Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Insight on different types of wild Cats

You realize there are 35 different types of wild cats? It does not include my beautiful silver Persian cats. I suppose they have a family area in 35 different types. Seven types belong to the group known as "big cat." These are:
* Leo
* Tigers
* The Jaguar
* The cheetah
* The Leopard
* The snow leopard
* The clouded leopard
The other 28 types belong to the group of young cats, now here is where my beautiful silver Persian cat suit, I'm sure. Cats who live with the person households are in homes worldwide. The cats were tamed, that translates to being "tame" or "up".
The wild cats live in the real parts of the world except Antarctica, Australia and Madagascar. The wild cats find their resting places and shelter elsewhere from the trees in the cave. It gives us an understanding of why our domesticated cats like high places and areas with something.
The cat family all have long, muscular, supple body and rounded heads with tails of different lengths. Their members range from short to long. The front feet have five toes and hind feet four. Each toe has a nail. Even as a kitten, my Persian cat stretching their front and hind legs as if to warm me "they have a nail for their protection if necessary."
I think Taz and Fairy, just shut the nail right back up, but their instinct is what tells them to reveal this aspect of their anatomy. I understand. The cat's nails pulled back foot.
The cat's feet are covered with hair, except pads of their feet so they can pursue their victims into silence. They have a keen sense of smell, hearing and sight. Their long, stiff, sensitive whiskers help them move and hunt at night.
Black-footed cat has a head and body about 14-16 inches long and weighs between 2 and 4 ½ pounds, making it the smallest of the wild cats. The puma cat is 3 ½ to 6 ½ feet long and can weigh up to 225 pounds making it the largest of the small wild cat family. Now at least the wild felines are "clouded leopard." This wild cat is 2-3 ½ feet long with a two to three meters long tail. They weigh around 30-45 pounds. The biggest of the big cats is the tiger. Tigre will be 7 ½ to 10 feet in length (this is not including their tails) and can weigh up to 575 pounds. There is a Siberian tiger, which weighed about 845 pounds. One of the main differences between the small wild cats and the big wild cats are the sounds they make. The small wild cat purrs constantly and not roar. The big wild cats roar, but not spinning. The exception here is the clouded leopard and snow leopard. These are big cats can not roar, but only purr like small wild cats. Cats are meat eaters and skilled hunter.
I feed my silver Persian cats dry food as a staple and give them something that resembles, in texture and smells like raw food as a treat every day. There are many people who feed their tame raw food. I just have not been able to do it with my cat, although I have a feeling they just love raw food. They can not wait for their treats, and specially created specially packed and delivered raw food diet for dogs and cats I can try them for once have. These foods are often quite expensive.
The wild cats have extremely powerful jaws, which contains 30 sharp teeth. They stalk their grasp last very quiet and fast. This is another natural behavior, I look at the silver Persian cats. The wild cats are able to run fast and catch their prey quickly. Their last nearly all animals they can overpower. These include birds and fish, as I imagine many domesticated cats stalk, catch and eat if you get the chance. I do not want to see one such case.
Some wild cats prey on reptiles. The big wild cats, like leopards, prey on livestock and large animals like buffaloes. The wild cats have very few, if any, natural enemies. Their biggest threat is probably in humans. When cats are attacked they defend themselves with their very sharp teeth and nails.
All members of the family cat walk, trot, or run, are good climbers and some are even good swimmers (not Persian cats). Most wild cats live only, avoiding contact with other animals. Some wild cats live in pairs or family groups. A group of lions is called "breasts".
All cats have a special skill and it is to continue to land on their feet when they jump or fall. This occurs even though they are upside down when they started to fall.
Cats can live as long as 30 years. Smaller dogs usually have one or two litters or cubs each year. The larger cats sometimes spawn only once every two or three years.

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