Monday, February 7, 2011

Cats are one of our most treasured pets.

Cats are with us for thousands of years and is a part of our history. Some studies suggest that the domestication of cats began in ancient Egypt. The treated cats as sacred animals. They even believed that their ancestors are included in the body of the cat. Cats that once believed in the power to keep for dark magic. Black cats were once thought to be an ally of witches and bore some mysterious forces. It was believed that black cats bad luck of it and can see ghosts so well. But some disagree and believe that cats lucky creatures, and they have nine lives. But how can we define scientifically what cats?
The cats' descendants came from the family Felidae, which are known to be able to withdraw their claws.Their claws are sheathed in relaxing during their toe pads. They keep their claws sharp by them withdrawn. They also maintain his edge by scraping the trees. That is why cat owners have their cat scratching posts. It is used to keep their pets from destroying furniture. Cats are known to be manipulative and independent. Films made them more popular villains in the film. Cats are known for good night vision and a great sense of togetherness as well. However, cats have a problem with their taste buds, that's why they can not really taste the sweetness. Cats are raised in captivity are known to a life of fourteen years. However, wild or feral cats are known to live for four score seven years. Cats can also suffer from a number of health problems such as parasites and chronic diseases. Always try to keep your medications away from your cat. This is because drugs known to kill cats.
Cats are one of our most beloved pets. They are known as sweet and very intelligent. Cats are quite elusive and tend to be cautious with their movements, unlike dogs that are downright eloquent when it comes to their feelings. But both are big and sweet pets.

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