Saturday, November 20, 2010

Some cool information on how to take care of your new puppy

If you are an animal lover like me, chances are you have your own cat or dog (maybe more!) Around the house. Pets bring us joy and comfort in our lives. Once you own one, it's so easy to add more, especially if you want to frequent your local animal shelter and visit with animals or volunteering in their care.
We recently brought home two new puppies themselves, about 9 weeks old. It's a brother and sister duo, and they own our hearts. After searching for a large appliance box to serve as a kennel until they get a little bigger, we set about trying to find the perfect lines to give them a soft place to sleep. A friend who breeds Australian Shepherds for show suggested that I see some moving blankets for use in the boxes.
I had never thought of it before, but it seems like a good idea. Moving blankets are large and dense to provide a pleasant spot. Plus many models can be washed, making it good for the animals still potty trained.
To make a carpet will last longer, we decided to cut it into sections. The overall size is pretty big, so by dividing the sheet into thirds, we can still do a great cushion and still have a couple on hand to wash the day that kept the room smell good.
We discovered that a portion of the blanket draped over most of the boxes also served to mitigate the puppies from noise from space. This is especially handy when it comes to naptime for our two-legged kids at home!
Next time you decide to expand your family by adding some new puppies, you might consider picking up a few moving blankets first. They are cheap and handy!

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