Thursday, August 19, 2010

How to train Dachshund Puppies well

If the type of dog is that it needs attention, the practice is much easier. But it must remain fixed, and carefully planned.
type short session - dog training should be done in short sessions of five minutes. When they decide they do not want to listen to you, it is difficult to penetrate, so you can get as much as you can before that they have a chance to consider whether they want to follow.
Fundamentals - a type of dog must be trained in basic "sit" "stay" and especially "down". Dachshunds to severe restrictions on how they can jump or climb. Bring them up and down the stairs and not allow them to move furniture. Teach them early that they are not allowed.
Clicker Training - Dachshund training works particularly well in a clicker training. Dachshunds are not really heard of, but they respond well to strong, unique sounds and clicker training can be done over short distances that correspond to their attention span as well.
Award - To punish a type of dog is not quite ineffective because they are powerful. They will be tough and aggressive may be excessive punishment. You can also use positive reinforcement to reward good behavior. Dachshunds love attention and treat the physical return of good conduct.

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