Tuesday, January 4, 2011

What could be some possible reasons for sudden blindness caused in cats

Sudden blindness in cats is an absolutely horrible experience for each owner and for your cat. One day your cat is just fine, and the next day they gone completely blind. It is a condition that can react quickly and if you seek professional help as soon as possible, in most cases can be reversed. But the key is to catch it, test for, and respond as quickly as you can. There is only one known cause of where this condition is not reversed, and that is a reaction to a drug called Baytril.
Sudden blindness in cats is not hard to recognize, even if the absolute furthest thing from your mind. Your cat will show some very obvious symptoms such as sudden shocks in furniture or objects, and a loss of balance. They may also start to cry because they have absolutely no idea what happened. If you see signs that develop very quickly, immediately inspect their students.
You can easily do so by a torch, this sinking as low as you can, and then directly into the eyes of your cat as close as you can without alarming them. If their pupils shrink at all, it's a very good sign and they are not blind. If they remain open, your cat has lost their sight. Another test is a piece of paper or something to take and put it directly into their eyes. Their normal reaction is to blink, if they do not, be confirmed and you must immediately seek medical attention.
Sudden blindness in cats is a very short list of possible causes. This list includes hypertension, diabetes, thyroid problems, and kidney problems. All possible causes of sudden blindness can be treated, but the last touch, a drug reaction. In this case, the drug is Baytril, and it is a common drug used to treat infections. This reaction is not very common and the dosage must be quite high, but whether it will cause blindness in your cat, it's not reversible. For this reason you should stay as far away from it as you can.
The most common cause of sudden blindness in cats is hypertension, also known as hypertension. It is more common in older cats, and this is causing retinal detachment occur suddenly take your cat vision. The full name of this condition is defined as systemic arterial hypertension, and an increase in both systolic and diastolic arterial blood pressure, your cat, or ABP.
The pressure of the blood in your cat has two values and the first is the systolic pressure of the high value that arises when their heart contracts and pumps blood. The second, diastolic pressure, is referred to as the low cost and it happens when your heart relaxes and fills cats.
If the systolic reading your cat goes higher to 160 mm Hg is considered high and dangerous. And diastolic pressure greater than 110 mm Hg, it can also be dangerous. There is however a major challenge in the diagnosis of this condition, it is very difficult to control.
A stethoscope is used for human trials can not be used for cats, and because of this, your vet should use what is called a Doppler invent. The problem with this is that the sight of it would threaten almost any cat, and it may take several attempts to get it right. Your cat is also seen in other symptoms of blindness and include a sudden change of personality, and a state of depression. If you experience these symptoms of blindness, is a high blood pressure.
The following potential underlying cause of sudden blindness in cats is diabetes. Diabetes is caused by high glucose in the blood of your cat and if not caught and treated, will result in a sudden loss of vision. There are some signs you can look for your cat is developing diabetes, but there is a fundamental misconception: cataracts. Diabetes is caused by cataracts in dogs but not cats. It will lead to polydipsia, which is a very sudden increase in their thirst, and polyuria, which is a sudden increase in urination.
It can also lead to inappropriate elimination if your cat just can not make their litter box in time. If you notice, they are likely to develop diabetes. They will also begin to lose weight because they do not feel like eating, and it is even in cats with ravenous appetites. However, there is a telling sign that your cat is developing diabetes, a change in their walk or gait. Diabetes affects the nervous system of your cat as a result, they begin to walk with their heels touching the ground. If any of these symptoms, may cause sudden blindness is not far behind.
Thyroid problems;
The next potential cause of sudden blindness in cats is a thyroid problem, which in turn causes high blood pressure and lead to sudden loss of vision. The most striking of the early warning signs of this disease is a very sudden weight loss, but eating habits in your cat with diabetes are very different. Your cat will really start to eat more, but they are losing weight too fast.
Kidney disease;
Kidney disease, also known as kidney disease, high blood pressure can also cause your cat, especially in older cats. There are several possible causes of this disease are age and cancer. However, the most common cause seen as the result of a viral, fungal or bacterial infection of a kind. Could well be the result of parasites that can cause an inflammation that can cause kidney disease. This is usually where the drugs came to this general equation, especially Baytril.
All possible causes of sudden blindness in cats can be treated and controlled in most every case except one, a reaction to medication. There is only one drug has been documented by the medical community, as one of the effects of a sudden loss of vision, and that the drug Baytril. Enrofloxacin Baytril is the brand name, which covers the broad spectrum antibiotic used to treat many different types of bacterial infections to treat.

1 comment:

  1. Wondering where this was translated from. I read "inspect their students" but think it was meant to say "inspect their pupils."
