Tuesday, October 5, 2010

What can you do to make your dog stop barking at bird nests

If you want to stop learning how to make your dog barking at a bird house, as this article was written for you. In particular we talk about why your dog is doing, and what you can do about it! By the time you finish reading this guide, you'll know what to do about it. So there you go.
Firstly it is important to investigate the reasons for this behavior. Your dog may see the birds as a threat and want to warn you. It is your dogs way of defending its territory. It can also be bored and a little to entertain or distract him today, barking at birds think the best thing to do!
So what is the solution to all this? One way is to ensure that your dog has some entertainment during the day. Try not to let him alone for long, but if you must, make sure that there is a range of toys and chews to get him busy and distracted by less desirable behavior.
One thing to avoid shouting "No!" with your dog. Any loud noises such as these will probably think of your dog, you are attending! This will only reward and quiet for this behavior, it is not what you want to do.
Boredom is usually the main trigger for this type of barking - so if you can keep your dog entertained, you can prevent this problem successfully in the future. But if you're still stuck, you may need to seek professional help.

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