Sunday, October 3, 2010

Important tips for for first dog owners

Owning a dog obedience is the goal of most dog people. There are many different training methods and you can spend a lot of time and money for books, videos and training. Dog training is not the technology, it's about principles. We must understand how the mind to take your dog to get cooperation. Just after other advice will make you and your dog happy in the long term. If on the other hand, one can understand the principles of dog training, do not need much advice in the long run because you know exactly what to do.
To be a good companion dog
* Confidence* Lie on your* I love and feel loved by you
So, in short, the golden rule is:
What do the dog training
... They do nothing to violate the trust of your dog in areas
... It denied the opportunity to add
... It has refused to accept the love and admiration and will not stop loving him herself
A dog that is a deep relationship with its owner, the experience probably does his best to his face as possible please. This connection allows the dog to understand what is waiting and wants to follow the wishes of the owner.
A dog on the other side, which is not, we live in a strong bond with the person, may be inclined, please train whenever possible, and therefore heavier.
A dog owner is afraid we will try to do what expected, because they fear punishment.
Mutual trust and understanding are the key to happiness and dog owner. Love has the power to overcome obstacles and barriers between different species. This should promote and protect the dogs and love and trust.

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