Thursday, July 1, 2010

Dog Burns Possible symptoms and prevention

What is burning dog? How do they affect our beloved pets? What can we do to prevent this? If you are wondering, some of these questions, then this is for you. Here is everything you need to know about burning the dog.
Like the people, burns dogs usually caused by extreme temperatures, radiation (due to overexposure to the sun for example) or exposure to harsh chemicals like chlorine or similar products may result.
Dogs can have two types of burns: superficial and deep.
Superficial burns are painful, but less severe compared with deep burns. As indicated, damage can easily singed hair or red skin are found. In this case, the heat was not enough to damage follicles so the hair intact on the body of your dog.
Burn to the other side, a deep one condition is serious enough that sometimes you put a dog in shock as a defense mechanism against the pain. In terms of physical signs, you can see, hair loss, bald patches affected or even open wounds in certain parts. In severe cases, one can also notice that the skin does not just "red", but it's also an ugly gray color.
Solution treatment
In general, superficial burns to his dog heals better when compared with deep burns. In less serious cases, you probably do not need to rush your dog to a vet because it can easily be cured with the ice packs and topical ointment or antibiotics. After application to respect the wound by applying a loose wire. If your dog has the fire is a chemical hard the first thing you should do to wash the harmful substances in the water. You can also neutralize some acid with baking soda.
In the case of deep burns, make it a point to get your pet to the vet to get away. Burns, this level can be achieved, have caused serious damage to the nerve endings of your dog. Your veterinarian must be carried out a series of procedures to stop the bleeding and protect your pet against infection. Plus, you have the idea that your dog shaved hair open, because this is a common procedure not only for dogs but also people.
Prevention of burns dog is very simple. Avoid your animal under the hot sun for a long time. You should also get them away if you have a series of aggressive chemicals such as acids or paint thinner. Note that these chemicals are not only harmful to the skin, but it can also be deadly if your dog accidentally swallowed.
In addition, the extra step to make your home fire proof, it can get some money, but you must therefore be regarded not only for the safety of your pets, but also for your family. Remember that a victim of the fire a terrible situation to be found yourself. So you do not give yourself - or your precious pooch - sensitive to this tragedy.

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