Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Get Insight on Vaccination reactions in cats

Vaccination reactions in cats are usually associated with sarcoma, but these tumors are just one of the possible reactions. Adverse reactions to vaccinations have been investigated for several years in humans, but they can also occur in your cat. The age of your cat and the type of vaccine used to play important roles in a reaction, but it is generally accepted that the benefits far outweigh the potential risks. Although still eligible for an unusual reaction to vaccination, it will be anything but unusual when it affects your cat. For this reason it is very useful for an owner to understand the potential risks.
Vaccination reactions in cats begins with what is known as anaphylaxis, which is a relatively rare but very dangerous condition. Actually, if there occurs and is not treated immediately, it can quickly kill your cat. Anaphylaxis is an allergic reaction to something that your cat has taken, or in this case slightly injected. This reaction will happen very quickly in your cat, but there is a misunderstanding about the timing. It can happen in just a matter of minutes in some cases, but it can take as long as 24 hours before it pops. If it takes several hours, it is far more dangerous.
The reason is that if it occurs within minutes after a vaccination, your cat is your vet, and they can respond very quickly. But if it takes several hours and you are not fully aware of what is happening, you will not have time to get professional help. Anaphylaxis can cause shock, respiratory failure and heart failure in your cat. If it is serious enough, it can also lead to sudden death. However, it is estimated by the medical community that only one case in every 15,000 vaccinations results in anaphylaxis, but it is just an estimate, because there are no precise figures.
This type of vaccine reactions in cats are almost always associated with what is described as a vaccine slain, and the two most common are rabies and leukemia vaccinations. The reason is that a slain a vaccine has many viral or bacterial particles per dose, and chemicals added and is designed to help your cat's immune system. However, all these combined will also be the chance that your cat has an allergic reaction.
If your cat is having one of these types of vaccinations, there are several possible symptoms that you have very good eye. If one of them, you react as quickly as possible. The first symptom is a very sudden onset of diarrhea or vomiting that will happen as soon as your cat will not be making their litter box. If this happens, check their gums and their limbs immediately. If their gums are pale and their limbs are cold, it's an extreme emergency.
By now, your cat the wrist very quickly, but their hearts will be so low you may not be able to detect it. If your cat is not treated as soon as possible, you will begin the following symptoms of shock, which is followed by an attack to see. Unfortunately, this can also result in the death of your cat.
Vaccination reactions in cats following possible treatment is perhaps the best known; sarcomas. A fibrosarcoma in your cat has a tumor in their connective tissue that a tendency to go very deep into their skin. In recent years this type of cancer has increased dramatically, and there are a lot of speculation in the medical community is that they are a result of vaccination, especially FeLV vaccine. For this is either highly recommended or required in some parts of the world has led to an entirely new evaluation and new set of protocols. It is this sudden increase of fibrosarcoma that has led the medical community now recommend that adult cats have very limited exposure to FeLV were not vaccinated.
But if your cat has had vaccinations, there are several things you can look. The first is a very small swelling, which will begin to occur at or near the place where the vaccination. There will be pain associated with it in most cases, so your cat does not bother, and chances are you will miss unless you are looking for. It is not uncommon for a small bump to appear with all vaccinations, and not regarded as adverse as they usually will disappear in a few weeks.
But if they do not, look even closer. If it no longer than three months and begins to grow, there is clearly something wrong, and the chance is very high that this type of vaccine reactions in cats. These tumors are not only very dangerous but also very invasive, because they go very deep into your cat tissues. They can be surgically removed, but it will also remove a lot of healthy tissue surrounding the tumor as well. In most cases they will need radiation and chemotherapy treatments.
Other possible reactions:
Vaccination reactions in cats did not stop there, because there are several other potential responses. The following list includes neurological disorders, especially cerebellar diseases. These types of illnesses are much more common in kittens less than five weeks old when vaccinated and include ataxia, which is an error in the motor skills and Dysmetria. Dysmetria is a situation where your cat can not regulate the rates, area and power of each movement. This will result in a "long-legged cat when you can not judge any distance.
These types of reactions are almost always associated with what is called modified live vaccines.The next set of possible vaccine reactions can cause discomfort at the injection site and fever. But these are not considered as dangerous as all other possible responses. If swelling is normal, it will cause pain, redness and irritation for your cat and it can easily happen in a few hours or days after vaccination. In most cases they will eventually go away, but if they do not, you should examine your cat.
Fever is often within a few days after vaccination, but it must also decide on its own. Fever is most common with Chlamydia vaccines.
Lameness can also occur and can be caused by various vaccines including modified live vaccine calicivirus. This problem may occur within a few days or a few weeks and can easily be treated with fluids and antibiotics and generally will be no long term problem.

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