How to train a Chihuahua
As with all dogs, the little Chihuahua appropriate training. Do not be fooled these dogs are small. You are one of the more aggressive breeds around. Most Chihuahua owners to assume that these cute little dogs do not get into much trouble. This is a mistake because it is one of the toughest races as well. As a result, they do not even follow the instructions. It is advisable that the training of these young guys start at an early age, before the upper hand and make this educational task that much harder.
Why you should know how to train a Chihuahua
Chihuahua's have a pretty unique nature. They are the ideal companion dog and is very happy to spend all their time with you. Chihuahua breeding leads to this relationship with their owners. It is this system that can maintain their dominant behavior. This makes the social life of these little guys are so important. Otherwise, you must perform a series of bad aggression problems with this little race.
Chihuahua's small though dogs seem to be even bigger project than life. In humans, there is often referred to as "Small Man Syndrome", is also Chihuahua is a classic example of these dogs. Chihuahuas tend to stay away to strangers, and can be quite unfriendly to children. They're also a little shy and easily scared all the loud noises and so on. Good training will go a long way to solving all these issues.
How to train a Chihuahua
If the chance of your little chihuahua would take control of your home. It shows this behavior in shape, but they consider appropriate. You must make your dominance over them or controlled by them. So from the beginning, the ownership of your home.
You have to let your little Chihuahua immediately know that alpha pack leader in his world. Some basic training tips to follow here.
Feeding - set the time that the dog has been fed. Not allow you to manipulate with their cuteness.
Walking - These little guys have often walked, if possible, twice a day. Tell your Chihuahua, who is responsible when the foot is in progress. Do not let him run around all over, and make sure the proper leash to keep control.
Goto and furniture - you must set the limits for these little dogs, or they must take control of your space. Let your Chihuahua to get up when he wants or where ever he wants. If he resorts to whining or barking, you have to ignore him or give your dominance over him. Remember, a balanced dog is a happy dog. All dogs, including the little bit aggressive race to control must be strict and firm, to feel confident in the package.
Come and go - Enter your Chihuahua your attention when he has reached a state of calmness. Upon arrival at home, it will not give your immediate attention by acting on command. Only when he has calmed down, we should acknowledge him. This will ensure that he knows that the act is not to deserve your attention or love.
These little guys take the whole arm, if you allow your finger, you have to teach her Stern.
How to train a Chihuahua - Mental stimulation
Chihuahua's are little puppy, so it can be easily performed. Most people therefore do not take these little guys in the park and all, often they usually spend much time on your lap do very little physical activity. These little guys should exercise like any other dog. Not to mention the mental stimulation. Try to sit in these little guys train and to stay or be quiet in order to encourage the latter to them mentally. It is also much more rewarding, in a quiet, pleasant and confident little Chihuahua to a nasty little monster snarling and hissing over.
These small dogs can be quite stressful, if not irritated, or when bored. You have to use their energy saved some good exercise. You must also maintain your alpha position. If these little guys are welcome to act as the alpha pack leader. Avoidance of the latter will ensure that your little Chihuahua is enjoyed by all and not be avoided due to bad dog behavior. If you want people to enjoy your little friend, you must learn how to train a Chihuahua and take over the Alpha Dog role.
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