Sunday, November 7, 2010

Know more on General Myths about Cats

There are several myths about cats that have the "crazy cat lady" basis. There is a board game and action figure, based on these myths.
Despite the fact that more women than men own cats, not dominated by women. Men legend have dogs, cats, women are not true. Owner is usually shared by a couple. Owners are old and old maids are also myths.
It is antisocial. A cat can be antisocial at times, but this does not reflect the personality of its owner. It is not as friendly or as beautiful as the owner of a dog. They take part in social activities so as not to cat owners. Dog owners are regarded as most dogs run.
Homeowners' full hair cat, catnip mice is also a lie. Cats shed so many dogs. Catnip mice have a limited impact, and not every owner has their use.
Pet pet owners to ensure that children are not true. A pet can party if people can not or choose not to have kids.
A cat does not like sharing her home with one another. Harry is obsessed with cats and is an exception. Tea cozies and the color pink, not preferred by them. People who knit are not necessarily fond of knitting with a cat in her arms. Owners can read a book, watch TV or just relax in one of the rounds.
Cat people are not evil or sinister. A person holding a black cat is a witch or demon. Halloween is a time to go out and do crazy things.

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