Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Are you looking for a substrate material for your lizard tank?

Looking for a substrate material for your tank Lizard? Sand is one of the most common suggestions found, and it is a very useful substrate material. But it is not without problems. To ensure that you will use your property, some leopard gecko sand substrate tips.


Let's start with the good. Sand is a relatively inexpensive and easy to process material. Plus, it's very easy to spot clean. Take the part of the sand, where lizards deposited fecal matter and replaced with new sand and you are fine. Newspapers and other paper surfaces may not be as easy to recognize beauty, and you'll find yourself replacing more than just the place you want to replace. The replacement of the sand is just as easy. Just empty the tank and replace the old with the new. You should try to do it at least every month. Do not forget to scrub the tank with an antiseptic as well as traces of fecal matter and other materials can be kept within the walls, but you can not see it.

Proper Grain

The first thing you should know about the sand, you want to use the grain. Fine-grained sand is the best way to go. Going to big can begin to cause problems when your lizard eat an inevitable part of the sand. If you want to use sand, sand ingestion is a reality you must face, so go with fine sand to minimize the unwanted sand health problems such as intestinal impaction. A grain of about half a millimeter should be fine.

If you have no choice, you can still use the larger grain of sand for your substrate, but only to be used for lizards, which are fully grown. Even sub-adults can run into problems with grains of about 1-2mm and above.

Tips for Sand Ingestion

If you are afraid of you have problems with sand lizard intake, you can check if their stomachs. If they are exceptionally hard, you might have a problem. If the lizard is dull, you should treat them with mineral oil to help with sand.

Lizard Age

No sand, lizards who are too young. Even fine-grained sand is often too large for your baby's tiny digestive Lizard. Try to wait until your lizard is about 6 inches long, before moving on to the sandy ground. For the really young lizards, try other materials such as paper, newspapers, gravel or stone to use. Artificial turf has been suggested by some, but though it is not so easy, even though these particular lizards are pretty nice, usually choosing a place to use as a bathroom instead of just polluting the tank in random order.

Chems and materials

Sand can sometimes contain more than just look. You should ask if the sand, you are buying is free from such things as fertilizer and pesticides, as they may be harmful to your pet. You can buy sand that previously treated and cleaned, so you're sure no harm can come to your loved living jewels.

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