Saturday, June 18, 2011

Insight on Green Turtles

Green Turtles (Chelonia mydas) are found worldwide in tropical and subtropical waters, coral reefs rich in seaweed and seagrass meadows of the coast. Mature greens usually feed on seaweed and seagrass even unripe greens are carnivorous. 
Features include: 
o 4 pairs of large scales on each side (coastal scales) 
o Does not have thick overlapping scales 
o protective shield, shell-like covering on the back of the turtle), high arched 
o Adult carapace approx. 1.0m 
o Color light to dark green with dark spots 
There are seven different genetic stocks in Australia, including the Coral Bay on the coast North West Shelf status from the Pilbara coast are the largest group in Western Australia. 
There are between 20,000 to 30,000 green turtles in Western Australia - is the most common types of turtles in WA. 
The number of green turtles that nest each season in Western Australia was affected by El Nino, talk to a breeder visit beach can vary from tens to hundreds of thousands of very poor seasons in the good season. Their breeding areas are found on the sandy beaches of Ningaloo mainland and the season you can book an extra trip to see this. 
Resident adults greens seen along the edges of the reefs and rocks to Coral Bay. You can stroll along the beach, the lagoon, about 2 km and there are some beautiful areas on the rocks, where you can sit and watch them. As part of your tour 11 days, if you choose to go on the quad bike tour that includes seeing turtles.There's also a chance you see a straight snorkeling on the beach in Coral Bay. 
The increased volume, predominantly female adult turtles are harvested for food by Aboriginal people who live along the northern coast. If turtle eggs are readily available, they will be collected.Stationed Torres Strait Islanders and other indigenous "salt water" people outside the country in the Western Australian community, as Dampier-Karratha area is also known to hunters of green turtles. Indonesian fishermen are also known exploiters of the green turtles in Australian waters. 
Legal interest turtle harvest took place in Western Australia since 1870. Between 1931 and 1936 a turtle soup factory work at Cossack (near Karratha). It is estimated that up to 2500 large green turtles were taken annually from around the Dampier Archipelago and Montebello Islands. In the 1940's-1950 is an unregulated harvest green turtle soup canneries continued to deliver in Perth and Cossacks. 
Between 1958 and 1973. A commercial turtle fishery approved by the state fisheries legislation is guided along the north-west coast green turtles were harvested from Coral Bay on the Montebello Islands. It is estimated that at least 60,000 green turtles caught.Commercial products were mainly exported to European markets. 
Migrating adult greens are known to cross international borders.For example, breeding female green turtles tagged and released from nesting beaches in Western Australia caught in Indonesia.

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