial male. Fueling samples from fish farms are now widely available in America.
Dotty back is a very hardy, easy to keep aquarium fish as they can lower quality than most marine fish and handle are not subject to many diseases. These fish resistant to most drugs, but may be susceptible to head and lateral line erosion as they age. Although this fish is only about 3 years to life in the wild it is common for them to survive for 5 years in the stressful environment in a home aquarium.
Since these fish are found in very deep water, they prefer a dimly lit aquarium. This seems to be a problem because these fish are usually kept in reef tanks, but they tend to be slightly less when the light is not as bright shy. They are best stored at 25 degrees Celsius with a pH of 8.4 and a salt level of 1.023.
Many of the species Dottyback is expensive and very difficult to obtain in Australia. Some of the cheaper and more available in Australia Pictichromis Diadema (Skunk Dottyback) Pictichromis paccagnellae (Royal Dottyback) Pictichromis porphyrea (Purple Dottyback) Pseudochromis fridmani (Orchid Dottyback) and larger and more aggressive Oilbyina novaehollandiae (Australian Dottyback) Oxycercicthys velifera (SailFin Dottyback), Pseudochromis fuscus (Yellow Dottyback) and Cypho purpurascens (Oblique lined Dottyback).
In Australia the most popular and sought after of this style of fishing is by far the Gramma Loreto (Royal Gramma) and melacara Gramma (Gramma Black Cap).
These fish really a joy to keep its beautiful colors, interesting personality and small size, these fish are really beautiful but feisty.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Tropical Fish Keeping Tips

If you want to almost nothing to do, you need a plan, a number of good ideas on how to approach. Always wise to have some way to achieving your goals. This informative article offers three tactics to help you to show how success in keeping the fish as a hobby. Follow these tips and your chances of success will likely be considerably larger.
When you decide to take up to keep tropical fish as a hobby, you will find it important that you do things right. Doing so could lead to final results to be regretted. You may find yourself with a sick fish tank, or, God forbid the idea even lose some of your lovely pet fish.
Here is a brief list of ways to stay focused and stay away from problems.
1. Never Overstock
You must be careful to not overstocking the tank with fish, because it prevents them all alive. The water may be polluted and the weaker fish will die. Failure to do so may make you think that keeping fish is difficult, and it's not as long as you care to understand how many fish your tank can support using one of the many guides to fish a tank can take songs available on the Internet. This means you do not make the mistake to ignore this unique tips!
2. Make sure the water has continued to move
Almost as important as any major stocks when keeping fish as a hobby, will ensure that water is kept in motion, with an air stone and pump, or an air-lift under-gravel filter with an air pump. Understandably, this is a crucial point. It will contribute to areas of low oxygen not care development in parts of the tank, which is something everyone tries to succeed at keeping tropical fish for wishes.
3. The choice of species Choose fish that comes along, and not argue and fight together. If you are not sure which fish to mix well, always ask the seller if you're in the store to buy fish.
So this is our third tip that we said if you decide to take up to keep tropical fish as a hobby, so be sure to fish get along and not argue and fight together to choose. One can say that in the wild would naturally. All animals must compete for food and the best females to mate with. This is true, but our tips can help ensure that your tank is a relaxing scene to watch. It's certainly a big part of why most people access to keep tropical fish. They want to look at a beautiful and harmonious society quietly go about their lives. If you do not, you worry that your guests do not want to be a big fish behind the kids to see, and perhaps even damage their fins - and I think we can agree that this would be the best stuff!
As at the entrance that regarding the decision to take to keep tropical fish as a hobby, you really should avoid the types of errors that can lead to a sick aquarium, and even solve some of your lovely pet fish, choose fish and striving to live peacefully together in harmony. Your ideal outcome is a tank for a beautiful, healthy fish and relax, which will be great to see, and you will get results by closely following the above ideas.

Dha related foods and Fish oil supplement can make a real difference in ones Health

Who would have thought that something so ugly could be something so important for our own health-wise? I consulted with Hoki, a bug-eyed fish that probably no prize for being the prettiest fish in the sea, but in high demand because it is so beneficial. Fish is one of the top foods with DHA, an essential omega-3 essential fatty acids. Especially cold-water oily fish such as hokey, salmon, mackerel, sardines and albacore tuna are rich in this nutrient.
Hoki is a deep water fish naturally rich in DHA. They are located in the Southern Ocean off the coast of New Zealand, an area known to reduce pollutants such as mercury and other heavy metals in many of our other oceans. The fish are harvested for food and also used in the production of omega-3 fish oil supplements.
Several studies were conducted on the health benefits of foods with DHA see many positive results. For example, in 2006, a Tufts University study of about 900 elderly men and women reported that people with higher blood levels of DHA cut their risk of dementia by 47 percent, compared those with lower levels. Eat fish three times a week will lead to higher levels. A Swedish research team also found that taking fish oil supplements can cut the rate of mental decline in people with mild Alzheimer's disease.
The largest amount of scientific research on omega-3 essential fatty acids on cardiovascular health benefits. American Heart Association (AMA) has stated that the omega-3 fatty acids not only people with heart and cardiovascular health but also beneficial to the heart of healthy people. Their research showed that omega-3 fatty acids reduce the risk of heart arrhythmia that can lead to sudden heart failure, lower triglyceride levels and reduce the growth of atherosclerotic plaque.
Recommended amount is different, but most sources agree that cold water oily fish once per week 2:58 eaten. Again, the AMA indicates in patients with coronary heart disease and those who have reduced their triglycerides to take omega-3 supplements along with diet with DHA to ensure that they receive the required amount to get cardiovascular benefits. It is always a good idea to discuss any supplements with your doctor first. To lower triglycerides, AMA recommends taking 2-4 grams of EPA + DHA per day in capsule form under the care of a physician.
The best omega-3 fish oil supplements, both DHA and EPA, and the values ​​shown on the label. The manufacturer should clearly state whether their products are molecularly distilled. It is a process that separates and discards toxins from fish oil, making it safe and clean. Another omega-3 capsules are now available to the taste and smell, where it is not a fantastic aftertaste or typical "fish burp" is. Try a supplement in the form of Esther, which is much easier and faster for the body to absorb into the cells, so you can get a better health benefits.

Insight on Japanese Koi Fish

I know many people tell me that my information is wrong, but yes, the Japanese Koi can be traced back to China. Apparently because their survival was Koi bred for food. And in China, they eventually make their way to Japan.

Due to the different colors that the Japanese saw the fish, koi was eventually crossed to enhance and benefit their colors. This in turn led to the first time that Japan and the world of the many varieties of colorful fish found in a Japanese exhibition. It was in 1914.

After the first world after Japan and was mesmerized by the fish and hobby exploded.

There are many varieties of koi, perhaps the finest, in my opinion, the Longfin Koi. This particular koi is known for its long fins, long barbells and pompom nostrils. These particular fish are crossed with the wild Indonesian Longfin river carp and traditional koi. Believe it or not, there is a growing majority of the owners who do not want hardcore Koi Butterfly Koi or Koi Dragon, as it is commonly referred.

She feels that this particular race is inferior to the traditional koi. When it's time to try them in the annual competitions, Butterfly koi are not allowed. Indeed, the Butterfly Koi fish is not a very popular outside the U.S.. But in America, they are very popular. Hence their other nickname, the American Koi. "They even have their own club, Akca. American Koi Club Association.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Gther some input on How to Trout Fish

If you want to know what trout fishing is extremely important to understand how rivers and streams to fish effectively. When I refer to the words "rivers and streams," I am particularly about the size of the rivers are best fished while wading. Most "trout rivers" fall into this category, although some "trout rivers (especially in the western U.S.) are quite large and operate both are required to fish them effectively. For the purposes of this article, I refer to rivers who can run / walked / waded along and fished in.
To fish this type of river wading actually be needed, which means that a pair of waders is more than likely necessary. Although waders are not absolutely necessary, a few waders certainly makes your life easier and allow you to fish for trout, even when temperatures are not very hot. To really be fishing small rivers and streams in reality a pair of waders is definitely in order.
To fish small rivers and streams real live worms rigged on a set of gang hooks should be used. These hooks are attached to the line using a small gland that helps prevent your line to run it with the flow and bounces along the bottom of a river. Weight is added in the form of split shot sinkers above barrel swivel to the speed of your drift. A worm (or half a worm in the event of the night crawlers) are added to the gang hooks to make your offer "roll" is essentially flowing naturally with the flow of the river or stream you fish. This is a very effective small brown trout fishing technique and know that everyone who wants to learn the trout fishery.
The next piece of gear needed for fishing rivers and streams is actually a fishing vessel west. A vest is basically a fishing tackle box that you wear on your body. Fly fishermen using fishing charters for years, and spin fishermen were forced to follow their example. A fishing vest is the best way to store all your fishing tackle for trout while wading. All your trout lures, baits, hooks, and others can program their own pocket for easy access along (or in) River. You can also cut a bait bag on the outside of your fishing vest for easy access to trout bait as live worms (a large trout bait by the way). With this ingenious piece of trout you catch worms are literally at your fingertips, instead of the inside of a pocket of your fishing vest will save you a lot of valuable fishing time baiting and re-bait.
The bottom line is that everyone who wants to know how to fish for trout, fish and small rivers and streams in an efficient manner, the above points in mind. These tips will help "rookie" trout fishing a "seasoned" trout fishing in a very short time.

Here is a cool idea to use Fish Tanks Without Fish for making your house look beautiful

There are numerous reasons why you never considered an aquarium in your home. Among them:
-You do not want to feed the fish on a regular -You hate the thought of cleaning a tank like the dirt -You do not like fish -You love fish and have difficulty imagining they are trapped in a small tank
The list can and go, but the reasons have less value than the point: you can use a fish-less aquarium. You might think it sounds crazy, like an object, a sociopath would stick in a corner of his room, but I promise that the idea is less crazy than it sounds. Small fish tanks are a great way for a dynamic, creative display in a closed space, making it easy to transport around the house. And because they open top, you can easily make changes to this screen without cracking open the case (so yes, it is much easier than building a ship in a bottle). Everything you need for your tank in good shape is a full bottle of Windex and a washcloth, as fish feed, scrubbing equipment and the like are not necessary.
For collectors and hobbyists, fish-less fish tanks can in a unique way to show what you have found or collected. Rock collectors, for example, can very easily fill tanks of different stones, each one will be near the edges of the critical visual space through the glass. You certainly do not just want to rock the careless casting, and all stones can break glass.
You can also use a little fun with seasonal displays. Changing the landscape of the glass as each season passes, or even to special exhibitions, such as Christmas, Halloween, Hanukkah, and the like. It's a great way for children and building traditions, as they surely will creativity and changing the consistency of these shows over the years forgets to entertain. It is something unique to your family can work together, or each person in your household can choose a different event or time of year when they are set to the tank to decorate.
At least, at the end of the day you can tell a corny joke about how a fish less fish tank has changed your life. So for those of you who like puns, you have another object, you can use to crack jokes about it during the holidays.

Here is an insight on Aggression in Male Betta Fish

Betta fish are known for their colorful displays and aggression toward other members of their species. This is especially true for men. These fish jealously protect their territory and nests. Because these men should be separated from each other at all times. Even the sight of other men through the glass can stress fish and cause it to damage itself against the vessel wall.
Women can be successfully kept in social groups, however, that the fish have enough room to roam in the tank. A single fish will generally establish itself as the leader of the social group and dominate others, but females usually do not fight each other.
The aggressive behavior of Betta Fish are what has led them into a sport traditionally used a bit like cockfighting. Because of this, they are called Siamese fighting fish, as well. In some Asian countries, these fish bred for ferocity. Fish used to fight normally have short fins, as opposed to the decorative specimens we are accustomed to seeing.
Male Betta flare their colorful fins and gill covers when they feel their territory is threatened. Once they mature, these fish usually increase in aggression, instead of decreasing. They will attack other male Betta, like the fingers and other objects that are wrong for them. Length and weight of their extravagant fins and tail will also increase with age.
When men meet, they will first see themselves as much as possible. If this attempt to trick the thief does not work, so the fish will swim side by side, head to tail, and hit the water flow together. Sometimes the battle and beat each other with their tails and sides. These activities generally do not cause harm. This behavior may continue to escalate, with the fish biting each others tails and lock their mouths together.
They can stop the fight to the surface for air, then back to the fighting. A Betta who surrendered the match will clamp his fins very close to his body and assume a head-up position. This humble attitude shows other male that he has surrendered. Males and females sometimes fight because the man is brought to the female before she is ready to spawn.
Male betta often build elaborate nests of bubbles. It's because they care for young people produced by women. They will bubble nests, although no female betta fish or fry are present, however. The sight of a Betta or other changes in water temperature can often encourage this behavior. Bubble nests are in the top of the water, often under the shelter. The male carries eggs to the nest gently in his mouth and takes care of the young people as they grow.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Insight on the Heart of the Tank

If you have an aquarium, it is an aquarium pump is a necessity. Finding the fish tank pump suitable for you can be tricky if you are not familiar with the industry. In most cases, if you buy an aquarium, you will also be provided with an aquarium pump. It makes things much easier if you have ensured that everything is compatible, and that everything you have correctly. But if you're in the market for a new fish tank pump, or your tank does not come with one, you should seek the advice of a professional. Professionals in many of the popular pet store and their knowledge is invaluable.
An aquarium pump is what gets the wind in your fish. No pump, no air flow in your tank, making it uninhabitable for fish. As you can see, an aquarium pump are considered the lifeblood of your tank. If your pump stops working for any reason, you must have it replaced soon. It is often helpful to provide additional fish tank pump on hand in case of emergency. This way, if something happens, you will be able to swap them quickly, your fish healthy, oxygenated water. Fish breath air through the water and if your pump fails, the fish no air to breathe.
Finding a fish tank pump that works in your tank can be made by visiting your local pet store. They have lots of options, and a pump that can fit your current set. Make sure that the specific features of your tank know so that the pet store employee you can in the right direction. Most fish tank air pumps are universal, but to be sure it fits always helps to get more information at hand as possible. Information such as the size and capacity in liters is needed to fit the pump in your tank.
Buying the right fish tank pump is essential. No pump, your fish are not capable of the oxygen they need. Always remember to check with your aquarium pump during your maintenance checks. Also periodically check the pump if you take the time to enjoy watching your fish.

Ideas on how to choose a Fish Tank Heater

Besides the state of water there is probably nothing as important to properly maintain an aquarium or keeping the water temperature at a certain level. Both salt and freshwater fish thrive best in warm water that remains constant. They are after all tropical fish. Gold fish on the other hand, are cold water fish and can handle variations in temperature.
The water temperature is important for the health and welfare of your fish. If the temperature drops a degree within 24 hours, leaving plenty of fish susceptible to diseases such as "Ich". If not fast enough could cause irreparable damage to create and kill all the fish caught in the tank. This is why it is doubly important to keep an eye on the temperature of the water in the air during the changing seasons, especially as winter approaches and temperatures drop.
There are a variety of aquarium heaters on the market and depending on how much you're willing to spend will determine how the performance one can get. The cheaper you can save money, but they are more likely to break or not, and risks of investment you made in your fish. Many times the cost of heating is not an accurate heat setting, which makes it difficult to monitor the temperature.
For most people, a mid-priced stove will do the job they are looking for. Their reliable thermostat controls and maintain a constant temperature without making changes all the time. It is important to regularly check your tank heater to ensure it is correct and the approximate one year after use is a good chance that it may need to be replaced.
The best way to ensure that your aquarium heater works well to invest in a thermometer. These days you can buy a thermometer to stick out of the glass aquarium. This makes it easy to monitor the temperature because it is always a wonderful place. You can use the type that float in the aquarium but they are not always easy to read and more often than not they float behind a filter or some other obstacle makes it impossible to see what the temperature.
Once you have your stove is the best place around a filter. This allows the heated water should be distributed within the tank to keep hot and cold spots to a minimum. A stove is an important component of an ecosystem fish tank and by keeping the water temperature at a constant level, your fish are disease free and you entertained for many years.

Tips on how to catch fish in River

More than 25 years ago I had the pleasure of being taught to fish in the waters flowing rivers and streams through an expert fisherman, and has since spent years with these skills. The man who taught me this technique is, in my opinion an artist, and fishing skills have served me well for my entire "career" fish.
In this article I outline some of these skills so you become more adept at catching fish in rivers and streams. If you want to learn how to fish in rivers and streams to catch this article is very important to you. In my head, the only way to properly fish a river or stream is in the water, including fish. There's something about the spiritual feeling of running water in your legs, hearing the intoxicating sound of water, and the smell of fresh air. For me, it's all a big part of trying to catch fish in rivers and streams. At the end of the day, the fish is secondary to the experience of fishing in the flowing waters of a river or stream.
That being said, Let's Get Down to business of how to fish in these water fluctuations. The first thing to consider is if your fish. Does the water at the right time is of the utmost importance. This is why you need to pay attention to the weather and the moon and plan your trips accordingly. The information you need, such as fish know when the moon is full, it is not difficult to learn and make a big difference in the activity of fish. Learn simple ways in which these two forces of Mother Nature impact fishing and you have a more successful river and stream fishing.
The following tip in mind if you want to learn how to fish in rivers and streams to catch the use of live bait, and when you use live bait you should always use gang hooks. Gang hooks are the best way to present live bait in a natural way, especially when you talk about using live worms as bait. Gang hooks and live worms go together like peas and carrots, and is a lethal combination when fishing in rivers and streams.
A live worm rigged on a set of gang hooks and are used for natural gas with the flow of a river or stream, while bouncing the bottom as it flows, is a deadly combination. This technique is probably the most effective techniques for catching fish rivers and streams. Gang hooks are attached to your fishing line in a small swivel and split shot sinkers are added to the line for weight loss. The number and size of split shot will vary depending on the current and water depth. As I said, the goal is to have your offering bounce in it flows naturally with the current.
When it comes to catching fish in rivers and streams, the tips and techniques are as good as it gets. Give one or all of them a try and see for yourself.