American Akita Inu Akita is separated from the much less can easily be accessed. American Akita is a heavy boned head is like a big bear. Coat it twice from its origin in the mountains of Japan, hey. Look it over again, as they and their small size, dark eyes of my tail, and it, away. They weigh between 70 100 lbs. This is a big powerful intervention.
Akita American power and the dignity of the aristocratic air exudes, and it borders a special devotion to his family is brave. This is without hesitation that his family intervened to protect the faithful. It also can be very territorial and aggressive strangers are involved.
American Akita has the properties of some cats. It is meticulously clean and wash your face like a cat. It's also the "dog" was not that bad.
American Akita can be stubborn and strong arguments for a big powerful dog owners will require careful handling. If you have an assertive person, you should not use the Akita. The puppy is very smart and pretty soon you will pick up the fears and doubts. If it is determined that you are weak to control you and your family deharyeogohapnida. This is how your property if the horse does not know the dog.
Akita dogs is very difficult to own and head strong and are well aware of his abilities. Most grow up to work alone or in pairs, they are in line with the other two companies are not reliable, especially in males and possibly another gaedeulyiitda attack.
This natural tendency can be overcome with good training and sustained. It requires ongoing strengthening exercises. The owner of the Akita and the respect that it can thrive in a loving relationship. It is, without any involvement of his family, abandoned in the yard if it is not happy. Require a lot of love and affection is a dog. If you do not have the time to offer the other, they saved.
Akita can extend that relationship needs a strong owner, and they know the owner as pack leader to confirm. Akita, please think carefully before use. It requires much training. Continuing education and you love, then a loyal and faithful friend, and your Akita with the protection of your family if you are willing to admit that. This article hopes to answer the question how-to "what kind of Akita?"
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