Command "Sit"
Teach your dog to sit, is very useful in many ways. Before you feed your puppy / dog, he should sit, if your guests, he must sit, not everyone is a dog lover, and some are afraid of dogs, so if he is he will not be jumping on them.
Teach your puppy to sit-
You need some goodies, so little puppy can quickly swallow.
The face of your puppy when he bend a little bit down so that the puppy did not jump up and treatment in the hand to move in front of your puppies nose and back to the top of your head, and his name and " sit "when he raises his head to his buttocks to say once he's verbally reward him with a good boy puppy name" "sit" and give him a treat.
At first it may be necessary to give a little encouragement, with the left hand while holding the command, you can gently down his back to his buttocks push the sitting position.
Be patient - it may take a couple of times for your puppy to understand that mission, when you think he has learned the command sit, you can try it without a treat when he does not sit reward him if he did not sit deal again, always remember to praise your puppy when he does well.
Once he understands the sit command, you should try other positions, teach him to sit at your side when your dog on a leash during walks, teach your dog to sit in a roadside bomb.
Note: Only ever say the command "sit" one time he can not, repeat the process.
Treatment - nose - head - are - praise when sitting.
If you repeat the word sit, he will only learn that he can sit when he wants and not on command.
Be patient - Never yell at your puppy, use a happy tone and plenty of praise.
"Come" Command
This is a very important moment when you're out in a park, you need to call your dog and you want him to come quickly,
The ideal time to learn the command "come" is the same, your dog should be a fun experience for your puppy, always start with your puppy and they command the command "Come" name and then reward him with lots of verbal praise , hugs and treats.
Note: all the commands you teach your dog not to confuse him hold on to the selected command words, you have also this exercise to repeat over a whole day until your puppy understands that every job, you teach your puppy will take some time finish, so please be patient.
Puppies name is - praise.
If the command word, the puppy will only be confused.
With this command you should always fun and rewarding your dog with treats and / or high praise, he must learn to stop what he is doing and come immediately, this is the most important command you can teach your puppy if you make it fun and rewarding, it will come because he knows something good will happen.
Where you can teach your puppy safe to learn the command "come".
There are two ways to learn this command, I will first start in a safe environment as your home or garden.
As a puppy they will generally be following you around, for example, if you're in your garden to put your washing your puppy will be close to you that your puppy be brave and start to move away from you with a happy tone at your puppy's name to call and say "come" when he jumps over to you praise him and give him a reward, always a handy little treats in a bag.
Once you praise your puppy to continue putting out your sink or what you did, give it a few minutes and repeat the command
Name of the mill - praise
After a few times your dog understand the command and just happy to please and to know what a hassle it will receive when he arrives.
Teach your puppy to go outside and away from your house.
Find a safe environment to a large park with security fence and the road, take a friend along to help if you prefer.
Standing in line with your friend, but only a short distance, you must keep the puppy turns your friend, your friend will be the name of your puppy and call the command "come" let the puppy and he will go to your friend to treat him with praise, hugs and treats. So your friend will be the puppy around your face and you want the puppies name and call the command "come", bring this fun and rewarding, so treat him with praise, hugs and treats.
Do this a few times and go for a gentle walk for about 10 minutes and repeat the command using your friend.
Remember to always use a happy tone to make it fun for the puppy if you have a miserable tone, you scared him and he will not come.
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