Friday, August 20, 2010

learn about Heartworms and how it can impact your pug

Heartworms are thread-like worms that live mostly on the right side of the heart of animals. The owner, you need to be aware of the fact that heartworm is spread by mosquitoes. The potentially fatal disease if left untreated.
The heartworm life cycle Pugs between six and seven months. Worms burrow into the body of the mosquito bite deformity site. Then change them to look, and finally move into the veins of the dog by the bloodstream ... and then the heart. Different signals in different animals and usually only when a significant heartworm disease progressed significantly.
The most obvious symptoms of heartworm:
• shortness of breath
• cough
• Loss of appetite
• Poor coat condition
• Jaundice
• Fits
• Problems with vision
The only way to know if your heartworm is it is taken to the vet and have blood done. There are conflicting views on how to treat heartworm in Pugs. Some say it is best to aspirin therapy dog, and saying that aspirin is dangerous.
Others say that drug resistance may be provided, as Heartgard, to tell others the type of medication is dangerous for your self. Ultimately, the treatment should be provided by a veterinarian. Many veterinarians will let Imiticide separate courses in two or three doses, depending on the size of the infection. Imiticide arsenic is a drug and is generally effective when it comes to killing adult leech. Imiticide after treatment provided, sometimes, depending on your dog health and where any organ is entered, you can give your Ivomec.
It is advisable that you need to be retested for heartworm pug approximately six months after treatment that the cells remain in heartworm body for up to four months after treatment. Your veterinarian will usually tell you to do this. It is important to keep your pug is very quiet and comfortable for at least 4-6 weeks after treatment. During this time the heartworm are dying and breaking up and processed in the body of the dog. If your heart rate up during this period, there may be small pieces of worm break off and cause clots. Piece of worm can also travel with the lungs, causing respiratory failure. It is important to take heartworm very seriously.

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