So you have some experience keeping and breeding betta fish in hundreds of them, Are you ready to go for the trophy in betta fish farming system?
Crescent Betta, betta one of the most sought after strains in the market everywhere, is perhaps the most fascinating and beautiful race you could ever spawn. One reason is because this strain of Betta has many challenges for farmers and goalkeepers alike. Here are just some of them:
1. About Halfmoon betta fish fins - what is considered a true Half Moon? Most laymen would consider a betta fish tail shaped in the form of a half circle around Halfmoon strain. Although this can be used as a basis to determine whether you have a betta Halfmoon, experts say that more than meets the eye. A more critical definition of a true Halfmoon betta is one that is almost a complete full circle where the dorsal (top), anal (bottom) and caudal (tail) overlap shapes and forms a complete circle. Some may even classify as a "Full Moon" betta. Halfmoon betta tail is spread over 180 degrees as flares, and Halfmoon betta is best with both edges of the caudal fin as possible. The last condition is perhaps the most difficult to fill most breeders because most of the so-called Halfmoon betta is "rounded" edges and corners on the tail fin.
2. What about the color of Halfmoon Betta? Technically, the fins define yourself as an Halfmoon betta, but most breeders will savvy to shoot exotic or even colors. Honestly, the desired pattern fins come with a rare color combination in Half Moon is difficult. Most breeders can be successful in any of the others, but rarely both. There are actually real secrets to getting both properties simultaneously. These are trade secrets that a number of known betta breeders in the world to put their stocks for a higher price. Imagine seeing an active Halfmoon betta flaring fins in its entirety in a single note of pure color with no stains a different color? This strain of Halfmoon betta routinely easy to get a sale amount in the four-digit range. What's more, wait until you ask about the price of the female Halfmoon betta to mate the pair - that is if the breeder ever a sale at all!
3. About Halfmoon female betta? This leads us to a little discussion on mating pair of Half Moon and its genetics. Do you wonder why there are almost no selling female betta for special varieties such as Half Moon? Look around and you'll discover that sales of this nature is almost non-existent for the coveted tribes. The reason is simply because the most critical "ingredient" reproduction and further genetic manipulation of this line betta! But some alternative farming techniques that will allow you to Fullmoon betta trophy races without starting with a female equivalent. This requires some time and a lot more attention in the mating choices. What are the criteria to consider when starting a line of full moon? How to choose a female to the right genetic combination that is suitable for both fins and color to produce?
This kept secrets is still nowhere found online at at least not easily. Over the years the breeding of special strains of betta as Crescent betta, I have seen that such knowledge is sparse, and may be published accident by chance experienced breeders around the world.
Crescent Betta, betta one of the most sought after strains in the market everywhere, is perhaps the most fascinating and beautiful race you could ever spawn. One reason is because this strain of Betta has many challenges for farmers and goalkeepers alike. Here are just some of them:
1. About Halfmoon betta fish fins - what is considered a true Half Moon? Most laymen would consider a betta fish tail shaped in the form of a half circle around Halfmoon strain. Although this can be used as a basis to determine whether you have a betta Halfmoon, experts say that more than meets the eye. A more critical definition of a true Halfmoon betta is one that is almost a complete full circle where the dorsal (top), anal (bottom) and caudal (tail) overlap shapes and forms a complete circle. Some may even classify as a "Full Moon" betta. Halfmoon betta tail is spread over 180 degrees as flares, and Halfmoon betta is best with both edges of the caudal fin as possible. The last condition is perhaps the most difficult to fill most breeders because most of the so-called Halfmoon betta is "rounded" edges and corners on the tail fin.
2. What about the color of Halfmoon Betta? Technically, the fins define yourself as an Halfmoon betta, but most breeders will savvy to shoot exotic or even colors. Honestly, the desired pattern fins come with a rare color combination in Half Moon is difficult. Most breeders can be successful in any of the others, but rarely both. There are actually real secrets to getting both properties simultaneously. These are trade secrets that a number of known betta breeders in the world to put their stocks for a higher price. Imagine seeing an active Halfmoon betta flaring fins in its entirety in a single note of pure color with no stains a different color? This strain of Halfmoon betta routinely easy to get a sale amount in the four-digit range. What's more, wait until you ask about the price of the female Halfmoon betta to mate the pair - that is if the breeder ever a sale at all!
3. About Halfmoon female betta? This leads us to a little discussion on mating pair of Half Moon and its genetics. Do you wonder why there are almost no selling female betta for special varieties such as Half Moon? Look around and you'll discover that sales of this nature is almost non-existent for the coveted tribes. The reason is simply because the most critical "ingredient" reproduction and further genetic manipulation of this line betta! But some alternative farming techniques that will allow you to Fullmoon betta trophy races without starting with a female equivalent. This requires some time and a lot more attention in the mating choices. What are the criteria to consider when starting a line of full moon? How to choose a female to the right genetic combination that is suitable for both fins and color to produce?
This kept secrets is still nowhere found online at at least not easily. Over the years the breeding of special strains of betta as Crescent betta, I have seen that such knowledge is sparse, and may be published accident by chance experienced breeders around the world.
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