Monday, October 17, 2011

Common diseases in gold fish

Goldfish are susceptible to the disease and once infected can greatly shortened life span. The most common reasons goldfish get sick if the fish tank is dirty, because of poor filtration, water and oxygen is too low, the temperatures are either too hot or too cold and misfeeds. Prevention and early detection is key to help ensure a healthy goldfish.

Ich (Ick, Ichtyopthirius, Freshwater White Spot Disease)

Symptoms: Body and / or fins are covered with small white dots and rapid gill movements can be observed in later phases.

Ich is one of the most common diseases of goldfish, and if untreated can be fatal to your fish. Treatment can take many days to heal, and it must be treated immediately since Ich is highly contagious.

The disease is easily recognizable. The white dots are small and sometimes many, about a millimeter in size. They are easiest to see transparent fins of the fish. When you're on fish medicine has no effect on Ich. As the parasite grows, however, it will ultimately deliver the fish to reproduce. At the bottom of the tank, it will a cyst (also resistant to medications) and soon hatch into hundreds of baby parasites will find a new host animal. This process weakens the fish and leaves holes in the body of the fish. A severely affected fish will probably be a rapid gill movements.

Solution: Contact your veterinarian or pet for further instructions. A number of effective medications available. It is wise to treat your main tank to ensure that you successfully remove all traces of the parasite from the deleted (but it may be useful to move a severely affected fish to a quarantine tank). Let the filter run, but remove all carbon because this substance takes medicine out of the water.

Fin Rot or Tail

Symptoms: Fin rot is a general term for necrotic loss of fin tissue, resulting in split or ragged fins. It is usually on the edge of the fin that is attacked, although occasionally a hole may appear in the middle of the fin. The emergence of fin rot can vary from a single, semi-circular "bite" shape and a "fragmented" effect.

Almost all cases are caused by stress, anxiety or poor environmental conditions. Rot is often one of the first signs that a goldfish disease problem exists and all cases should be examined to determine the underlying cause.

Solution: You must first identify and resolve the causes of stress may be due to a fish disease such as parasites, overcrowding, low oxygen levels, bullying or poor water quality. If they are caught early enough, removal of the stressor is sufficient.
Medications used to treat symptoms Melafix, Maracyn, salt, antibiotics as a last resort (like tetracycline or sulfa-based products), hydrogen peroxide bath, or used in the area (be very aware that this does not touch the gills since this can be fatal).


Symptoms: gray or gray-white tufts of cottony material on parts of the body of the fish, sometimes almost all the fish skin.

If mold is suspected that there are several possible causes. All are somewhat similar in appearance, and include common fungus, mouth fungus and body fungus.

Fungus normally indicates there is a problem that weakens the goldfish. Some possibilities include parasites or even an injury caused by spawning or due to a collision with a tank decoration. Whatever secondary causes must be found and included in the fish are treated for mold.

Solution: To improve water conditions and treatment immediately. Standard anti-fungal medications, such as methylene blue, is usually very effective, but filtration and water quality effects. When the disease is on open wounds, aquarium salt at a dose of 1-3g/litre can help reduce salt loss.


Symptom: Goldfish have difficulty passing stools, or is constantly behind the fish. This is often caused by a diet without enough variety, or by feeding too many starchy foods.

Solution: This problem is easily solved by switching to a diet with more variety and roughage. Some suggestions are live foods, peas, spinach, and tubifex worms. Entice the fish to swallow a grain of Epsom salt is also said to be beneficial.

It is also recommended to dry fish food be soaked in water until soft before feeding. This helps with digestion and reduces constipation.


Symptoms: Dropsy is a bacterial infection that infects the goldfish from within and ensure that the scales protrude from the body of goldfish is. Dropsy can be caused by a bacterial infection that causes kidney failure in goldfish. The problem is that by the time you see symptoms of dropsy on your goldfish, kidney damage already done.

Solution: The main defense of dropsy for your goldfish parasite free, which will reduce the risk of bacterial infections, which in turn will reduce the risk of kidney failure. A broad spectrum anti-bacterial treatment is the best option in most cases.

Pop Eye

Symptoms: Fish stinging eyes is unusual. It is important to realize that some varieties of goldfish eyes out naturally, like the Moor, Bubble Eye Celestial and water. In adolescence, it is possible to develop their eyes in their adult configuration. Sometimes a fish will not develop telescopic eyes until it was two years old.

Pop eye, however, is a fish disease that causes the eyes to get away from sticking their heads of the fish in an unusual way. Pop eye is usually caused by blood poisoning or tuberculosis.

Swim Bladder Disorder

Symptoms: A goldfish with swim bladder disorder will periodically float on its side on the surface of the water or swim on its side a lot. Usually this only periodically, with the fish sometimes able to swim normally. If a fish lies on its side on the surface of the water without moving at all even after touching it can be a sign of a fatal kidney problem which fancy goldfish are prone to.

Remedy: counter goldfish to swim greedily sucking on the surface of food by soaking flake food before feeding, then sink lower in the water so the goldfish do not intake as much air. The food will be less dry and instead of taking fluid and swelling in the digestive tract, causing blockages, the food will be moister and easily digestible. An increase in vegetable content in the diet of goldfish, it can also help, and to add salt to the aquarium water.

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