Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Which fishes are good and easy to keep for Beginers

Are you new to the world of pet fish to keep? With so many varieties to choose from, it might be a little overwhelming. Here are a few species of freshwater fish that make good pets for beginners and advanced aquarist (fish keeper) file.
Betas are the beautiful fish you see displayed in small bowls at your local pet store. They have long flowing fins of red, purple or blue and is very easy to install. The only drawback of Betta fish is that they only be considered - the males fight each other to death, and the females are rarely available in pet shops. They do not do so well with other domestic species, either because their long fins of other fish as food.
Goldfish is a relatively easy fish to care for pet if you give them the right size tank. They will not long survive in a goldfish bowl or small aquarium of less than 10 liters, because they produce much waste. Waste and cuts in the available oxygen in the water. A good rule of thumb is no more than 1 or 2 goldfish for every 10 liters to keep well - filtered aquarium water.
Zebra Danio
Zebra Danio is a very hardy pet fish that will do well in any size aquarium. They are tropical fish - so you need a heater in their tank to a temperature of at least 70 degrees Fahrenheit love.
Do not just buy one Zebra Danio - they are fun to look at schools with 5 or more. You will find them in most pet stores and they are compatible with almost any variety of peaceful tropical fish.
Pictures and Sword Tails
Pictures and Sword Tails are lumped together in the same category because they are similar in appearance and almost identical in their demands.
These tropical pet fish can be found in most pet stores in striking shades of orange and red. They are easy to mount when placed in a 72-degree Fahrenheit aquarium of at least 10 liters. And they get along fine with any other variety of peaceful tropical fish.
Pictures and Sword Tails mate and reproduce in the home aquarium. They are livebearers - which means their babies (FRY) swim when they are born.
Corydoras are easy care and Hardy variety of pet fish. They are a very active type of catfish, and spend most of their time swimming along the bottom of the tank eating up any leftovers.
They are tropical fish so they will do best in a heated aquarium of at least 72 degrees Celsius. You can use them in aquariums with almost all other varieties of tropical fish and they seem to be held in schools to enjoy three or more.

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